SEN 2062
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- Category: Archive 2015
- Hits: 1743
- USA Team Selection Update
- LDA heads Up
- Harvest Classic Results
USA Team Selection Time Accumulation
From: Aram Schlosberg
So far, the following have entered the team selection program (paying $90 to the AMA) and accumulated time:
Andrew and Peter Barron
Kyle Jones
Oliver Cai
Bob Sifleet
Steve Spence
Carrol Allen
Paul Crowley
Charlie and Ryan Jones
Richard MacCleery
Aram Schlosberg
Tom Vaccaro
Chuck Ethrington
Matt Gwain
Gil Morris
Faust Parker
Mike Roberts
The 2017 program as well as the time accumulation sheets (with some delay) are posted on The previous team members have to qualify like anyone else (75 minutes). For an additional $250 paid to the AMA by the end of December one can bypass the time accumulation; after that the bypass is $500. It’s cheaper to just enter and have your time count.
Wing Joiner Issues LDA models Important
From: Julian Pennington
Roger please would you place this in the next SEN which I consider the wider FF community especially the F1A community regarding the potential catastrophic loss of LDA models during tow due to a hollow wing joiner manufacturing issues.
Wing Joiner Issues LDA models
This is a recommendation to all F1A LDA model owners to check the wing joiners on their models for possible off centre drilling alignment issues used to lighten the wing joiner. Failure to examiner the joiner could potentially result in the catastrophic loss of an LDA model during the launch.
If after inspection the joiner holes were found to be out of tolerance resulting in a reduced wall thickness then please consider joiner replacement.
Specifically, I have recently had a catastrophic wing joiner failure which wrote a model off due to near negligible wall thickness and visual inspection where the joiner appeared okay. When the supplier was made aware of the issue although accepting it was joiner manufacturing issue, the supplier was not willing to replacing the wing and stab components without further expense.
Nevertheless, I do not wish other to suffer a model loss and to that effect a guidance instruction can provided to determine if the joiner is okay, it is a visual inspection together with an 'eccentricity test' to determine if there is adequate wall thickness, Please send a personal message and an suggested inspection technique can be provided.
Failure to check the hollow wing joiners wall thickness has the potential for model loss.
I would like to ensure that this issue does not effect other flier like myself and the inspection guidance is provide in good faith to provide help and assistance to others
13-Sep 2015( rev 19/17/15)
FIA Saturday 9 12 2015
1st Andrew Barro 210 180 180180 240 990
2th Joel Yori 210 180 174180 240 984
3nd Oliver Cai 210 165 180180 240 975
4rd Igor Frand 199 180 180180 149 888
5th Peter Barro 155 180 180180 169 864
6th Tzvetan Tzvet 199 180 180 45 191 795
1st Aram Schlo 240 180 180180 240 300 1320
2nd Carrol Allen 240 180 180180 240 298 1318
3rd Tom Vacar 240 180 180180 240 297 1317
4th Ron Felix 240 180 180180 240 282 1302
5th Ohad Weisf 228 180 180180 2401008
6th Louis Joine 240 180 180180 2211001
7th Joel Yori 215 172 180180 240 987
8th John Clapp 240 180 180180 195 975
8th Sarah Radzi 215 180 180180 218 973
No Contestants
F1G Sunday 9 13 2015
1st Carrol Allen 120 120 120120 120 600
2nd John Clapp 120 120 120105 120 580
3rd Yuda Avla 77 9 120120 120 446
F1H 1st Bob Sifle 74 120 107120 120 541
F1S 1st Dick Ivers 120 120 120120 120 600
2nd Dray Hooks 120 120 120120 112 592
3rd Draycott Hooks 98 120 120 96 69 503
1st Dick Ivers 120 120 120120 120* * Fly-oOct112015
1st Dave Lacy 120 120 120120 120* “
1st Joel Yuri 120 120 120120 120* “
4th Drake Hooke 120 120 94 73 72 479
5th Draycott Hooke 97 77 91100 73 438
1st Rebecca Avla 120 91 115326
Roger Morrell