SEN 1367
- Details
- Category: Archive 2010
- Hits: 1138
- 2009 Am Cup Results Corrected
- FAI style at the Ike Clarified
- M&K Gliders for sale
- Writer in Wyoming
- F1Cs for Sale
- F1A Available
- Looking for a second hand AA front end
- 2010 Am Cup Season
- 2010 Junior team bulletin #5 - has team member list
- Sheriff's Report - local flap in LA
- NFFS Pubs Notice
Clarifing FAI style CLG at the Ike
To clear up things about the FAI Style CLG event to be held at The Ike
on Feb 7:
You can borrow a loaner CLG from us, as it is not a Builder-of-Model event.
Rubber is unrestricted also.
In addition, the BTV West 12" CLG Funfly will have loaners available.
First come first served!
The Leeper
M&K Gliders for sale
M&k Short model and M&K long model for sale. Both in great condition and flown very little. Both covered in Icarex. Very good flying mechanical models, but no time to fly them. Can deliver to Max Men.
Contact Austin Gunder with inquiries.
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Writer in Wyoming
I love the fact that I am "the writer in wyoming" it makes me sound a heck of a lot more epic than I actually am. Thank you MMM for the SEN e-mail. I am longing for freeflight, however my airplanes are 1000 miles away in California. For those who asked who I am....I am that snot nosed punk who used to face off with my elders on SEN...well maybe the facing off has not altogether ceased at this point. I flew F1A from 2000-2008 and yes I was one of those spoiled lost hills guys. I love the sport. I love reading SEN and all the good times that roll on it...I was Jim Parkers MOTO FLAPPING nutball for the previous finals, and he is responsible for keeping me in the sport as long as I was flying. Hope that gives a bit of a background...all the lost hills guys just know me as the loud mouth kid who loved to make fun of Jon Davis and Steve Spence...Its all love boys.
F1Cs for Sale
I would like to sell two of my Geared Verbitsky
models.I am asking 1600.00 each. both are exellent flyers and in great condition. I can include a spare tailboom and propeller blades as well as my aluminum shipping box if someone is interested in both models together.
I would be willing to make a very good deal if a junior flyer is interested in one or both of them.
delivery to lost hills in february can be arranged
Dave Shirley
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F1A Available
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Last year I offered somone here the 2 unused F1A gliders i bought about 15 years ago. I purchased it from a Ukranian group supplying modelers back then. This model was caled the Junior. If he or anyone else is interested please let me know. However he has first dibs. I never flew it.
Looking for a used VP Andriukov front end
2010 Am Cup season
2010Am Cup season under way, Southwest Regional on the books.
Two changes to the AmCup rules for 2010.
1e. clarified contest rescheduling
5. modified bonus points, now 2 entrant per bonus point
AmCup Banquet just around the corner, sign up for the banquet via the MaxMen entry form or contact me directly.
2008 winners please make sure your name is engraved and the trophy is polished up and arrives safely at the banquet.
F1A Rene Limberger-- thanks for giving us F1A flyers a break
F1B Blake Jensen-- yes you need to bring the trophy to the Banquet
F1C Don Chesson-- What's like have a trophy Fast Richard has not won?
F1P Cody Secor-- I'll have you on stage to hand the trophy to Dave
F1G Ed Vanlandingham-- were did Mark Belfield come from?
F1H Mike McKeever-- you should of gone to Eloy in Dec
F1J Faust Parker-- the trophy is safe in my workshop
F1Q Dan Berry--A man's retch should exceed his gasp or what's a heavin' for?
F1E Peter Brocks-- yes you need to bring the trophy to the Banquet
Thermals, JIM
Dateline January 21st: In Local News broadcast today in LA, reporting the extreme winter storms that have hit California this week, the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department stated …”an automobile was lifted off the ground and went spinning through the air to land in a tree”. A spokesman later clarified that they had already ruled out the incident as not being caused by local model flyers, who had earlier been spotted practicing their Moto Flapping techniques for the upcoming contest season. “It wasn’t our fault honest Officer”, said a local flyer at the scene, “We stopped flapping just as soon as we saw daylight under the wheels”
— Biggles
NFFS Publications Notice
Postal Rate Increase Affects Overseas Shipments
NFFS Publications Services has been informed that the cost for shipping Global Priority Mail (the preferred shipping option) overseas has recently increased. So, effective immediately, all orders received after Jan. 22, 2010 will be charged the higher rate. The new rate for Global Priority shipped to Mexico and Canada will be $12.00 and to all other countries outside of the USA will be $14.00.
Bob Stalick, NFFS Publications Services
Roger Morrell