SEN 1364
- Details
- Category: Archive 2010
- Hits: 1141
Table of Contents - SEN 1364
- SEN 1383
- Wyoming
- US Indoor Champs Info
- New I-Phoney Apps
- F1C 4 sale
SEN 1383
was really SEN 1363
Not much to do up there in the winter Ben?
2010 US Indoor Champs Info?
What is the dates for the U.S. Indoor Championships 2010? Also what is the current
schedule for the events?
Thank You,
George Lancaster
More iPhone Apps:
Of course, now available for those intrepid iSportsPersons who can still remember the good old days of the International Contest scene (before Technology ruined the thrill of the chase) my favorite is still the all new, amazingly realistic, iMaizeMaze. Now you can re-create the nostalgic excitement of those near impossible retrievals of yesteryear, before the BioTrack or Walston revolution. The iMaizeMaze screen depicts and recreates the familiar scene of retrieving your model from the all too familiar 10 ft tall Maize field, and lets the iSportsPerson pitch his fitness and intuition against the natural world, as you run up and down endless rows of virtual Maize, with virtual corn-stalks flashing by in close proximity on both sides, in a desperate search to find that wayward model before the all too familiar hooter sounds the end of the round. Complete with various screens depicting many different crop hues, from Spring Green to Harvest Gold, in combination with a choice of contrasting, or coordinated model colors for even more challenging recoveries. Simply touch screen left or screen right to change corn-rows, or flip the screen to about-turn your direction. Meanwhile, the all-stereo sound track, replete with all the appropriate local species of crickets and cicadas, is interspersed with various cries of "it's over here" or "I've got it", in a dizzying array of foreign languages and accents, all designed to help trick, trap, bewilder or disorient the dedicated iSportsPerson from the task of retrieving. And for even more challenging variety, you can choose to search in fields with actual crop-circle Mazes and other unexpected features and obstacles. Now you can productively use those wasted minutes spent waiting for a bus, standing on the train, or during those endless elevator rides, by instead running this App while actually running on the spot ! The add-on iPulse-Rate-Monitor will speed up or slow down the screen display, in proportion to your actual cadence. And when used in conjunction with the luxury of stereo 3D video goggles, the amazing iMaizeMaze creates an eerily realistic virtual simulation, without all the bugs and dust (once we finally get all the bugs out), which will keep you engrossed for hours. Hey you probably will even forget to get on that next bus, or to get off at the next station, or will spend all day riding up and down in the elevator, while you get in shape still running on the spot, as you relive those epic contests of old. Got to go and run it one more time.
— Biggles
F1C 4 sale
Strukov/Babenko, Straight drive, 4 panel folder. Very little use, no crashes, suits V.E. or Fora engines. Red transparent Ora covered $1350.
Strukov/Babenko Gear drive, 4 panel folder. No crashes very few flights suits V.E. or Fora engines. Red Fibre Film covered $1400.
Both models use Leonid Fuzeyev style wing systems with twin rubbers.
The models have V.E. engines fitted in them at present and can be sold with the models if required.
I can deliver to Max Men in February.
More information and photos email Roy Summersby
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Roger Morrell