SEN 2724 - Hanging out, hanging around and just hanging
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- Category: Archive 2020
- Hits: 1292
SEN 2724
Hanging out, hanging around and just hanging
1. Thermiksense special offer and issue 1/2020
2. My Almost Missed Max aka Hines Hanging
3. USA Electric Flyer – take note
Thermiksense special offer and issue 1/2020
From: Bernhard Schwendemann
When you have to stay at home, why not to read the German freeflight
magazine Thermiksense?
We have a special offer: 4 copies from our stock (selected by us) for 8
Euro/Dollar incl. shipment. For details see on our webpage, you may pay by
Issue 1/2020 is just coming from the printers shop. For the content please
see here:
Or some more general info in English:
Bernhard Schwendemann
Editor’s Comment – Apologies to Bernhard – we got this a little while back and some how it got over looked – but here it is now.
My Almost Missed Max aka Hines Hanging
From : Chris Lenartowicz
Reading a lot of the SEN contributors' "missed max" stories lately prompted me to share a similar story of my own.
Several years ago at an event at Lost Hills, I had lined up next to a bunch of other F1A flyers for a round start. With everyone sensing a good early thermal, there was a quick rush to launch straight up at the bell without circling. Wanting to avoid the chaos of falling towlines around me, I decided to instead make one quick circle, and then hopefully join the others already in the big thermal.
As I prepared for my launch, I felt a towline loop fall and wrap around my neck, forming something of a noose. It turned out Lee Hines was having some issues of his own and had circled at low altitude creating a lot of slack in his line, one loop of which had managed to fall straight on top of me (like a successful ring toss). As he pulled on the line and picked up speed to regain altitude and launch, I felt the line tightening around my neck! In panic, I dropped my own line to free my hands and save myself, pushing his line over my head and squeezing out just in time as the noose closed. I repeated the flight and managed to max, but that round almost cost me both the max and my head!
Lee and I had a laugh about it after, of course, debating whether he had lassoed me or I had carelessly wandered into his falling line, but it remains a good reminder to me to always keep focused and stay safe out there.
Chris Z. Lenartowicz
F1A Canada
USA Electric Flyer – take note
From : Jack Murphy
Please use this link to see the AMA Rule Change Proposals-
OFF21-1 and OFF21-2 regard small glider events.
OFF21-3 through OFF21-10 (*OFF21-5* seems to have been withdrawn) regard AMA Electric events. These proposals vary greatly, it is important that they be considered thoughtfully. The Contest Board Members will be voting on May 1st and they need your input!.
Please use this link to see who the Contest Board Members are-
Discussions may be had on FaceBook on the F1Q and Electric page. Or you may email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and I will include all in a discussion thread. I have my opinions as do others I am sure, but this SEN notice is for informational purposes only.
Kind Regards, -j