SEN 2064

Table of Contents - SEN 2063

  1. California Reminder
  2. Cal FAI
  3. Sierra Cup
  4. Looking for tail boom AL
  5. FFQ 57

California Reminder

The California FAI and Sierra Cup are coming up real soon now

Brian and Mike have asked me to give a special reminder for the  barbeque banquet on the filed after the fly offs on Saturday night .

By request Brian had added F1J to the mini-events- not mentioned on the reminder flyers below


                           Oct 10th&12th Reserve Oct13th, 2015 at Lost Hills Field, CA

Sponsored by Southern California Aero Team

AMERICAS CUP Contest                  Sanction No.15-xxxxx




Saturday, Oct 10th: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1Q, F1P

Seven 18dfb0df7cee95c90f2b17077a270457 one hour rounds start @ 8:00 AM with extended max times

F1A and P:  210 sec, F1B and Q: 240 sec, F1C: 240 sec

Remaining round maxes are 180 sec. 

Fly off schedule 30 min after end of last round. Event start times will be posted


Monday Oct 12th F1G, F1H,  F1S

Tie Breaker flight to the ground. F1G 7:30- 7:40; F1H 7:45-7:55; F1S 8:00: -8:10

There may be a slight delay if F1A, F1B, F1C require morning fly offs

Standard Four [4) rounds 90 minute long starting @ 9AM, 120 sec maxes,

Fly to the ground to count as round 1 and will be the flyoff tie breaker

90 minute rounds to be shared with Sierra Cup

F1C 1st place in memory of Kenny Happersett


F1S provisional

Tie breaker as above 10 second engine time to the ground

F1S will run in rounds the same as F1H & F1G  ( 10 sec engine 2 minute max)

Entry Fees:

FAI events: FIA, B, C, G, H, J, P, Q; $25 first event, $10 for second


AMA age juniors: $5/event, or All-In Fee of 10


Trophies awarded for 1-2-3 places in F1A, B, C, G, and F1H


Junior Hi-Time Trophy Glider, Rubber


F1Q  & F1P F1S 1st only 


AMA & Lost Hills Field Assn memberships are MANDATORY

FAI events run to the 2015 FAI rules

Processing of models will be done as normal course


Q flyers to measure, calculate, and monitor one another’s motor runs

Flight line will move as needed to avoid retrieval from fields

No Moto-flapping

RDT allowed all events.

Contest Director                                                                    

Brian Van Nest

2346 Cheyenne Dr

Bishop CA 93514

Home 760-873-5073

Cell 760-937-0177                                          

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.                                      

39th Annual Sierra Cup
FAI International Free Flight Contest
October 11-13, 2015
A World and America’s Cup Event
Sponsored by:
Southern California Aero Team
Lost Hills, California, USA

Schedule of Events:
Sunday, October 11 F1A, F1B, F1C, F1Q

Seven 1 hour rounds starting at 8AM with extended 1st Round maxes per current rules.
Fly Offs to be posted after Round 7. Sierra Cup field BBQ after conclusion of California
FAI on Saturday evening.

Monday, October 12 Mini Events F1G, F1H, F1P/J, F1S

Shared with The California FAI Mini Events five rounds starting at 9AM (90 minutes to
fly two flights, one for California FAI one for Sierra Cup). Sierra Cup fly off at
conclusion of round five. Note California FAI first round flight to ground will determine
winner and counts as round one. Sierra Cup flies second flight each round.

Tuesday, October 13 Reserve Day

The contest will be run to current 2015 FAI rules and maxes. No moto-flapping.
No timers are provided. FAI Stamp should be shown at registration. F1C fuel not
provided so BYOF for F1C.

Send Entries Fees to and Request Further Information From:
Mike McKeever - CD
4252 Mockingbird St
Fair Oaks, Ca 95628
(916) 967-8475
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Entry Fees:

Any single event (Mini or Maxi) $45
One “Mini” event and one “Maxi” event $60
Entry includes banquet- extra banquet price $20 each
Entries to be received with check payable to SCAT before Wednesday, October 7. If you
request to be on a pole with someone, I would suggest entry by mail before October 7th.
Non-US competitors may advise of entry before October 7 and pay at the field.

Name:____________________________E-Mail____________________ AMA #___________________
Event: Circle Those You Will Fly F1A F1B F1C F1Q F1P/j F1G F1H F1S
Entry Fee and Extra Fund Raiser Tickets Enclosed $____________

Looking for the aluminuim used on tail booms

From:     John Lorbiecki
Hi folks!
I need a piece of aluminum that is commonly used on tail booms. I could use a piece approximately 6" x 12". Anyone got some laying around?
Also, does anyone have a complete tail boom for a 2005 version of the Verbitsky F1C model- conventional, non geared?
TnxJohn This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

FFQ#57 for October 2015 has appeared

From:     Sergio Montes
Could you please insert this  message in your next SEN?
With thanks


The Table of contents for the new issue of Free Flight Quarterly is shown below.
A summary of the articles can be seen (and downloaded) from our website:

In this issue of Free Flight Quarterly #57:

Editorial: The rise and rise of Mongolia                 Sergio Montes
F.F. World Champs. Mongolia 2015 report            Sergio Montes                Contest report
Hi-Ho, a 1941 Wakefield                                    Ed Lidgard                      Vintage Rubber model
Kulmakko’s KK48 and KK49 F1A models            Allard van Wallene            F1A contest models
Czech F1G design with PGI trim                        Josef Kubes                     F1G model
A review of recent Chinese Plastic Props            Gary Hinze                    Plastic prop characteristics
The Unknown Jimmie Allen Scale Models            David Mills                   1930’s Model History
Properly Speaking , Pt. 2                                    Chris Stoddart                 Propeller performance analysis
Gyroscopic Effects in Free Flight                        Sergio Montes                Flight Dynamics
The MOKI Story, Pt. 1 Somogyi and Duncan      Model engine history
Small Rubber Cabin Models, Pt. 3                         Sergio Montes                Cabin Model Survey

Roger Morrell