SEN 1488
- Details
- Category: Archive 2011
- Hits: 1273
Table of Contents - SEN 1488
- King Orange Report
- NFFS Membership deal
- Now do it in style
- Final cure for insomnia
- Corrected Maxmen Entry Form
2010 King Orange FAI Report
Jim Bradley
FAI Event Director
This year the weather was great for the two days we flew the FAI events. Very light drift on both days.
The first day had F1G, H, and J. It started out a little cool, for us anyhow, in the 40’s but warmed up nicely and we were able to start on time and complete all of the rounds. The second day was for F1A, B, C, P, and Q.
Attendance was down again this year. There were no Americas Cup first place at stake at the King Orange this year which was a first in a long time.
F1G only had 1flyers. Mark Troutman put in a first round flight and then went off to do more productive things the rest of the day.
F1H had 2 entries with Bob Sifleet coming out on top over Jean Pailet. It was a tough day flying F1H as they both only recorded 2 maxes each.
F1J had 3 flyers and it was tight between Jean Pailet and Gil Morris right to the end. Gil Morris dropped the last round by a little more than Jean had dropped the 3rd round. With Gil’s drop Jean claimed a well deserved win.
Bob Sifleet had driven down to get in some winter practices in F1A in preparation for the upcoming World Champs. Bob is on the United States F1A team that will be completing in Argentina this May. He was the only one entered in F1A but he flew well and maxed out.
F1B only had 2 entries this year. Mark Troutman only flew the first round. Jim Bradley’s first round was 15 seconds as the model never came out of VIT. Things went better the remaining 6 rounds for Jim.
F1C had Gil Morris and Bob Gutai flying F1C Both flew well and maxed out. A flyoff was scheduled for the next morning. At the appointed time and place they both flew. Bob did a little over 6 minutes while Gil had a bad power pattern and only recorded a 3:20.
F1P entries were unusually low this year with only one flyer. I think the snow storm all along the East coast kept a lot of our normal F1P flier’s at home this year. Tommy Bell flew all 7 rounds to record a final score of 821 seconds.
F1Q had 2 flyers this year. Rex Hinson was flying the same model he flew last and the model still flies very well. Rex’s model is 300 sq. that looks like a ’70 ½ A gas model. He is using a smaller electric motor and only a 31 gram battery, note the rules allow up to a 90 gram battery. We were flying 15 seconds motor runs in F1Q and Rex’s model was about as high as a good F1J model, in other words, very high at the end of the motor run
2010 King Orange FAI Report
F1G, 1 flyers F1H, 2 flyer F1J, 3 flyers
1. Mark Troutman 32 1. Bob Sifleet 537 1. Jean Pailet 583
2. Jean Pailet 450 2. Gil Morris 578
3. Bob Gutai 196
F1Q, 2 flyer F1P, 1 flyers
1. Rex Hinson 1223 1. Tommy Bell 821
2. Ed Luparelli 180
F1A, 1 flyers F1B, 2 flyers F1C, 2 flyer
1. Bob Sifleet 1260 1. Jim Bradley 937 1. Bob Gutai 1622
2. Mark Troutman 134 2. Gill Morris 1464
Reference the special USA World Cup field rules:
- Circling under models on a motorcycle for the purpose of creating lift is prohibited
Good riddance. Thank goodness for that. Now we no longer have to use those draughty old two-wheeled contraptions, but instead can now do it in style from within the comfort of our own SUV, Hummer or Limousine !
— Biggles
You have been beaten by the Barron's Golf cart - It is rumored that the winterized version has a flamethrower to provide heat to the riders and dry out the wet grass to provide greater traction while super sportsman Andrew is towing.
Not a member of NFFS--The National Free Flight Society?
Announcing a *Special* offer for new members: two years for half price!
Roy Hanson has made a generous offer: He thinks so much of the NFFS and the its publication, the NFFS Free Flight Digest he is paying out of his own pocket HALF the cost of EVERY NEW member who signs up for two years. $29 dollars gets you two years if you are 19 or older ; $9 dollars if you are younger. Non-U.S. members pay just $37.50 for two years.
Each Digest issue is at least 40 pages, delivered six times a year. Each issue crammed with Free Flight how-to, plans, contest reports, photography and much more. Digest covers every aspect of Free Flight: AMA, Indoor, FAI, FAC, SAM, Nostalgia--the works.
If you are a former member who has let their membership lapse for a year or more, now is your chance to re-up for half price. To make it easy, you can even hit the following link and use your credit card.
Just out of curiosity (and for those having difficulty going to sleep) I applied the new TS Finals Program rules (as published in SEN 1480) to some randomly chosen past results from 2 separate days scores (2010 Isaacson and Max Men), which had 2 separate fly-offs to decide the day winners, and where the events were held consecutively, on the same field, with similar weather and approximately the same entry list (although not all Finals participants were present at both of these two contests). These examples are therefore presented for comparison purposes only to indicate the effect of using placings from each day, instead of actual flight scores as has been used in the past.
Both of these chosen Competitions went to three additional fly-off rounds to decide the (daily) winners, equivalent to the New Program. But following the presumed new rules, the day 1 winner was assumed not to be counted in day 2 results and consequently, where appropriate, everyone on day 2 moved up one place. To further illustrate this “day 2” effect, the sequence of the two events was reversed, which most notably did affect the outcome in F1A.
Also, for an equivalent comparison to Ye Olde Finals Program, for those who maxed all rounds on both days, the actual (best) fly-off scores have been used to tabulate the winners. (In fact, using these chosen event scores, under the old format, only F1B would have even required a fly-off, but it would have gone to 3 fly-offs).
Finally, two comparisons are made for those competitors who maxed out on at least one of the two days, and therefore might have advanced to a fly-off under the “one-day winner concept” (Walt & Roger’s version of Jim Parker’s original proposal): in the first case NOT any dropped round scores for 1-day; and in the second case INCLUDING the deficit of any dropped scores during the rounds.
Interestingly, using exactly the same scores, there were quite a few different effects on the results for each of the three classes, depending upon the mix of placings versus flight scores on each day. Although the outcome in each case is indeed similar, there are some notable exceptions, which obviously depend upon the method of selection used. Not surprisingly for the proposed New Finals Program (in 5 out of 6 cases) this exercise now shows that an outright win, on either day, trumps consistent high flight scores over both days.
F1A: New Program using daily placings (Day 1 Ike and Day 2 MM):
1st Jim Parker = 1 (+ 1) = 1
1st Ken Bauer = (10) +1 = 1
3rd Rene Limberger = 4 + 3 = 7
Alt Pierre Brun = 6 + 5 = 11
5th Brian Van Nest = 2 + 11 = 13
6th Mike McKeever = 11 + 4 = 15
7th Lee Hines = 3 + 13 = 16
8th Hector Diez = 5 + 15 = 20
F1A: New Program using daily placings (Events reversed Day 1 MM and Day 2 Ike):
1st Jim Parker = 1 (+1) = 1
1st Brian Van Nest = (12) + 1 = 1
3nd Rene Limberger = 4 + 3 = 7
Alt Pierre Brun = 6 + 5 = 11 (tie breaker ?)
Alt Ken Bauer = 2 + 9 = 11 (tie breaker ?)
6th Mike McKeever = 5 + 10 = 15
7th Lee Hines = 14 + 2 = 16
8th Hector Diez = 16 + 4 = 20
F1A: “Ye Olde Rules” (using 2 Combined contest days, with 1 culminating fly-off):
1st Jim Parker = Max 11 — No fly-off Required
2nd Brian Van Nest = Max 11 — No fly-off Required
3rd Rene Limberger = Max 11 — No fly-off Required
Alt Mike McKeever = 2031 sec
5th Pierre Brun = 2006 sec
6th Peter Brocks = 1998 sec
7th Norm Smith = 1951 sec
8th Jon Davis = 1947 sec
F1A: Comparison (using 2 Separate contest days, single combined culminating fly-off NOT including any dropped round deficit):
1st Jim Parker = (2 day max-outs) FO 988 sec
2nd Ken Bauer = (1 day max-out) FO 981 sec
3rd Brian Van Nest = (2 day max-outs) FO 971 sec
Alt Lee Hines = (1 day max-out) FO 964 sec
5th Rene Limberger = (2 day max-outs) FO 955 sec
6th Hector Diez = (1 day max-out) FO 720 sec
7th Igor Fradkin = (1 day max-out) FO 558 sec
8th Pierre Brun = (1 day max-out) FO 413 sec
F1A: Comparison (using 2 Separate contest days, single combined culminating fly-off INCLUDING any dropped round deficit):
1st Jim Parker = (2 day max-outs) FO 988 sec = 3028
2nd Brian Van Nest = (2 day max-outs) FO 971 sec = 3011
3rd Rene Limberger = (2 day max-outs) FO 955 sec = 2995
Alt Ken Bauer = (1 day max-out) FO 981 sec – 67 sec = 2954
5th Lee Hines = (1 day max-out) FO 964 sec – 94 sec = 2910
6th Hector Diez = (1 day max-out) FO 720 sec – 84 sec = 2676
7th Pierre Brun = (1 day max-out) FO 413 sec – 34 sec = 2419
8th Peter Brocks = (1 day max-out) FO 286 – 42 sec = 2284
F1B: New Program using daily placings (Day 1 Ike and Day 2 MM):
1st Blake Jensen = 1 (+ 16) = 1
1st Alex Andriukov = (13) + 1 = 1
3rd Charlie Jones = 2 + 3 = 7
Alt Ron Felix = 8 + 5 = 13
5th Dave Saks = 3 + 11 = 14
6th Bob Piserchio = 5 + 10 = 15
7th Walt Ghio = 15 + 2 = 17
8th Bob Biedron = 4 + 16 = 20
F1B: New Program using daily placings (Events reversed Day 1 MM and Day 2 Ike):
1st Alex Andriukov = 1 (+13) = 1
1st Blake Jensen = (16) + 1 = 1
3rd Charlie Jones = 3 + 2 = 5
Alt Ron Felix = 5 + 8 = 13
5th Dave Saks = 11 + 3 = 14
6th Bob Piserchio = 10 + 5 = 15
7nd Walt Ghio = 2 + 14 = 16
8th Bob Biedron = 16 + 4 = 20
F1B: “Ye Olde Rules” (using 2 Combined contest days, with 1 culminating fly-off):
1st Charlie Jones = Max 11 + FO 1085 sec
2nd Ron Felix = Max 11 + FO 1032 sec
3rd Blake Jensen = Max 11 + FO 682 sec
Alt Dave Saks = Max 11 + FO 618 sec
5th Bob Piserchio = Max 11 + FO 553 sec
6th Bill Booth = 2105 sec
7th Bob Biedron = 2078 sec
8th Alex Andriukov = 2070 sec
F1B: Comparison (using 2 Separate contest days, single combined culminating fly-off NOT including any dropped round deficit):
1st Alex Andriukov = (1 day max-out) FO 1129 sec
2nd Walt Ghio = (1 day max-out) FO 1093 sec
3rd Charlie Jones = (2 day max-outs) FO 1085 sec
Alt Ron Felix = (2 day max-outs) FO 1032 sec
5th Blake Jensen = (2 day max-outs) FO 682 sec
6th Dave Saks = (2 day max-outs) FO 618 sec
7th Bob Biedron = (1 day max-out) FO 580 sec
8th Bob Piserchio = (2 day max-outs) FO 553 sec
F1B: Comparison (using 2 Separate contest days, single combined culminating fly-off INCLUDING any dropped round deficit):
1st Alex Andriukov = (1 day max-out) FO 1129 sec – 40 sec = 3199
2nd Charlie Jones = (2 day max-outs) FO 1085 sec = 3195
3rd Ron Felix = (2 day max-outs) FO 1032 sec = 3142
Alt Walt Ghio = (1 day max-out) FO 1093 sec – 180 sec = 3023
5th Blake Jensen = (2 day max-outs) FO 682 sec = 2792
6th Dave Saks = (2 day max-outs) FO 618 sec = 2728
7th Bob Piserchio = (2 day max-outs) FO 553 sec = 2663
8th Bob Biedron = (1 day max-out) FO 580 sec – 32 sec = 2658
F1C: New Program using daily placings (Day 1 Ike and Day 2 MM):
1st Ken Happerset = 1 (+16) = 1
1st Don Chesson = (4) +1 = 1
3rd Austin Gunder = 2 + 8 = 10
Alt Gil Morris = 3 + 11 = 14
5th Matt Gewain = 5 + 10 = 15
6th Lynn Pulley = 7 + 13 = 20
7th Jeff Ellington = 6 + 15 = 21
F1C: New Program using daily placings (Events reversed Day 1 MM and Day 2 Ike):
1st Don Chesson = 1 (+4) = 1
1st Ken Happerset = (16) + 1= 1
3rd Austin Gunder = 8 + 2= 10
Alt Gil Morris = 11 + 3= 14
5th Matt Gewain = 10 + 5= 15
6th Lynn Pulley = 13 + 7= 20
7th Jeff Ellington = 15 + 6 = 21
F1C: “Ye Olde Rules” (using 2 Combined contest days, with 1 culminating fly-off):
1st Austin Gunder = Max 11 — No fly-off Required
2nd Don Chesson = 2084 sec
3rd Gil Morris = 2082 sec
Alt Ken Happerset = 1958 sec
5th Matt Gewain = 1380 sec
6th Lynn Pulley = 1345 sec
7th Jeff Ellington = 1263 sec
F1C: Comparison (using 2 Separate contest days, single combined culminating fly-off NOT including any dropped round deficit):
1st Don Chesson = (1 day max-out) FO 1222 sec
2nd Ron McBurnett = (1 day max-out) FO 1176 sec
3rd Ed Carrol = (1 day max-out) FO 1159 sec
Alt Ken Happerset = (1 day max-out) FO 1160 sec
4th Faust Parker = (1 day max-out) FO 1154 sec
5th Randy Secor = (1 day max-out) FO 1144 sec
6th Andrei Kirilenko = (1 day max-out) FO 1132 sec
7th Guy Menanno = (1 day max-out) FO 1127 sec
8th Austin Gunder = (2 day max-outs) FO 1012 sec
F1C: Comparison (using 2 Separate contest days, single combined culminating fly-off INCLUDING any dropped round deficit):
1st Don Chesson = (1 day max-out) FO 1222 sec – 26 sec = 3306
2nd Austin Gunder = (2 day max-outs) FO 1012 sec = 3122
3rd Ken Happerset = (1 day max-out) FO 1160 sec – 332 sec = 2938
Alt Gil Morris = (1 day max-out) FO 680 sec – 28 sec = 2762
5th Ron McBurnett = (1 day max-out) FO 1176 sec – 970 sec = 2316
6th Ed Carrol = (1 day max-out) FO 1159 sec – 970 sec = 2299
7th Faust Parker = (1 day max-out) FO 1154 sec – 970 sec = 2294
8th Randy Secor = (1 day max-out) FO 1144 sec – 970 sec = 2284
Clearly there is no right or wrong answer. Each set of rules produces different Teams. Yet these examples do raise some interesting and as yet unanswered questions: Are all flyers expected to fly both days, or will the day 1 winner be exempt from flying on day 2 ? Do the day winners (especially in the case of the day 2 winner) only count their winning day score and not their other (first) day ? There is also no guarantee that there will be any fly-off, as indeed nor was there with the old Program. What is the tie-breaker process ? If accumulated flight times are used as a tie-breaker, is it round scores only, or fly-offs only or everything counted in the tie-break total ? Or if total placings are used, is 2nd + 6th = 8 the same as 4th + 4th = 8, or does the individual 2nd best placing take preference over the individual 4th best placing ? Lots of important details yet to be announced ….. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ …..this seems to be working…..zzzzzzzzzzzzzz ……..
— Biggles
Editor's Comment - Biggles, old chap, you clearly have too much time on your hands, you need a hobby. Can I suggest FLYING model airplanes.
Corrected Maxmen Entry Form ...
Actually the entry form was OK - the date for the America's Cup banquet was incorrect. It should have been the 19 Feb.
A World Cup and America’s Cup Event
DATE: Feb. 15, 18-21, 2011
PLACE: Bissonette Mirage Field, Lost Hills, Ca. USA
- F1E Tuesday, Feb. 15th (organized & run by SCAT)
- F1A Friday, Feb. 18th (7 rounds + flyoffs)
- F1B, C and P Sat., Feb 19th (7 rounds + flyoffs)
7 rds each day, starting at 8 am, 1 hour rds for A,B,C
1st. round extended max per rules for A,B,C
- F1G, H, J and Q Sunday, Feb. 20th
5 rds., 1 hour each starting at 9 am.
- Reserve day, Feb. 21th
SPECIAL NOTES: - FAI Sporting License is mandatory for all competitors flying F1A, B, C
- US competitors can mail entry form, with fees, to CD (email entries from US flyers will not be accepted)
- Non US competitors may email entry and pay upon arrival
- All non-AMA competitors must pay $28 AMA Affiliation fee
- Entries are considered late if not received by Feb. 13, 2011
- Fees are double for late entries
- Circling under models on a motorcycle for the purpose of creating lift is prohibited
- RDT will be permitted in all classes. In those classes where it is not specified, the rules shall be the same as the corresponding bigger classes.
COST: F1G, H, J, P and Q $10 / event
F1A, B and C $25 / event
CONTACT: George Batiuk
2221 King St. #2, San Luis Obispo, Ca. 93401 USA
Ph, 805-305-0340 Fax 805-546-0700
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
LOCAL MOTELS: Lost Hills Motel 6 661-797-2346
Lost Hills Days Inn 661-797-2371
DATE: Feb. 19, 2010
PLACE: Wasco Elks
PROGRAM: Dinner and America’s Cup Awards presentation
COST: $23.00 for adults, $13.00 for Juniors
CITY, STATE, ZIP_______________________________________________________________
FAI LICENSE NUMBER________________________
F1A ($25) ______________________________
F1B ($25) ______________________________
F1C ($25) ______________________________
F1P ($10) ______________________________
F1Q ($10) ______________________________
F1G ($10) ______________________________
F1H ($10) ______________________________
F1J ($10) ______________________________
BANQUET ($23) ______________________________
BANQUET under 17 ($13) _______________________________
2221 KING ST. #2,
Roger Morrell