SEN 1486
- Details
- Category: Archive 2011
- Hits: 1516
- Wooden's Words
- Wimpy F1Q?
- In the Media - Crimea WC discounts
- Shag a Model
- Sloans and Fab Feb Food Update
- Looking for Sierra Snaps
Wooden's Words
Further quote from renowned Basketball coach John Wooden who died this year aged 99. Wooden was well known for life coaching as well as sports coaching. This one applies to both
“Success is never final, failure is never fatal. It's courage that counts.”
Wimpy F1Q on 8% motor weight ???
First of all: A happy New Year to all of you!
I started the New Year by finally making some altitude test flights with my
F1Q planes - the weather has not been "flyable" all December so I could not
do it earlier.
My Q-ship1 (the Welles converted to F1Q in 2005 and flown all through 2008)
needed 3g of ballast to make the 8% rule (Motor 23.7g, flying weight now
298g). On 15s it went to 75m, on 20s to 107m. The sinking speed being quite
high due to the weight (wing loading nearly 16g/dm²) it would o the 3min
easily on 20s, with a bit of good air on 15s as well.
The Q-ship2 would have needed 110g of ballast in it`s 2009/2010
configuration, so I preferred to put in a different motor, a Hyperion
ZS2205-34 at 29.3g instead of the EMax CF2812 at 38g. With the model's
weight at 378g this makes the motor weighing 7.8% and the wing loading
13.2g/dm². A 14s motor run raised it to 83m, a 18s run to 103m and a 24s run
to 124m (the last flight being not optimal due to too steep a launch angle,
and being the 3rd flight on the 50g Zippy 500 3s LiPo). The better sinking
speed would make a max from 15s no problem, and would even allow some bad
air on the 20s or 25s run. (With the EMax I got 154m on a 25s run).
All motors used are shop bought, not really expensive, and not modified
(except shortening the leads and the axle). Both models are far from being
optimized yet (as well as the pilot), so the 8% rule would still allow
improvements and even more impressive spiral climbs even if it would
prevent vertical out-of-sight ones.
Regards from Austria!
In the media
Seen on the new web site , the organizers of the 3 World Cup contests to be held this summer in the Resort area of the Crimea are offering and a Christmas discount of 50% to early on-line registration. You still have time because the Russian or Eastern Orthodox Christams is not until Jan 7.
Also on the site are some well produced video of past Championship and World Cup events in the Ukraine.
Shag a model
brian hartill
i did not build so much but i got them back (with some corn)
happy new year to all
shag 4 (sh
[for those non-American speakers - from the
shag is a word with many meanings, here is the FF one]

tr.v.shagged, shag·ging, shags
1. To chase and bring back; fetch.
2. Baseball To chase and catch (fly balls) in practice.
Sloan's and Fab Feb Food Update
Got a call from Lois Sloan. Looks like Jay dodged the big one but ended up with a 5 way bypass. Doctor says there was no damage to the heart, but it's going to be awhile before Jay will be cooking up those rib-eyes.
For those of you not familiar with Jay and Lois, they're the really nice couple that have been providing us with on the field dining since we moved to Lost Hills. They have endured the Lost Hills duststorms, rain, wind and goofy flyers for over 20 years. Great, hard working, folks!
We're on our own for Fabulous February and maybe longer (Lois said, maybe 5 months). Wishing Jay a speedy recovery! You might want to send them a card.
Jay and Lois Sloan
8431 So. Elm Ave.
Fresno, CA 93706
- Norm
Editor's comment
Jay, hope you are back on your feet soon
EoB - we had planned to have the Sloans serve up Haggis for your, or was it serve you and the Haggis , dinner . Anyway we now need to go to plan B.
Looking for Sierra Snaps
If anyone has some pictures taken at 2010 Sierra Cup,
please send them to Don DeLoach This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
for next Digest, in a hot hurry.
He wants them 300dpi min, in batches of 10MB max.
Roger Morrell