SEN 2331 - 17 Aug 2017 Szentes Spider

Table of Contents – SEN 2331

  1. 'The Szentes Spider'

'The Szentes Spider'

From : Chris Edge? on FB group Free Flight

This image will likely become known as 'The Szentes Spider'. It shows tracks of all models using the iCare GPS system on F1A day, and some from the F1B/C flyoffs. Maximum heights are ~400m and distances ~2.5kms. Maybe one of the winner's flights are on here. CHE

It was not as Igor Bombek does not have a GPS 
Some of the comments 

Lee Hines –USA  "Over the river & thru the woods"...

Neil Pollock Malcolm Campbell Matthew Hannaford – Australia very interesting.

Allard van Wallene – Netherlands  Almost like deliberately aiming for the water :-O

Chris Edge – UK Maybe we should award extra points for a direct hit ? CHE

Allard van Wallene – Netherlands Second round, WTF-1 taking a dip.
Allard van Wallene  - NL Bonus points for full electronics emersion.
Chris Edge – UK  Allard you need to fire your software engineer. Get a system with .kml file capability and watch the model against the map in the air. Then DT when you know you won't hit the hazard. I can recommend such a system if you wish ...... CHE

Allard van Wallene – NL  Chris Edge No worries, such a system is already in-house. Just need time to modify all ships. If it fails I'd need some hands-on experience from someone to fire myself ;-)  ***

*** Note that Allard flys a full carbon F1A with sophisticated electronic “timer” – all home grown

Ismail Sarioglu – Turkey Such a beautiful field, such a bad management ...
Javier Abad  - Spain "beautiful"

Richard Ranney - USA The one having flown furthest to the left has a excellent glide slope!