SEN 1893
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- Category: Archive 2014
- Hits: 1311
Junior World Champs - F1B
Tougher day than F1A. Weather not nice with rain delayed start and it was necessary to move the line 3 times . Some retrival issues with crops. Top sportsmen went to the 3rd flyoff round !
Individual Classification
Place Name Country
1 DAVID CLEMENT FRANCE 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 420 335 1320
2 STEPANCHIK ANDRIY UKRAINE 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 420 328 1320
3 KUSTARNIKOV SERGEYRUSSIA 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 420 298 1320
4 GOSTOJIC BOJAN SERBIA 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 317 1320
5 LUKASZEVICZ KACPERPOLAND 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 260 1320
6 TISSEROND MAXIME FRANCE 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 239 1320
7 BECHOR BAR ISRAEL 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 235 1320
8 DAVIS TROY USA 240 180 180 180 180 180 173 1313
9 EGOROV ARTEM RUSSIA 227 180 180 180 180 180 180 1307
10 MALKHASYAN SEVAK USA 240 180 180 180 180 180 160 1300
11 LIPSKI DAWID POLAND 240 180 178 180 180 158 180 1296
12 NICULESCU MIHNEA ROMANIA 240 180 137 180 180 180 180 1277
13 LOMOV PAVEL RUSSIA 205 180 163 180 180 180 180 1268
14 PAPEZ VACLAV CZECH REPUBLIC 182 180 180 180 180 180 180 1262
15 ROBERT ALEXANDRE FRANCE 240 180 180 180 180 104 180 1244
16 BILEWICZ BARTLOMIEPOLAND 160 168 180 180 180 180 180 1228
17 PIVONKA JACE USA 180 180 180 138 167 180 180 1205
18 SEIFERT DANIEL GERMANY 240 152 106 180 180 180 166 1204
19 ARBEL TOM ISRAEL 202 180 136 153 180 180 138 1169
20 DREIJERS VLADISLAVLATVIA 200 180 154 122 124 180 169 1129
21 WIESIOLEK TABEA GERMANY 211 167 47 156 180 180 180 1121
22 ITSCHAKIAN TAL ISRAEL 240 23 136 180 180 180 180 1119
23 MOISTUS ALEKS ESTONIA 140 137 180 130 180 158 180 1105
24 DVORAK ONDREJ CZECH REPUBLIC 168 107 140 142 180 180 146 1063
25 NOVOTNY PETR CZECH REPUBLIC 123 130 148 180 140 130 180 1031
26 NISEVIC IGOR CROATIA 164 180 60 137 180 114 162 997
27 SAATVALI RIHO-ATS ESTONIA 127 136 143 126 180 139 95 946
28 STANESCU DAVID ROMANIA 103 90 180 167 180 125 100 945
29 FLOREA RAUL ROMANIA 240 130 157 69 180 62 57 895
30 MANNIK KARL ESTONIA 20 163 62 180 33 43 118 619
Team Classification
Place Team TOTAL
1 RUSSIA 3895
2 FRANCE 3884
3 POLAND 3844
4 USA 3818
5 ISRAEL 3608
7 ROMANIA 3117
8 ESTONIA 2670
9 GERMANY 2325
10 SERBIA 1320
11 UKRAINE 1320
12 LATVIA 1129
13 CROATIA 1082
Junior World Champs
Base link changed to
F1A JWC Team Question and correction
Do you know how the team classifications are scored? Why does the Ukraine team classification get only one score? They had two clean flyers?
Terry Kerger
Terry there was an error in that version of the results and this is the corrected version. They count call the round scores then I think they use flyoff places as tie breaker if needed
Unfortunately it is a reflection of the political situation in the Ukraine that they are not fielding a full team as they normally would.
1 RUSSIA 1290 1290 1290 3870
2 CZECH RE 1245 1249 1290 3784
3 ROMANIA 1290 1219 1224 3733
4 POLAND 1190 1242 1264 3696
5 SLOVENIA 1290 1171 1224 3685
6 FRANCE 1187 1179 1265 3631
7 USA 1181 1119 1290 3590
8 HUNGARY 1266 1069 1234 3569
9 GERMANY 1225 1248 1089 3562
10 ISRAEL 1225 1290 1015 3530
11 SLOVAK R 1224 916 1225 3365
12 ESTONIA 1232 871 1219 3322
13 LITHUANI 891 1171 1065 3127
14 UKRAINE 1290 1290 2580
15 MACEDONI 1290 1229 2519
16 CROATIA 1223 1215 2438
17 AUSTRIA 1290 1290
18 LATVIA 1240 1240
19 SERBIA 1163 1163
20 NEW ZEAL 816 816
21 BOSNIA&H 774 774
Roger Morrell