SEN 1547
- Details
- Category: Archive 2011
- Hits: 1432
- Summer flying program
- Tustin Encore
- F1 Masters Results
- Covering Corrections and More
- more Coverups
- MMM 14 reminder
Make you fit for the Outrageous October by flying in EUROPE
Make you fit for the Outrageous October in EUROPE Innovative Ilbesheim is waiting on you with the possibility of combining 5 World CUP's in 2 weeks or 8 in 4 weeks Walt Ghio wrote in SEN 1535: if the Fab Feb, Awesome Argentina, Innovative Ilbesheim, Crazy Crimea was not enough for you then you must attend the Outrageous October to finish off 2011.
To be fit for the Outrageous October in California you have the choice of follwing World-Cup contest events in Europe: starting with our 2 WC contests in Ilbesheim you can attend 5 World CUP contests in 2 weeks or if you take another 2 weeks 3 more: here the dates and info web sites: Ilbesheim/ Germany ( 50km west of Frankfurt) info and online registration on: 19.8. IKARUS CUP F1A, B, Q 20.8. SUNRISE 20.8. EUROPE COUPE Revival F1A, H, B Low Tec , F1G, F1H, F1H(N), P-30 21.8. DÄDALUS CUP of Switzerland F1A, B, Q Zülpich/ Germany 27.8. EIFELPOKAL 200km north of Ilbesheim fly Frankfurt to Göteborg/ Sweden Revinghe/ Sweden 2.9. SWEDISH CUP 4.9. NORDIC CUP and if you havn't enough, fly to Crimea in UKRAINE for another 3 World CUP contests at the same place. Berehove near Feodosia - Crimea Ukraine 10. - 12.9. FREE FLIGHT HOLIDAY Latvia 13 .- 15.9. BLACK SEA CUP 16. - 18.9. FREE FLIGHT HOLIDAY Lithuania If you fly all of them, then you are fit for the Outrageous October in California 2011 - make your travel plans now !!
Request: Due the time is running so quick and we like to be best prepared for the new Ilbesheim contests, we request all sportsman, who intend to come to our Ilbesheim contest series with 4 contests at one weekend, to make online registration asap or send me a short mail notice to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. thanks a lot for understanding and helping to prepare a fabolous contest
See you in Ilbesheim
Reminder to check in for the Tustin Blimp Hangar Indoor Session!
We added Friday, but because there is no sponsor it has to be $50. Saturday is $20 and Sunday is $10. We have a AMA record sanction for all three days.
Last month, we came up short on the $$$. Please encourage your buddies to attend!
NEW! On Saturday, we’re going to have a Build ‘N’ Fly contest for Stan’s Park Scout (cat glider). 5 bucks gets you a Stan kit and and entry in the contest, should take only a few minutes to assemble. Bring CA and sandpaper!
For more info, check the attached PDF or reply to this posting.
Norm Furutani
Sponsored by: The Isaacson Winter Classic
Saturday, June 11 and Sunday, June 12, 2011
Both Days have limited attendance - Reserve your spot!
Black Sheep Squadron is sponsoring Sunday, June 12
Hangar is 1000’ long x 300’ wide x 150’ high. 600’ of the length will be available for model aircraft. Areas and if needed, times will be designated for different aircraft types.
Please read all the instructions!
Both days will be sanctioned for AMA record trials.
Inappropriate aircraft will not be allowed to fly! (example- high speed and/or heavy craft) At the discretion of the CD and organizers.
AMA membership is required of all fliers.
Saturday Is sponsored by Norm Furutani. Fee is $20, payable to Norm Furutani. We are limited to the number of participants, so let me know you are coming. You can pay on arrival. Contact Norm: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or leave a message on my cell 310.408.7046
Sunday is sponsored by the Blacksheep Squadron. Fee is $10. Contact Dave Gee. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Yeah, I know, Sunday is cheaper but Norm needs some help to break even.
Site access:
Access is restricted and the gate must remain locked. The gate will open briefly for entry or exit at the following times! 7, 9, and 11:30AM, 12:30, 2:30 and the end of the day. Please! No exceptions!
New entrance! The gate is located on Armstrong Ave about 100 yds. East of Valencia Ave. Armstrong is east of Redhill and Valencia Ave, Tustin CA. Contact Norm if you need further instructions.
There is NO electricity, lighting or water available. There will be a port a potty outside. NO smoking or alcohol.
Please remove any trash.
Okay, I left this out!
I failed to mention that the Park Scout contest is a special deal being offered by Stan to encourage you guys to come out on Saturday!
The Park Scout is an $8 kit. Stan will have it available at the hangar for $5! The winner will get a goodie plus free shipping on Stan's Stuff for a year!
Thanks, Stan!
Still plenty of room on the list.
- Norm
Covering Corrections and more
G’ Day Roger,
Noted a typo in the “We have you covered”. Text has Ultracote Lite at 3.4 grms/ but table is correct at 3.4 grms/sq.ft. This is 36 grms/sq. mtr.
There are two lighter Oracover coverings available at 12 µm thickness and 17 gsm (grms/ This is their Oracover Air Indoor and Air Light. Both have no adhesive layer and the adhesive has to be applied separately to the structure. Their Oracover Air Outdoor is 23 µm thickness and 33 gsm., also with no adhesive.
For comparison the Esaki lightweight tissue in the 18” x 20” sheets is 14gsm. Esaki heavy weight is 17 gsm. Esaki silk #3 is also 14 gsm and their heavyweight #4 is 17 gsm.
Most durable lightweight covering I have found so far (over half a century of searching) is 14 gsm Esaki lightweight tissue over 5 µm polyester (Mylar, Melinex) film. Tissue 50/50 doped over the tightened polyester film. Did try 2 µm polyester but it is very fragile, irradiating red/green colours as in microfilm for F1D props. Could probably succeed with altered method.
Best regards,
Jon Fletcher
And More Cover Ups
Roger: Re Coverite Microlite : It is UK product sold elsewhere under many different names just as is UltrCote Ultralite and is, as you suggest, a bit lighter at 1.9>1.89 grams/square foot. It is very easy to apply, but re-wrinkles badly when ambient temps go above 75F on the surfaces, so stiff components are a must. Also, Microlite is quite fragile compared to UltraCote Light. Great stuff for Indoor R/C or small rubber ships that spend most of their time in boxes.
32nd Annual MMM 14 Round FAI Contest Update
Hello everybody,
Here is an update on this year's MMM 14 R FAI Annual. First the good news, gasoline prices in the Colorado front range have started to come down. We saw a peak of about 3.69 here in the Colorado Springs area and now prices have started a slow decline.
This year's dinner is in a new location and a different menu. We will be having a Pizza and pasta dinner with a cash bar (beer and wine)
at a place near the hotel. price will be $15 per head and there will be a special presentation at the dinner.
The Extended Stay hotel has a block of rooms for us at a or $55/night. be sure to book early as there is a limited number of rooms available at this rate.
On the bad news front, we have not been able to talk the State Land Board out of the $25 camping fee for the weekend, so I am hopint the new lower cost banquet and gasoline prices will help to offset this fee.
Get your entry fee in to take advantage of the early flyer discount.
Info at web site
Jerry Murphy
9 Via Escondido Valle
Manitou Springs, CO 80829