
Table of Contents - SEN 1674

  1. Lost Hills Update
  2. Oregon Update

Lost Hills Update

At a recent SCAT club event we noticed extra activity to the south and west of our property.  A brief discussion with the workers told us that the ownership of the land had changed and trees were being planted.  We immediately notified the Lost Hills Association who followed up right away with the new owners of the property and Holloway Gypsum.  As a result of that all of the Contest Directors who run events at Lost Hills have received the  letter below from the Lost Hills Association. As you can see in the text there is also a map. We are not printing the map but if you are a CD and need a copy please contact Ted Firster of the Lost Hills Association.

Notice that the area affected is one where models often go with the current flight lines.  There are approaches for dealing with this at  the upcoming important contests [ USFFC , Livotto, US Team Selection Finals and Sierra Cup] - that includes moving the flight lines, in particular much further North and entering the construction area on foot.  The construction work includes work on the ground for planting and the installation of irrigation equipment.  At these events the CDs will brief the contestants in detail and it is absolutely essential that all attend those briefing and follow the instructions. Failure to follow the instructions will mean immediate exclusion from the event plus the penalties Ted mentions below.

 Lost Hills Assoc Letter follows ...


By now you have probably heard about our neighbor at Lost Hills….1600 acres of nut trees on our southwest and west property line. They are currently in the grading process and trees will be planted March through May 2013. 

We have received verbal permission to enter the construction site on foot only until the trees are planted. If workers are present inform them of your intention and be extremely careful not to interfere or damage the area. Also, everyone needs to be extremely careful because you are entering an active construction site. By voluntarily entering their site you are relieving the property owner of any responsibility. If anyone attempts to enter the construction site by any other means other than on foot, membership will be suspended for one year for the first offence and second offence membership will be permanently revoked. 

The Lost Hills Board is requiring all CD’s to record the total number of flights and number of retrievals in the construction site. It is highly recommended by the Board that you add a column to your flight cards so the contestant can check if he had to enter the construction site. Add a column to your tally sheet to record this same information. Please inform all contestants of the importance of this information. Again, we need to know total number of flights and total number of flights landing in the construction area to help us determine future rules, launch sites and effect on retrieving. Forward this information to Ted Firster at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

I am including a map showing tree location and three new launch sites. We have received verbal approval at this time to use launch sites #1 and #2….but, with a southeast drift #1 and #2 are not an option because the overfly will be over Holloway’s mining operation.   However, with a southeast drift our original launch site is a good option. Also, a due south drift will allow a launch site on the eastern half of our property along the south border of our property line. A true east drift, often in the spring morning, will open a launch site on the western half of our property. CD’s need to contact Allen Terry of Holloway at 661-333-1857 if you intend to use site #1 or site #2 to verify that they are not a problem to use over the weekend. You should contact Mr. Terry no later than Friday of your contest weekend.

When using site #1 there will be no camping in the area, exception for the CD will be one camper or trailer at the site, all other camping to be at our original site. Be aware the camping area has a good chance of being in the DT/landing zone and campers must be aware. Maybe moving the campers further west will help, however be aware of fire hazard on the dry grass and a small fire break around your camper would be a good precaution. At site #1 the road is quite wide and day time auto parking will be allowed on the north side of the road but not on the field. You will notice that the road between camping and site #1 is also colored as a possible launch site. Again, no camping, only day time parking on the west side no more than 10 ft. off the road will be allowed. Do not block any road at any time.   Camping will be allowed at site #3 (see map) per CD’s instructions.

Lawrence Tougas, AMA District 10 Vice President, will be attending our FF Champs in September investigating our need of obtaining additional property on our southern border. We are investigating the possibility of filling the hole on the northeast section of our property to use as a new launch site.


Oregon Update - WMC Contest Site

The NWFFChamps and related FAI meets will be held on the same field as in 2010 and 2011. We call it Parker's Field.
Directions are:
Take I-5 to the Hwy 228 exit. Head East for 1/2 mile to Seven Mile Lane. Turn right (South) and drive for 1.4 miles to Tangent Drive. Turn left and head East for about 1.5 miles until you reach Parker Road. Turn right (south) onto Parker Road. The field will be on the left.
The Portapots are scheduled to be installed either late Wednesday or early Thursday.
I will have signs up to the field no later than Wednesday evening.
I checked the field out today and it is all harvested, and the surface has some residutal straw covering. The larger issue is that there are several large (boxcar sized) stacks of straw bales on the field at different locations.
Glenn Grell is pretty sure that these stacks will be removed in the next few days, but there are no guarantees.
My suggestion is that you do not plan to do any test flying until Thursday to allow maximum time for the bales to be removed.
I hope this is helpful information, and I look forward to all of you coming for a great contest weekend. Don't forget the WMC sponsored spaghetti feed on Saturday evening at the Grell farm. Starts at 6 PM.
Please forward this message to others who might be interested in attending.
Bob Stalick, WMC

Roger Morrell