SEN 1724
- Details
- Category: Archive 2012
- Hits: 2063
- Control your Carbon
- World Cup Fash
- AMA Dist 10 TSC member election - Booth and Brocks
Control your Carbon
G' Day Roger,
Read the info about Allard's secrets and the use of Toray M60J with interest
and followed it up.
Carbon Fibres America's data sheet on Toray M60J specifies a fibre size of 5
microns. My knowledge of previous carbon fibre sizes in common industrial
use was that 10 microns was the minimum due to health issues. My knowledge
at that time said fibres less than 10 microns could penetrate the body and
be carried around leading to the development of tumours. I recall being
told white asbestos was 5 microns and the more hazardous blue asbestos was 3
microns which is why they were dangerous and led to the risk of exposed
people developing asbestosis.
When building F1C's many years back I was told of high modulus fibres of
less than 10 microns dia. being made but reserved for military use in
strictly controlled environments. Went to the trouble of checking my newly
acquired Ukrainian carbon fibre for filament size as it may have been
sourced from a military establishment and found it lay in the 10 to 11
micron region.
Tried to find a Materials Safety Data Sheet on the M60J and could not
readily find it, in itself an issue. MSDS's must be freely available.
I would suggest anyone contemplating hand laying up of carbon (or glass)
fibre composites do research to learn exactly what they are dealing with and
fully understand the risks and minimise them with appropriate process
Trust this helps,
Best regards,
Jon Fletcher
WCup Flash
Feb 9-11 Lost Hills USA Kiwi Cup of NZ ABCPQ
Feb 12 Lost Hills USA North American Cup ABC
Feb 14-18 Lost Hills USA Maxmen International ABCPQ
Mar 7 Säkylän SWE Swedish Moose Cup ABCPQ
Mar 16-17 Gjovik NOR Holiday on Ice ABCQ
Mar 25-27 Narrandera AUS Southern Cross Cup ABC
Mar 27-31 Narrandera AUS Australian FF Champs ABC
Mar 29-30 Ofakim ISR Passover Cup ABCP
Apr 6-7 Osijek CRO Kup of Slavonija ABC
Apr 16-20 Nalchik RUS Nalcev Cup ABCP
Apr 20 Lucenec SVK Novohrad Cup ABC
Apr 26 Madziunai LTU Baltic Cup ABCPQ
Apr 27-28 Madziunai LTU Estonian FF Cup ABCPQ
May 4 Vsechov CZE 28th Jihocesky Pohar ABC
May 11-12 Andover GBR Stonehenge Cup ABCPQ
May 11 Salonta ROU Szabó Miklós Hungary ABCQ
May 12 Salonta ROU Budapest Cup of Hungary ABCQ
May 17-20 Kharkiv UKR Zmiev Cup ABCP
May 24-26 Zrenjanin SRB 30th Srem Cup ABCQ
Jun 7-9 Vize Kirklareli TUR Istanbul Free Flight cup ABC
Jun 27 Rinkaby SWE Swedish Cup ABCPQ
Jun 28 - Jul 1 Rinkaby SWE Danish Cup ABCPQ
Jun 29-30 Salonta ROU Harghita Cup ABCP
Jun 30 Rinkaby SWE Norwegian Cup ABCQ
Jul 4-7 Pazardzik BUL Sofia Cup ABCPQ
Jul 5-7 Chernigiv UKR 33rd Antonov Cup ABCP
Jul 12-14 Denver USA MMM FAI 14-Rounder ABCPQ
Jul 20-21 Borden, ON CAN Huron Cup ABCQ
Jul 29-30 St Jean Sauves FRA Poitou-Moncontour ABCQ
Jul 31-Aug 1 Thouars Noize FRA Poitou ABC
Aug 17 Mostar BIH 49th Mostar Cup ABCQ
Aug 23-25 Turbia POL The Summer Cup ABC
Aug 24 Bosanski BIH Memorijal Izet Kurtalic ABC
Aug 24-25 Salonta ROU Salonta Cup ABCQ
Aug 27-31 Vladikavkaz RUS Alania Cup ABCP
Aug 29-Sep 1 Zülpich GER 44th Eifelpokal ABCPQ
Aug 30-Sep 1 Sisak CRO Siscia Cup ABCPQ
Sep 8-9 Berehove UKR FF Holiday Indonesia ABC
Sep 13-15 Levski BUL Bulgaria Cup ABCPQ
Sep 20-24 Samara RUS Mikhail Knyazev BLR ABCP
Sep 20-21 Ofakim ISR Sukkot Open ABCP
Sep 21 Zabokreky SVK Hogo Cup ABC
Sep 28 Prilep MCD Prilep Trophy ABC
Sep 28-29 Andover GBR Equinox Cup ABCPQ
Sep 29 Prilep MCD World Cup Macedonia ABC
Oct 4-6 Mengesko- SLO Ljubljana Cup ABCQ
Oct 12-13 Capannori ITA Cittâ di Capannori ABCPQ
Oct 12-13 Ankara TUR Anatolian Cup ABC
Oct 13-15 Lost Hills USA Sierra Cup ABCPQ
Oct 18-20 Sentjernej SLO Krka Cup ABCQ
Oct 20-21 Zrenjanin SRB Memorial Djordje Zigic ABCQ
Oct 26-27 Mühlenthurnen SUI Eurofly ABCGQ
With acknowledgement to FFn
AMA District X Team selection Commitee
District X TSC Election Platforms
Bill, Peter, Mike and Marty
AMA just sent by email ballot to people who live in AMA District 10 and fly FAI tree flight for our District X Free Flight Team Selection member to replace George Batiuk who is stepping down. I would like know you want the position (ie someone nominated you without coordinating it with you). Then I’m interested to know your future views for the program and your representative style. I know all four of you,excellent men with various skills and experiences and so a difficult choice. Not much time, only 8 days, ballots due Dec 26, 2012. Looks like AMA works the day after Christmas.
May I suggest you send to SEN your election “platforms”.
Thermals, JIM
From Bill Booth
Hi Roger,
Jim Parker sent all four candidates for the District X TSC position an e-mail requesting information on our nomination, our future views for the program and our representative style.
I have been interested in the position for quite some time, but frankly never thought George would give it up. As soon as I heard it was open, I made it known I was interested by contacting Coleen Pierce, Chuck Etherington and a couple of the other TSC members to inquire how I could get my name on the list of candidates and was pleased that someone put my name in the hat.
I believe the basic system we have for entry, qualification, etc. is sound. I believe the two contest system was a success this year and an improvement over the previous system. I do believe however, that the best system is a multi-contest, multi-site program and that there is a way to do it. If not immediately, eventually.
We are a shrinking group. I was born into a modeling family. I have been around modeling all my life. I have been around competitive Free Flight for over 50 years, FAI events for almost 40 years and despite our protests to the contrary, have watched us fade away. I do not hold any grand illusions of a great rebirth, but I believe maintaining interest is a huge priority.
I have never accepted "too much work" as an explanation for not doing something well. As a CD, I do whatever I can to make it easier on the competitors, not the organizers.
Twenty five years ago I started a small business from scratch with a phone screwed to a 4 x 4 post and a rented drafting table. We now have 12 employees and I deal with corporate level Clients like Verizon and AT&T on an every day basis. I'm the boss. I know how to listen, I know how to assimilate information, I know how to make decisions, I know how to manage a budget and most important, I know I'm not going to please everyone.
Chuck Etherington suggested I prepare a resume of modeling and community activities. I'd rather not include it here, but if anyone would like to see it, I'll be glad to forward a copy if you e-mail me.
Bill Booth Jr.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
From Peter Brocks
Jim Parker asked me to write down my "election platform”.
I am Peter Brocks and I could be your AMA District 10 Team Selection Committee representative. At the age of 14 I actively started my livelong fascination with Free Flight. I have since built and flown all outdoor FAI Free Flight Classes for which there are World Champs (F1A,B,C,E). At the World Champs in Germany in 1961 I was a time keeper for the British and the American Team. 40 years later, in 2001, I again was a timer at the W.C. in Lost Hills. I have been at FAI contests in Domsod, Maniago, Thouars/Poitou, Slovakia , Poland , Romania and Germany , and I have been on the Jury at the Eifelpokal. I am a CD and an AMA Leader Member.
As the District 10 TSC representative I will actively seek the opinions of the active FAI Sportsmen and Sportswomen and will then try to find a consensus. I believe that additions to the present finals program can be made to achieve an even more qualified team to represent the US . A most important item will be to increase participation at our finals and especially attracting younger fliers. I realize that District 10 has more active FAI flyers than any other district, therefore our district vote should and will have more weight.
Roger Morrell