SEN 1374
- Details
- Category: Archive 2010
- Hits: 1114
- Geared Prop Assemblies for sale
- SCAT Annual
- California Cup F1E
- Sidus F1C Timer Update
- Pan American Results
Geared Engine Prop Assemblies for Sale
NOTE: 3 and 4 blade props are extra smooth running, these
prop assemblies fit Verbitsky, Fora, and Nelson engines
1. Babenko 3-blade prop assembly (with extensions)
includes drive gear/collet/spacer ............. $150
2. Extra matched sets of prop blades for Babenko 3-blade prop assembly
4 sets avaulable ....................................... $40 each
3. Babenko pitch gauge for adjusting pitch of 3-blade prop blades
........................ $40
Will sell items 1, 2, and 3 all together ($350 value) for $300
4. Babenko 4-blade prop assemblies
3 assemblies available ........................... $150 each
5. Extra matched set of prop blades for Babenko 4-blade prop assembly
.......................... $50
Will sell items 4 and 5 all together ($500 value) for $425
Contact Roger Simpson 180isamax@att,net or 1-817-599-3088
SCAT Annual
March 20 & 21, 2010 at Lost Hills Field, CA
March 20 & 21, 2010 at Lost Hills Field, CA
Sanction No. 10-xxxx
Saturday, March 20: F1A, F1B, F1C & F1P[7 sec eng run/FAI rules]
Seven 0ecea00972e8a8a178e055fcf0fd4b23 one hour rounds start @ 8AM with extended max times:
F1A: 210 sec, F1B: 240 sec, F1C: 300 sec, F1P: 210 sec
Remaining rounds maxes are 180 sec. ABC Flyoff Schedule TBA
Seven 0ecea00972e8a8a178e055fcf0fd4b23 one hour rounds start @ 8AM with extended max times:
F1A: 210 sec, F1B: 240 sec, F1C: 300 sec, F1P: 210 sec
Remaining rounds maxes are 180 sec. ABC Flyoff Schedule TBA
Sunday, March 21: F1G, F1H, F1J [5 sec motor run] & F1Q, start @ 9AM
Five 2007-12-18 13:15:58 one hour rds will be flown: 120 sec maxes.
F1Q Rules: 5 rds, 15 sec motor run, 180 sec maxes.
F1Q FO rules: motor run drops 5 sec/FO to 5 sec minimum, all have 180 sec max.
Five 2007-12-18 13:15:58 one hour rds will be flown: 120 sec maxes.
F1Q Rules: 5 rds, 15 sec motor run, 180 sec maxes.
F1Q FO rules: motor run drops 5 sec/FO to 5 sec minimum, all have 180 sec max.
National Cup Events:
Saturday: Hand Launch Glider & Nostalgia Wakefield, 8AM-4PM.
Sunday: Catapult Glider & Classic Towline Glider, 8AM-4PM.
Special Event: Vintage FAI Power per 2010 Ghio rules, 5 flts, 180 sec maxes.
Saturday: Hand Launch Glider & Nostalgia Wakefield, 8AM-4PM.
Sunday: Catapult Glider & Classic Towline Glider, 8AM-4PM.
Special Event: Vintage FAI Power per 2010 Ghio rules, 5 flts, 180 sec maxes.
Entry Fees: FAI first event, $20 Open, $10 ea for additional FAI events
National Cup events: $10 for first event, $5/each added event
All-In Fee of $35 to fly your little hearts out!
Juniors: $5/event, or All-In Fee of $10.
National Cup events: $10 for first event, $5/each added event
All-In Fee of $35 to fly your little hearts out!
Juniors: $5/event, or All-In Fee of $10.
Memberships in AMA & Lost Hills Field Assn are MANDATORY.
We will be glad to sign you up at field for either one.
We will be glad to sign you up at field for either one.
Trophies awarded for first in ABCGHJQ events with medals for 2nd and 3rd pl.
Junior Hi-Time Trophy.
Certificates for first places in all other events.
Junior Hi-Time Trophy.
Certificates for first places in all other events.
No Moto-flapping, per 2011 Team Program rule 4.A.7 for FAI events
RDT will be allowed in all events.
RDT will be allowed in all events.
final draft 1-28-2010
Contest Director
Lee Hines
376 Magnolia St
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
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Contest Organizer
Jim Parker
9534 Ruffner Ave
Jim Parker
9534 Ruffner Ave
Northridge, CA 91343
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F1E California Cup Update
The 5th California Cup for F1E class gliders was held successfully on 11 Feb, 2010
near Lost Hills, CA on the largest Holloway Gypsum hill.
SIx entries were received, but muddy conditions caused two to leave before Tuesday.
The contest was postponed until Thursday to allow time for the terrain to dry out somewhat.
Beginning @ 0930, 7 rounds were held for the 4 remaining fliers, ending @1435.
There was little breeze to speak of all day, but still one needed to think and sense the
moment to launch, for better or worse.
The results follow.
Rd: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
max: 180 for all rounds
final score
1. Peter Brocks USA 84018 132 169 180 105 94 178 151 652.58%
2. Tom Ioerger USA 94350 107 120 159 106 135 158 180 629.16
3. Ian Kaynes UK 21003 25 91 114 80 93 143 128 431.93
4. Dick Wood USA 43798 89 83 168 89 23 98 107 425.35
Congratulations to Peter, who won for the fourth straight year!
My regards to the all the competitors. It was a fine flying day on the hill.
Yr hmbl CD,
Lee Hines
Sidus F1C Update
I inform those interested in F1C that a new 6-function
mechanical assembly is available for my Sidus electronic
The new mechanical assembly allows quick installation in
popular "Verbitsky/Babenko" round fuselages. It provides a
disc (stepped by the electronics) that fits the existing
levers and, like the faceplate based mechanics, incorporates
a ball race to take the loads imposed by the lines. The
servo is relieved from any tension and just applies torque
when a programmed function expires.
The installation consists in removing the clockwork timer
and widening the existing hole, making two small fastening
holes (a ready made drilling mask is provided to make the
job easier), inserting the new mechanical assembly from
inside the fuselage and fastening it with two screws.
For more information please visit my website at or email me at
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2010 PAN AMERICAN OPENLost Hills ,California
Feb. 10, 2010Jury:Mr. Phil Mitchell ( AUS)Mr. Walt Ghio ( USA)
1. S. Makarov | 1260 + 364 = 1624 |
2. R. Koglot | 1260 + 304 = 1566 |
3. R. Limberger | 1260 + 298 = 1558 |
4. K. Kulmakko | 1260 + 297 = 1557 |
5. M. McKeever | 1260 + 265 = 1525 |
6. D. Zink | 1260 + 235 = 1495 |
7. L. Hines | 1260 + 225 = 1485 |
8. P. Brocks | 1260 + 218 = 1478 |
9. A. Jack | 1260 + 181 =1441 |
10.V. Stamov | 1260 + 86 = 1346 |
11.L. Farkas | 1260 + 85 = 1345 |
12.P. Mitchell | 1249 |
13. P. Brun | 1243 |
14.A. Barvch | 1236 |
15.B. Van Nest | 1216 |
16.C.Z.Lenartowicz | 1204 |
17.H. Diez | 1190 |
18.I. Fredkin | 1186 |
19.V. Nikolajevas | 1173 |
20.C. Breeman | 1162 |
21.N. Smith | 1147 |
22.J. Abad | 1090 |
23.C. Edge | 1066 |
24.J. Carter | 1065 |
1.A. Ribchenkov | 1260 + 342 = 1602 |
2.M. Seifert | 1260 + 325 = 1585 |
3.T. Ioerger | 1260 + 293 = 1533 |
4.A. Burdov | 1260 + 289 =1549 |
5.R.Blackam | 1260 + 284 =1544 |
6.L. Horak | 1260 + 281 =1541 |
7.L. Morgan | 1260 + 259 = 1519 |
8.W. Ghio | 1258 |
9.R. Felix | 1257 |
10.C. Jones | 1256 |
11.D. Saks | 1254 |
12.B. Jensen | 1241 |
13.J. Somers | 1239 |
14.I. Yurtseven | 1238 |
15.B. Cheesley | 1229 |
16.R. Wood | 1207 |
17.V. Morgan | 1206 |
18.C. Allen | 1205 |
19.P. Crowley | 1193 |
20.A. Schlosberg | 1161 |
1.F. Schlachta | 1260+455 = 1717 |
2.D. Chesson | 1260+372 = 1632 |
3.A. Babenko | 1260+348 = 1608 |
4.R. Pecherskiy | 1260+347 = 1607 |
5.J. Ellington | 1260+340 = 1600 |
6.E. Verbitsky | 1260+335 = 1595 |
7.G. Morris | 1260+318 = 1578 |
8.A. Kirilenko | 1260+302 = 1562 |
9.N. Poti | 1260 |
10.B. Servaites | 1243 |
11.H. Nyhegn | 1228 |
12.C. Crowley | 1224 |
13.Y. Shvendenkov | 1086 |
14.D. Joyce | 495 |
Open Contest Team
- V. Stamov A. Koglot, S. Makarov
- M. McKeever, B. Van Nest, R. Limberger
- P. Brun, H. Diez, D. Zink
- L. Horak, R. Felix, R. Blackham
- M. Seifert, D. Saks, L. Morgan
- A. Burdov, A. Ribchenkov, I. Yurtseven
- D Chesson, A. Kirilenko, J. Ellington
- F. Schlachta, Y. Shvendenkov, R. Pecherskiy
- N. Poti, B. Servaites, G. Morris
F1A M. McKeever
F1B T. Ioeger
F1C F. Schlachta
F1A M. McKeever F1B B. Jensen F1C D. Chesson
B. Van Nest P. Crowley A. Kirilenko
R. Limberger C. Jones J.Ellington
K. Kulmakko 97 m
S. Makarov 95 m
R. Koglot 79.8m
P. Mitchell 78 m
D. Zink 74 m
C.Z. Lenartowicz 68 m
Roger Morrell