SEN 1564
- Details
- Category: Archive 2011
- Hits: 1394
- 50 Years of Aeromodeller+
- Traveling to USA excess baggage or not
- 2011 Sympos available
- Q gathering grapes
- F1C Stuff for sale
- New Source for Icarex type materiel
50+ Years of Aeromodeller magazines collection
Brian Lavis has handed on to me the last of John Bailey’s aeromodelling items to clear so that Glynis has a clean house to sell. Included in these is John’s collection of Aeromodelling and Model Aircraft magazines covering some 50 years and some engines.
I had thought to eBay the magazines but I don’t have time to scan some 600 magazine covers and they would swamp eBay listings if offered all at once.
If someone would like to buy the collection in total I’m sure a very reasonable price could be arranged, or if there is some charitable group that would appreciate the collection I am open to suggestions.
Final JB engines being offered for sale, if no takers I will put them on eBay:
K&B 35 schnuerle ported rear exhaust monster of a motor fitted for pressure and flood off. Appears in good condition. £30.00
PAW 19 DS4 has had some use so call it average condition. £15.00
Cox TD049/051 used in contests fitted for pressure and flood off. £15.00
Fox 35 need spray bar, very used condition £5.00
Fox 15rc very used £5.00
K&B Torpedo 15 glow motor in good condition for this classic motor £25.00
OS Max 35 with two rc carbs and another spray bar, good condition £15.00
Bag of CO2 bits including what looks like a new Modela motor and an old Shark plus chargers and spanners £5.00
Magazine collection and motors can be delivered to Southern Gala, 8Th Area and Midland Gala at North Luffenham.
Drop me a line if interested or with ideas.
David Brawn This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Travelling to USA excess baggage or not?
Dear Roger,
How are you?
I am planning on returning this year to compete at the Bissonete and Sierra cup in October.
I am having a lot of trouble with the american airlines companies regarding extra fees for my model box which exceeds the size limit by few inches.
up to now, I had no succes in convincing them to check the box as my second luggege for free or even one time payment. they want me to pay a 200$ fee for each flight. that means 800$ for my 4 flights that are required for me to get to california and back. thats an extra half the price of my flight ticket. this will be very hard for me to pay.. and most probably will end my plan to come
do you have any ideas or expirience with that problem? (maybe some ideas of your European or down under friends that come from once in while..)
Best Regards,
NFFS 2011 Symposium now available.
The 2011 NFFS Symposium is now available for shipping. This version features 224 pages of information for every level of free flight competitor. Much for the person who is just getting back into the hobby as well as for the experts. Models of the Year, Hall of Fame and Nakashima cartoons. All for $35 plus shipping. Shipping in the USA is $5 for one or two copies. Also available online for domestic and overseas sales. See the NFFS website for information soon (
As with last year, this is a limited edition issue. Last year's sold out in June.
Send checks or money orders to NFFS, PO Box 1775, Albany, OR 97321.
We have added F1Q by Request
Fai at the Great Gathering. Come enjoy the beautiful scenery in Western New York State
Very Best regards,
JohnF1C ready to fly models-FOR SALE
Model Verbitski, classic engine VE (+RCDT)
Model Verbitski -VE reduktor engine, (+RCDT)
Folder Babenko –VE reduktor engine, ( place WC-Croatia 2009) (+RCDT)
Folder Babenko –VE reduktor engine , place MAX-MEN
RCDT Transmitter with two receivers
Starter model box
Starting tools, plugs (cca 15 kom),fuel tubes, tank tubes, props, accumulators, etc,
Damjan Zulic This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ICAREX type covering material
A quality replacement for ICAREX has been located. The specs are as follows
Ripstop nylon with polycarbonate backing. 5mm square grid pattern.
1.5 oz (37 grams) per sqyd. .003” thick Width is 72’.
Current colors available: white ,red ,blue, orange, bright green, hot pink, yellow. Others can be ordered.
Price per yard : $8.50 Can deliver FF Champs and fall FAI contests.
Contact Mike This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 661-805-0221
Mike Szura
Roger Morrell