SEN 1546
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- Category: Archive 2011
- Hits: 1335
- Jr Team Selection Notice
- Ground Inversions
- W + O Spring meet
- We have you covered
Two dead lines are coming up. The first is the Nat's entry dead line of June 15, 2011, late fee is 25$. You can get the application on the AMA web site if you did nor get one in the mail. The second dead line is the entry to the Jr team selection program. The application is available on the NFFS web site: Competition / Juniors / 2012 Team Application. There is no charge for entering the program if done by July 1, 2011. On-field entry will be accepted with a $50 late fee. Reminder: the Jr only contest portion is not the Sunday before the start of the FF Nats as in previous years but on the last day of the FF NATs, Friday, July 22. Also, the F1A Jrs must fly the regular NATs on Monday, July 18 and F1B and P Jrs must fly on Weds July 20, 2011. The combination times of the two days of competition will determine the team placings. The detail explaination is in the Jr Team Selection Program which on the NFFs web site, it is the "Team Application" mentioned above or you can get a hard copy by calling AMA and asking for the Competition department.
Entering in the Junior Program also enters you in the Friday Juniors only contest. This contest starts at 8 AM.
I am the CD for the Jr Finals his year. I'll be on the field on Thursday, July 21 for late entry and questions.
This is my first call for timers, please drop me line [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.] if you will be able to time on Friday.
Ground Inversions
As I suspected -- not much knowledge among us about temperature inversions. But, the more I dig into it the more I realize that inversions occur almost every day and they are key to lift, wind velocity, direction and turbulence. The best reference I have found is the book "Air Rider's Weather" by Alan Watts, copyright 1992. It's specially written for pilots of paragliders, hang gliders, sailplanes and balloons. It can be bought used on the Internet for about $10. I got mine from Half Price Books for $4.98. Some excerpts:
"When an overnight inversion exists, as it can right up to the middle of the morning, only turbulent eddies can mix up the deck below the inversion layer, and so the wind remains light. Yet as soon as the sun can heat the ground enough to induce strong thermals these punch through the inversion and suddenly you feel the wind increase. Very often it will shift its direction clockwise (veer) at the same time. So, the usual way the surface wind behaves on a good flying morning is to be light and fairly constant in direction up to the time when the inversion breaks, and from then on to increase. This increase will normally continue right through lunch-time into the afternoon. This is because, as the day progresses, deeper mixing hauls down faster wind from the top of the mixed layer."
"Before the layer breaks, thermal currents are inhibited and the wind above is cut off from the wind below."
"Wind statistics for the top of the Eiffel Tower prove that when the surface wind goes down, the wind at 1000' goes up and vice versa."
"As the sun sinks, the depth of the air-deck under the inversion will increase. As it does the surface wind has only its own momentum to sustain it and deprived of the help of faster wind from above, it dies."
" If inversions exist not far from the ground, as they can in the early evening when stability is setting in, the angle between the ground wind and that at 200' - 300' may be as high as 45 degrees."
So, where's the support for the model? My take is that in the morning it is thermals from the rising sun until the temperature inversion is no more, about 10 am. In the evening, as inversions are forming, I think its not thermal activity but light laminar wind conditions that provide laminar flow over the model wings for greater lift than experienced in the turbulent air during the day.
Wilbur and Orville Spring Meet event schedule
Free Flight Friends,
Here below is the event schedule for the Wilbur and Orville Club Spring Meet at Barron field near Middletown, NY, June 11 - June 12, for FAI, AMA, and NFFS free flight events. You are welcome to attend. The meet is held at our field in Wawayanda, NY, at the time of year when the field is at its best, with 770 contiguous acres of perfectly flat field available and a nearly as large amount on the other side of a narrow tree line, in a four mile wide farm valley of the Walkill. Golf carts are made available for retrieval, especially for those who come from a distance (just let us know you are coming).
The schedule of events is given below; it is similar to that used at the Skyscraper meets. Remember also that the Skyscraper Annual is June 25-26 (also at Barron field in Wawayanda, New York), and the Wilbur and Orville America's Cup meet is August 20-21 this year. Further contest listings and directions to Barron Field are at See also the NFFS master calendar at
The Wilbur and Orville Club is a youth oriented Free Flight club organized by Sarah Radziunas within the Eli Whitney Museum, New Haven, Connecticut.
Free flight fliers of all ages are encouraged!!
Andrew Barron, Sarah Radziunas and Dennis Phelan (CD)
Wilbur and Orville Spring Meet
FAI, AMA, NFFS, National Cup
June 11 - June 12, 2011
Barron, Ford, and Shuback Fields
Wawayanda, New York
Saturday June 11: F1G (rubber),F1H(glider),F1J(power) five rounds, 120 sec max.
F1Q (electric, seven rounds, 15 sec motor run, 180 sec max).
Saturday June 11:
Round 1: 9:30-11:00am
Round 2: 10:30-12:00
Round 3: 11:30-1:00pm
Round 4: 12:30-2:00pm
Round 5: 1:30-3:00pm
Rd 6:F1Q 2:30-4:00pm
Rd 7:F1Q 3:30-5:00pm
Sunday June 12:
F1A(glider), F1B(wake), F1C(power), F1P(power)
Round 1: 7:30- 9:00am Max 240 sec
Round 2: 8:30- 10:00am Max 180 sec
Round 3: 9:30- 11:00am
Round 4: 10:30- 12:00
Round 5: 11:30- 1:00pm
Round 6: 12:30- 2:00pm
Round 7: 1:30- 3:00pm
Contest Director: Dennis Phelan This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contest and Club Organizer: Sarah Radziunas 203-444-0089, 203-710-1254
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Field Marshall: Andrew Barron 203-248-5386This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Turn in scores between each flight.
For local award purposes several of the events are COMBINED and flying in
each event may be on EITHER DAY, with all flying by a contestant in one
event to be completed within the day he or she chooses. National cup events are individually sanctioned and results will be reported as such. For national cup purposes the flying is to be on the day specified. The junior national cup events are also separately sanctioned.
EVENTS Either Day: Hand Launch Glider, Catapult Glider, P-30, Classic Towline, Electric B, Pee-Wee 30 gas, Gas Combined [1/2A,A,B,C,D Gas, 1/2A,AB,CD Classic, 1/4A,1/2A,A,B Nostalgia], Rubber combined [Nos. Rubber/Wake, Mulvihill, and Rubber Stick (any size rubber motor, any size wing area, any weight)]. Do feel free to come and fly any freeflight model.
National Cup Schedule: Saturday June 11: 9am-5:00pm. Hand Launch Glider, Catapult Glider, Classic Towline, Junior 1/2A Power, 1/2A,A,B,C,D Gas, 1/2A,AB,CD Classic, Nostalgia Rubber/Wake.
National Cup Schedule: Sunday June 12: 8am to 3:00pm. P-30, Mulvihill, Electric B, 1/4A,1/2A,A,B Nostalgia.
Awards for FAI Mini-Events are at completion of Saturday flying. Awards for remaining events for are at 3:00pm Sunday.
Entry Fee $15 ($10 field use fee, plus $5 entry which covers
unlimited number of AMA, NFFS, and FAI events).
The field is on Orange County Route 12, in Wawayanda, six miles south of
Route 17M near Middletown, NY. Turn onto farm road just south of
Gardnersville Road. The field is 90 minutes away from the New York City
For directions, list of hotels, and field rules go to
Camping on field is encouraged.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office 203-432-0634
Dept. 203-432-0666 (for leaving messages)
Fax 203-432-0633
Home 203-248-5386 (may call)
We have you covered?
Recently there had been some discussion around materiels for covering the LDA .. Some of this was around the German Oracover products. This company has a very wide range of products that are described on their website //
These product are distributed directly on a number of markets but in the UK they are called Profilm and the USA Ultra Cote. These products are a sub set of the Oracover product line. The lightest product is the Oracover Light aka UltraCote Lite at 3.4 gram per square meter. These products are very strong and withstand d/ting on stubble.
Ultra Cote is a Hanager9 product and is distributed in the USA by Horizon Hobby and sold some hobby shops and Horizon Hobby's web sales.
Ultracote | Dark Red | 8.5 g/sq. ft. | circa 1996 |
Ultracote | Cub Yellow | 6.6 g/sq. ft. | 0.002 in thick |
Ultracote Plus | Pearl Yellow | 8.2 g/sq. ft. | 0.0022 in thick |
Ultracote | Transparent Yellow | 5.0 g/sq. ft. | 0.0015 in thick |
Ultracote | Transparent Yellow (lite) | 3.4 g/sq. ft. | 0.001 in thick |
Note the Coverite Microlite is a similar product to Oracover lite but not quite as heavy. We would be interested in hearing if anyone has done a comparison.
Roger Morrell