SEN 1553
- Details
- Category: Archive 2011
- Hits: 1408
- MMM Reminder
- Palm Help
- Magic Timer Mailing List
Hi competitors,
Here is the latest update on this year's MMM FAI Annual. We continue to be the toughest FAI contest in America, but likely the toughest in the world! This is your opportunity to come
and test your skills under the outstanding Colorado azure sky.
We did discover a proof reading error on the flyer. The headline dates July 8,9, and 10 as well as the round schedule dates are correct. The problem is in the sub headings with last year's dates. The correct dates are Friday July 8 for test flying and F1E with the major events being flown on Saturday July 9 and Sunday July 10. Sorry about the error.
There is still time to get your advance entry into me so that you can save $10.
Be sure to check the MMM web site at for hotel details, maps, and Saturday dinner information. this year we are going to have a Pizza and Pasta dinner with a cash bar at Anthony's near the hotel.
Fly high and max often!
See you in Denver next week.
Palm help
There are a number of people of use Palm Pilots for programming timers, reading altimeters etc.
There is a file manager utility called FileZ that you can down load from Freeware palm. that is very useful for working with external storage
in addition there is a Patch from Palm/HP that works on the M5Xx and M125 plus several more that improves the SC card handling. These can be downloaded from
Magic Timer Mailing List
Those of you who use Magic Timers are probably on the Magic timers mailing list that has technical updates and other information. If not email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and ask to be put on.
Roger Morrell