SEN 1653
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- Category: Archive 2012
- Hits: 1379
- Skyscrapers
- Tymchek Update
- NFFS Sympo Patron Program
- GPS 4 sale
Reminder of the Skyscraper Annual June 23-24 and the results of a recent W&O meet
Dear Free Flight Friends,
We look forward to seeing many of you at this Saturday and Sunday (June 23-24) at the Skyscraper Annual at Barron Field in Wawayanda, near Middletown, New York. It is a National Cup and America's Cup meet, with AMA, Nostalgia and FAI events. The contest director is SkyScraper president David Acton. For the schedule of events (same as recent Wawayanda meets) and direction to the field see the recently updated website maintained by webmaster Alan Abriss. This Annual is one of the two premiere Skyscraper meets at Barron Field each year.
Meanwhile I am happy to report results of the recent Wilbur and Orville Spring meet held June 9-10. It was organized by Sarah Radziunas and we were pleased to see Art Ellis, who ran the meet as Contest Director. Highlights included Sarah's max-out win in F1B; Young Jessica Avla winning P-30 with her father Yuda Avla and sister Rebecca Avla not far behind; Vic Nippert winning catapult with a couple of maxes; Brian Pacelli maxing out in F1P; and Carrol Allen maxing out to win F1G, just ahead of Kathy Radziunas. The weather was wonderfully calm both days.
Here are specifics of these results from the W&O spring meet:
F1B: 1. Sarah Radziunas (1320sec), 2. Aram Schlosberg (1274), 3. Tom Vaccaro (1259), 4. Carrol Allen (1246).
F1A: 1. Andrew Barron (1194), 2. Gina Barron (980, top junior), 3. Tzvetan Tzvetkov (877)
P-30: 1. Jessica Avla (120 97 120 total 337, also top junior), 2. Yuda Avla (120 88 83 total 291, also top open), 3. Rebecca Avla (120 112 55 total 287, also second place junior).
F1G: 1. Carrol Allen (600sec), 2. Kathy Radziunas (581), 3. Yuda Avla (561).
1/4A Nos: Al Vollmer (72 74 53, total 198)
1/2A Nos: Al Vollmer (78 84 90, total 252
HLG: Victer Gagliano (12 12 27, total 51)
Catapult: 1. Vic Nippert (three best 120 46 120 total 286), 2. Al Volmer 69 58 120, total 247), 3. Andrew Barron (40 40 35 total 115).
F1P: Brian Pacelli (1260)
F1Q: Aram Schlosberg (578)
F1J: Alan Abriss (467)
Electric B: Vic Nippert (120 57 120, total 297).
Thanks for your attention
Andrew Barron
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Home 203-248-5386
Bob Tymcheck Update
Roger, Sue called and Tymchek had his hip replacement surgery today and everything went well. He should be home
Did you miss out on the 2011 NFFS Symposium? We hope not! The annual Symposium Patron Program is a tremendous fund raiser for our National Free Flight Society. To be successful however, we have to be careful to not to shoot ourselves in the foot by running a load of extra copies we won’t ever sell. The additional copies of last year’s edition that were available through NFFS Publications sold out in a couple of months and that left an empty spot on the bookshelves of a few Free Flighters! Participation in the Patron Program is the only way to guarantee you will get a copy of the 2012 Edition. Already in full development under the skillful direction of Editor Derek McGuckin, this year’s Sympo will include the following features as well as the announcement of the 2012 NFFS Hall of Fame Class and 2012 Models of the Year.
*Advanced Hand Launch and Catapult Glider Building and Flying by National Cup Champion Tim Batiuk
*Design Analysis of Low Drag Airfoils for F1B has been provided by Brian Eggleston & Tony Mathews
*Past Americas Cup Champion Bernie Crowe offers “Contest Implementation of F1Q Energy Limiters”
*Indoor Variable Pitch Hubs will receive double attention with “Composite Techniques” by Brent Sanborn and “A Beginners F1D Indoor Variable Pitch Hub” by Dennis Tyson.
*Gil Morris looks at Temperature Inversions and Their Effects
*Altimeters and Experiments with a Pitot Tube as part of the Favionics FX10 System by Allard van Wallene shows there is a lot more to learn than “how high did my F1A get?”
*Do you find electronics mysterious or intimidating? Klaus Salzer offers a near-layman’s approach to building electronic devices from thermals detectors to timers with “Do it Yourself Free Flight Electronics”
*John Baker has prepared “Propeller Blocks – A New Twist”, a helical box for molding propellers.
*The Description and Analysis of a Computer Driven Rubber Testing Device based on the original concept of Bror Eimar has been authored by Tapio Linkasalo
*Bill Gowan will explore Indoor Glider Development and Construction
`*Claudio Bagnolo provides an analysis of an F1E endowed with a Low Drag Airfoil In “The Universal F1E”
For a minimum Patron contribution of $55 ($63 Canada , $71 Foreign) you will receive a copy of this year’s Symposium directly from The Printer as soon as it comes off the press. Any amount over $25 is tax deductible.
The deadline to be included on the Patron List in this year’s Sympo is July 4, 2012. Remember, the days of overprinting the Sympo are over and availability through NFFS Publications won’t be a sure thing. This is the ONLY way to guarantee you will have the 2012 Symposium in your resource library. So, don’t put this off! Complete the form at the bottom of this letter, place it in the envelope enclosed and MAIL IT TODAY! Checks and Money Orders should be made out to “NFFS”. We accept PayPal too! Thanks in advance for your generous support of this great program.
Bill Booth Jr.
2012 NFFS Symposium PayPal: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
325 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008
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Roger Morrell