SEN 1839
- Details
- Category: Archive 2014
- Hits: 1227
- Estate Sale
- Leeper's sale
- Fab Feb Update
- FFQ50
- Steve Spence Update
- AZ Flash
Wade Riley Estate Sale:
1.) Oldencamp's Winning " OhmBox 325 F1Q" (rtf):
F1Q/ B ELECTRIC Ready to fly ( needs Battery) Complete documentation,
pencil drawn and signed by John Oldencamp. 02/21/09. Model was never flown
by Riley. Complete electronics and timer; laminated instruction sheet.
Priced to sell at $175.00. plus shipping.
2.) WALSTON 3 Chnl. RCVR only. $100.00 plus shipping.
Contact Jim Lars Mayes at
321-5912302 or email me at freeflightusa@
Leeper's Good Stuff for Sale
Item 1:
Brand new LDA version F1H by Vasi…NEVER flown.
Strong wings, fast airfoil, should get great height in the right hands!
I can bring to local fields, so contact only if seriously interested.
Item 2:
Lot sale! Sig box of good wood!
Mostly Sig balsa, spruce, sheet & rectangular sizes.
This from estate of a friend who flew A/2, etc.
The large Sig shipping box is somewhat heavy & awkward,
so all interested persons must come to my house to see it.
Serious persons Call: 949 885 6346
Or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fab Feb Items
Golf cart Rental Update
I called All Carts, the golf cart rental you had in SEN.
They have not received any reservations from the fliers as of now. They are willing to supply carts and were familiar with the LH location.
Prices ranged from $60 a day for a two passenger, 85 for a four passenger. Delivery for up to six carts(he can carry six at a time) would be $150. Prices on the entire Fab Feb week is negotiable.
All Carts
1636 S Union Avenue
Bakersfield, CA 93307
Phone: (661) 836-9800
There will be major work on the 405 freewat just north of LAX on the Maxmen weekend. This involves the resurfacing of North Bound lanes on the Sepulveda Pass, the big hill about 10 mils north of LAX. The Northbound 405 Freeway will be closed at night time
Fri 14-Sat - 1 AM to 6 AM
Sat-Sun - 2AM to 7 AM
Sun to Mon - Midnight to 5 AM
Mon to Tues - Modnight to 5 AM
Full details at
AMA Affiliate License Update
This concerned the AMA Affiliate license that International Visitors, except Canadians, need to fly in Model Airplane events in the USA. Some of the regulars call this "American Insurance". The form is very complicated because it covers all types of AMA membership with many options. We have worked with the AMA to have a simpler form for International visitors. Our plan was to send this out ahead of time with the Fab Feb info packet, but we did not quite make it.
But for the international visitors who pre-entered the event we will have the form pre-printed with your information so all you have to do is sign it and pay the fee. We need ; Name, address, FAI Country and License. If we don't have all of these item you will be able to write it on the form.
FFQ#50 has appeared-a special issue
With this issue Free Flight Quarterly celebrates an important milestone, having reached its 50th issue. The authors and editors have conspired to create a special, bigger issue of 52 pages, some 30% larger than our normal length.
The cover depicts that extraordinary modeller, *Alexis Andriukov* at the World Championship in Moncontour, August 2014. To give the subscribers a glimpse of the people that are responsible for the magazine, a second editorial section has the photos and short CV's of the Editors.
In this latest issue, *Joshua Finn* describes his incursions in model rocketry, with special emphasis on folding-wing gliders capable of respectable FF performance. The many alternatives schemes of wing folding are discussed, as well as the possible DT arrangements, for these are models that can thermal very well after reaching their maximum height in a few seconds. The same author shows his versatility describing the construction and flying of a beautiful, classic Nostalgia Rubber model: Hank Cole's famous Smoothie, with a new plan produced by that remarkable artist Rufus Carswell ( Planeman), a rework of the original Air Trails 1941 drawing.
*Michel Coviaux* continues his investigation of the propeller wake in rubber ships, by modifying the Pushy Duck model that appeared in previous issues of FFQ . In its new life, the Pushy Duck is now a canard, sporting a mid-fuselage single blade propeller of rather large dimensions. According to Coviaux, the behaviour of the model shows little evidence of a propeller wake, a conclusion that awaits more testing, which will appear in the next issue, the experiments are displayed with considerable humour.
*Paul Rossiter* has developed a light, four-function electronic timer especially suited to F1B models, complete with a programmer unit. He gives full details, for the keen flyer, of the circuitry and construction of the timer and programmer, the parts sources and are also presented.
Another installment of the Deezil and AHC diesel engine saga follows the previous parts that have appeared in issues 48 and 49 of FFQ. *Adrian Duncan* explores the details in the original engines that prevented normal operation and after some minimal changes, the engines perform well, power measurements are also included in the article. Due to their cult value, several replicas of these engines have been produced in USA, Russia and Australia, and continue to be in much demand.
In a previous issue of FFQ, Andrew Longhurst indicated the importance of the surface texture of the wing on the performance of small models, by keeping the boundary layer under control. *Manfred Koller* has picked up this idea by suggesting the use of a new Mylar covering material (Mylar 25) that has a network of polyester threads that confers much greater strength and, according to Koller, obviate entirely the need to use a turbulator for top performance. Manfred shows the several large F1Q -type wings that have been modified to use the new covering material, and talks about the improvement in performance of these models.
In a second part of the review of the models created by Tom Smith and other members of the LSARA (Low Speed AerodynamicResearch Association) in post WW2 England, *Andrew Longhurst* has built and flown the /Scrambled Egg/, a Smith design of rather quaint lines, but superb performance when powered by a PAW 1 cc Diesel engine. A review of the model construction and trim is presented here, together with the original plan.
The prolific airfoil developer, *Slobodan Midic*, shows here an airfoil especially conceived for folding-wing F1C models. In its folded configuration, an especially low CD is claimed that will allow a higher climb in the allotted 5 s. motor run. This attractive FC-3 airfoil could have other applications, too.
*Daniele Vescovi*, Italian model historian concludes his study of the epochal Frauenfeld contest in Switzerland in 1947, probably the first important post-war contest in Europe. This time the power models that took part are analyzed. Drawings of the top Italian models are included, evidencing a wide variation of designs, but very original.
We start a series of superb articles by *Mike Kemp* on the great English designer and modeller, E.H. ( Ted) Evans, the designer of the Jaguar, Clipper, Vansteed and many other famous models. In this first part, Kemp covers the pre-WW2 years of Evans activity in model design and contest flying. In the next part, his better known models will be presented with very recent plans.
A final article in this special issue describes a large French glider, the Chalange et Bonnet CB28, a graceful design that appeared in 1942. This older design has been the subject of updating by the specialist *Jean Simon*, who also produced very detailed plans and instructions for the model. It can be flown as originally intended, as a FF model as well as a rudder and elevator RC ship.
As in previous issues, the index and cover of the new edition can be found in our website:
Sergio Montes
Steve Spence's Status
Would you please post this message about Steve Spence in the next SEN release.
Thanks, Jim Bradley
For those of you that don't already know Steve Spence contracted a serious infection and was in the hospital for over a week. He is now in a continuing care facility and doing much better.? Below is the latest update from Mike Fedor.? If you would like to be on the Steve's update list that Mike is sending out?you can E-mail Mike?and he will add you to his E-mail list.
Steve's cell phone number is also shown below and he has his cell phone with him. I talked to him today, Thursday, and he sounds great and would like to hear from all of his friends.?? Steve's E-mail address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Jim Bradley
Hi all,
Here is the latest on Steve. He was moved from the heart hospital in Plano to a care facility closer to his home. He will continue to be administered the antibiotics at this facility. They can monitor his condition better there than at home. He has had some bleeding at the picc line and, since he is on blood thinners, they want keep an eye on that. His blood work has shown that the infections are improving and, even though, he still has some discomfort the pain in his chest seems to be getting better.
Here is the address of the facility he is at:
The Harrison at Heritage
4600 Heritage Trace Pkwy.
Ft Worth, TX 76244
Steve's cell phone no. is 817-360-8072.
He indicated that the doctor told him that the infection should clear up in 3-6 weeks and, at that time, they would perform the heart valve repair surgery.
Steve continues to be in good spirits and enjoys phone calls and visits. He is in a private room and talked about cutting out parts and building some stick and tissue rubber models while he is there.
I'll let you all know if I hear anything new.
Mike Fedor,
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AZ Flash
Great Weather
New site Webster West worked out well
F1A - Juniors rule
Garrett Tremayne - J
Andrew Barron
Logan Tetrick - J
Walt Ghio
Charlie Jones
Blake Jensen
Roger Morrell