SEN 1363
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- Category: Archive 2010
- Hits: 1219
- MaxMen
- King Orange Results
- Looking for a Ken Oliver boom
- Ranting from Wyoming
- Southwest Regionals
- Mike's Pictures
A World Cup and America’s Cup Event
DATE: Feb. 9, 12-15, 2010
PLACE: Bissonette Mirage Field, Lost Hills, Ca. USA
SCHEDULE: - F1E Tuesday, Feb. 9th (organized & run by SCAT)
- F1A Friday, Feb. 12th (7 rounds + flyoffs)
- F1B, C and P Sat., Feb 13th (7 rounds + flyoffs)
7 rds each day, starting at 8 am, 1 hour rds for A,B,C
1st. round extended max per rules for A,B,C
- F1G, H, J and Q Sunday, Feb. 14th
5 rds., 1 hour each starting at 9 am.
- Reserve day, Feb. 15th
SPECIAL NOTES: -FAI Sporting License is mandatory for all competitors flying F1A, B, C
- US competitors can mail entry form, with fees, to CD (email entries from US flyers will not be accepted)
- Non US competitors may email entry and pay upon arrival
- All non-AMA competitors must pay $28 AMA Affiliation fee
- Entries are considered late if not received by Feb. 7, 2010
- Fees are double for late entries
- circling under models on a motorcycle for the purpose of creating lift is prohibited
COST: F1G, H, J, P and Q $10 / event
F1A, B and C $25 / event
CONTACT: George Batiuk
2221 King St. #2, San Luis Obispo, Ca. 93401 USA
Ph, 805-546-8231 Fax 805-546-0700
LOCAL MOTELS: Lost Hills Motel 6 661-797-2346
Lost Hills Days Inn 661-797-2371
DATE: Feb. 13, 2010
PLACE: Wasco Elks
PROGRAM: Dinner and America’s Cup Awards presentation
COST: $22.00 for adults, $12.00 for Juniors
CITY, STATE, ZIP_______________________________________________________________
FAI LICENSE NUMBER_________________________________________________________
& nbsp; 2221 KING ST. #2,
This year the weather was not a good as last year but still very flyable. The first day had F1G, H, J and Q. It started out a little cool, for us anyhow, in the 40’s but warmed up nicely and we were able to start on time and completer all of the rounds. It was a little windy in the afternoon of the second day F1A, B, C, and P and the direction forced a mid-day move of the flight line and reduction of the maxes to 2 ½ minutes the last round because of another late afternoon wind direction change. Once again the attendance was down with only one Americas Cup events, F1G, still undecided.
F1G had 3 flyers but the Americas cup was at stake again this year. John Clapp would win the Americas F1G Cup if he won. John started of with good test flights and a strong first round max but he dropped the second round by 29 seconds and third round by 51. John came down only to fly F1G and when there was no chance of his winning he packed up and got an early start on heading home. John flew very well this year in f1G but it was one of those years where several other people also flew very well. Eddie Vanlandingham put up 4 maxes for the win and that moved him up to 4th in the final Americas Cup F1G standing.
F1J also had 3 flyers and kept it petty tight through round 3. Round 4 saw Jean Pailet and Brian Pacelli, who was flying his F1P in F1J, drop. Gil Morris stayed clean for a win and 2nd and 3rd would have been a lot closer if Jean had not had a very uncommon flight of 22 seconds in the last round.
Rex Hinson was the only flyer in F1Q and he was flying a brand new model. What was neat about the model was that it looked like a 70’s 1/2A gas model and only used a 31 gram battery; note that the F1Q rules allow up to a 90 gram battery. The motor runs were cut to 15 seconds but the maxes were 3 minutes. At 15 seconds Rex’s model was up to about the height of a F1J or F1P.
F1B had 3 entries this year. The scores remained close for 3 rounds but by then a change in the wind required a move, thus delaying the start of round 4. Brian Pacelli had his F1B come down near the power line but he was unable to pick up a signal. He stopped flying to look for his model, which was found the next day. It appears the model may have come into contact with the power lines on it way down from a DT’ing and that blew out the transmitter. Round 4 was started after everyone moved to the new flying location but the wind was picking up. By round 6 the wind was up to 10 to 13 MPH and the direction had changed which put models that maxed in good air close to the dreaded Pepper trees. The decision was made to cut the maxes to 2 ½ minutes. After more close encounters with the Pepper trees in round 6 Eddie and Jim decided to hang it up and not fly Round 7.
F1C only had Gil Morris flying and F1P only had Brian Pacelli flying. Gil was working on his launching methods in the wind and must have figured it out as he maxed out. Brian only flew 4 rounds because he was looking for his lost F1B.
F1G, 3 flyers F1H, 1 flyer F1J, 3 flyers
1. Eddie Vanlandingham 480 1. Jean Pailet 536 1. Gill Morris 600
2. John Clapp 280 2. Brian Pacelli 576
3. Chris Lalishek 69 3. Jean Pailet 476
1. Eddie Vanlandingham 1035 1. Gill Morris 1230
2. Jim Bradley 964
3. Brian Pacelli 521
Looking for a Ken Oliver boom
SEN readers and fellow free flighters,
I just read Don Zink's article and I can say that although I am Pro moto flapping, I am absolutely fine with someone changing their mind in hopes that it will better the competition/increase competitors. I think it very humble of him to admit that he did moto flap with the rest of us, but now wants it to end...which is fine. However, lets make this about moto flapping..lets not drag RC DT into it.
Arik, I apologize, I don't know who you are, but I do have one thing to say in response to you. In my brief time participating in this sport, I have been short timed, lost in the sun...flown without a timer due to the person being on the wrong pole, and given a zero because the person is not paying attention. There is NO way that I would ever trust a timer to push a button that if not pushed could potentially cost me upwards of 3000 dollars. That is out of the question. I feel that this sport is flow by noble sportsman, I trust them when they hit the DT that they are saving their airplanes, not their overall contest score. It is fine if you don't, that is why there is always that 20$ protest option.
I agree with Don's last sentiment.... lets not ruin this sport, but lets also realize that this sport is built on innovation. Lets continue to innovate and grow the sport. If moto flapping was toxic to the sport, we will soon find out by response to the new rule. I hope everyone really does enjoy the new rule changes.
Fly Max Win
Benjamin Coussens
PS: I am aghast that I have not received any replies/offers to my previous propositions involving my mutt and bored teenagers.
Southwest Regionals
Mike's Pictures
Been sorting out the backlog of images and stuff over the Xmas and new year Period. Have a look at the attached links. The full size images are from Duxford and Eastbourne and came from my birthday treat trips organised by my two daughters.
Michael Woodhouse
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Roger Morrell