SEN 1838
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- Category: Archive 2014
- Hits: 1334
- Iceman
- Press
- F1A for sale
Iceman Contests
Hello ! Is it possible to post this info about our 3 Iceman contests ?
All the best Per Findahl
"We would like to invite you all to take part in the Iceman challange 2014.
We fly 3 winter contests on frozen lakes, the 3 results add together to a
final Iceman score. The first contest is Holiday on ice that take part on
lake Mjösa outside Gjövik in Norway, the contest date is 15/3 2014. Then the
flying continues on lake Pyhäjärvi outside Säkylä in Finland. The Swedish
Moose cup take part there 20/3 2014 and then Bear Cup on the same lake 22/3
2014. The registration is now open ! See the links for registration and more
In the press
LA Times Sunday Jan 12
Business section. California produces 82% of the World's Almonds. This year's production is estimated to be 1.85 billion pounds of almonds. Our Lost Hills neighbor, Paramount Farms is a major player and they have/use 45000 acres of Almond trees that is 6% of the California production.. One interesting side item is that bees are key for the production and Paramount uses 3 million bees ! Paramount is building a new process plant in Lost Hills.
And this does not count the Pistachio's.
From the AMA
At the recent AMA Expo at Ontario, CA the AMA and FAA signed a MOU {memorandum of Understanding } of the AMA to be the BCO required by Congress to help the FAA in setting any changes to the use of the National Airspace by model aviation, including the hobby use of UAS [Unmanned Aircraft Systems popularly and “incorrectly” called drones].
In a round table discussion that preceded the signing the FAA Representative was asked if he fore saw changes to existing model aircraft activities and he said no. What is a major concern to the the FAA, government in general, AMA, AUVSI is the availability of Multicopters than can be used for a number of activities such as aerial filming and can be easily used be people not aware of the responsibilities or potential dangers of operating an airborne vehicle.
There is much information from the 3 parties, AMA, FAA and AUVSI that is outside the scope of this brief mention. Go tot he AMA Web site for more information if you are interested.
F1A for sale
Would like to post my f1a model & wing for sale-
1. Long LDA, wing by Mikhail Kosonozhkin, fuselage and stab by M&K 3 servos
mobil-I hook. great condition. Good launches and smooth glide.
2. Long M&K wing,
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Roger Morrell