SEN 1543
- Details
- Category: Archive 2011
- Hits: 1369
Table of Contents - SEN 1543.
- More on Looking at Thermals
- Thermal Views
- Nat News online
- #4 World Cup
- Site Info from Don
- hey Don't forget Ike
- Artic cat on the prowl
- Case for Denver WC
- El Dorado, dry lake that is ...
More on Looking at Thermals
A good explanation of skew-T plots can be found here: and thru the links in the post.
Dennis Phelan
Thermal Views
Good Tustin shots.
Interesting Thermal simulation. Plate Techtonics happens a lot faster than I thought. Mt Lemmon was down near Tucson when I last saw it, but has moved up near Flagstaff. That's over 4mi/yr which is a lot more than the inches that the textbooks would have you believe.
The dry air thermal in the example is much less dramatic than the moisture induced boomers that are getting press now as tornado fuel. Water vapor has about 60% the density of air. Then when it condenses into a cloud, the liquid takes up about 1/1000 the volume of the vapor. A real sucker.
Hermann A
USA Nats news online
has some very shots of indoor FF.
World Cup #3 section
Site Info from Don
Roger I have flown at Sendera Ranch, Texas many times. It is a bit larger than Muncie, about 2 miles long by 1-1/4 mile wide, with far fewer (and shorter) trees, and no surrounding crop fields. It is not as flat as Muncie, with some very rough motorcycle chasing in two-foot deep grass (uneven ground and a few rocks). Having said that Sendera is a true 3-minute field with usually good morning and evening calm periods for flyoffs. An area would have to be mowed for F1A flyers. Sendera is not nearly as good overall as Denver, Lost Hills, El Dorado, or Eloy, though.
El Dorado: my take is this site is problematical due to the interference on radio telemetry due to the Hoover Dam transmission lines. Last time I flew there I had NO signal at all most of the time!
Geneseo: flown there many times. It is not large enough, and it’s surrounded on all sides by huge trees, dense crops and a river.
Don DeLoach
Hey Don't forget Ike
To follow up on recent discussions regarding the third USA World Cup contest.
We would like to have the Isaacson Winter Classic also considered for the additional World Cup contest.
* The Ike is a well established and popular contest run the week before the MaxMen Bob Memorial WC.
* It is probably the first and one of the few, to run a full slate of FAI FF events, including F1Q and F1E.
* It already has the strong support of the International FF community.
We also encourage the use of another date and venue, but if it comes down to Lost Hills, the Ike would be an ideal selection.
Norm Furutani
Roger Morrell
Artic Cat on the prowl
Denver in summer versus Madison in winter? Given the rest of World Cup schedule, where's the opening? Seems one of these aught to be proffered.
I have to admit: shagging models on rented Artic Cat snowmobiles really sounds like fun... Uh-oh. I may have just re ignited that whole moto-flapping debate.
Gene Ulm,
Gene - I thought that the heaters those Ice fishing guys use would generate thermals. I understand from my real Norwegian friend that an portable electric drill is a must to put those stooge stakes in the ice. I'll go for a simple hammer and Denver - or pretty much any other place :-)
The case for a Denver World Cup contest.
A summer world cup contest would give a huge boost to American FAI.
Much the same Fab Feb has done for Winter in Lost Hills. A summer event could be open to a broader constituency, including, younger flyers off from school. Summer would also likely eliminate other fields in AZ and Lost Hills, unless the goal is to kill off flyers thru heat stroke and dehydration.
Denver is perched about as close as you can get to an international airport. It is in the center of the country with direct flights from all sides.
The place is very easy to get to w direct flights from just about everywhere.
There are close by quality hotels, at reasonable rates.
They have a very strong supporting club structure. And, while I don't speak for the MMM, they have the 14 rounder -- the last of its type -- already running.
Its a matter of upgrading what exists rather than inventing something new.
M3: Now that I've volunteered you how about a proffer?
Gene Ulm,
El Dorado - Dry lake that is ..
Re World Cup location:
When I first saw El Dorado dry lake, I thought World Champs. A 2mi by 7mi sorta rectangle for 20' elevation change on a topo map. Close to bargain accomodations at Henderson, NV. Was after a rainstorm so there was no dust. Was also calm.
Randy Archer said he also saw it like that, but also with wind. That led to the Sympo 98 article "The Sun, the Moon and the Contest." Weather appears to be influenced by lunar phase as well as solar. It should be possible to dramatically improve the odds of good weather by plotting out the wind (and rain) on a grid of years and months. Anyone need a Masters Thesis?
Roger Morrell