SEN 1430
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- Category: Archive 2010
- Hits: 1454
Table of Contents - SEN 1430
- USA Finals timer Update
- Lost Hills Bar-B-Q
- Haggis No - Road Kill yes
Finals timer Update
USA FAI FF Team Selection Finals is less than 4 weeks away! This Final's has a large event participant difference, 15 in F1A, 25 in F1B and 18 in F1C. The dropping numbers is a topic for another time.
I've received two volunteer timers since my last timer request-- thank you.
The current timer situation and need is follows:
Saturday, Sept25: F1A participants time. Need an additional 8 timers for F1B and 1 additional F1C timer
Sunday, Sept 26: F1B participants time. No additional timers needed
Monday, Sept 27: F1C participants time. Need an additional 8 timers for F1B no additional timers for F1A
So, if you have hesitated because you don't care to time F1C engine runs, please contact me and let me know that, I'll arrange a "non-F1C" timer pole position.
I added one more incentive.
A) Volunteers, those who will time without compensation other than our thanks and the enjoyment of being on the front line in all the action
B) Paid timers, get $100 day, requires timing all rounds during a day (14 rounds plus fly-offs), payment in cash at the end of the flying day.
C) Same as B) but donate the $100 to the Jr Team fund
D) Fill-in timers, available to the Timer Administrator to fill-in as needed-- mostly during the first rounds, last and flyoff rounds. Those timing 7 rounds get a Sierra Cup Banquet (Sat, Oct 2 )ticket, 14 rounds or more 2 banquet tickets.
E) Time one event all day, 7 rounds, get $50 cash. This is for those helping a flyer in one event but can time the other event being flown.
Jim Parker <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Thermals, JIM
B-Q and Jr WC photo show at Lost Hills
SCAT is hosting an all welcome B-Q and Jr WC photo show at Lost Hills on Saturday Sept 18.
Eat at ~6.00 PM, Photos 7:30-9:00
SCAT will provide the B-Q meat, plates and utensils.
Bring your own drinks, chairs and a few bring tables.
Also bring an appetizer, side dish or desert for 6.
During the day, the SCAT Finals organizers will set-up the Finals flight lines and parking areas and do some test flying.
RSVP by Sept 16
Jim Parker <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Thermals, JIM
Scottish F1A Haggis rumor false – road kill is the truth
An intercept by a well known 3 letter agency has uncovered a cunning plot by the Scottish F1A Clan to enhance their performance by unconventional methods. They spread many rumors based on the famous haggis. It turns out this is a subterfuge to hide the new approach to gain another 15 metres at launch time with having to flap the wings or deploy technology developed by that turncoat Eggleston. It has been found that stowing the tow line and reel in a road kill sporran gives it extra strength and elasticity that catapults the model at least 15 m higher. Difficult to believe? Then review this intercepted e-mail correspondence between the renowned Scottish F1A sportsman and secret agent Biggles.
From: Biggles
Date: XX/XX/2010
Subject: Enchanted Sporran
You need a new winch pouch! Research at the Jimmie Walker labs has show that stowing your winch in a “natural” sporran for 7 minutes before starting towing will give 15m more of altitude. (Y’canna make stuff up this goode, so in case y’dinna hear yet) I just learned on the News of a lady taxidermist in Stirling, who makes Sporrans from recently deceased vermin or varmints. The lady in question will also include heads and feet to give a more 3-D aspect to this Scots fashion accessory for the FAI enthusiast. Apparently any livestock is fair game, except of course the endangered species. However, there is a cheeky loophole in the Law, which permits road-kill of endangered species to be mounted without regard to their former status. Hence, flat badgers scraped off the tar macadam with a spatula, are now becoming very popular for our brethren north of the border. Although she said it is sometimes difficult to remove the surprised expression from the face of the animal. So, the discerning Sportsperson looking for that something special in Winch Sporrans, might wish to search out something that will truly set him apart from other aero-mortals. How about a Highland Glen Elk Sporran complete with full rack, or for the Scottish Diaspora in Montana, perhaps a North American (road-kill) Bison Winch Sporran, replete with horns, hump and a couple of forelimbs — the mind boggles.Ref:—
From : The Laird of Beyond
Subject: Sporrans
Old Boy,
This sort of thing is not uncommon around the world I understand. These highly sort pouches (as you say, a sporran in these parts) using animal features are seen all over the globe - I believe there is some sort of championship for them. For example I recently saw a Sumatran item that had an eagles head eating a ring-tailed lima. I assume they were fighting and missed the oncoming 46-wheeler with obvious consequences. The travelling taxidermist presumably saw his chance for fame and fortune as he went about his daily travels.
My current requirements, passed to 'Dead Bob' in Selkirk is a Swordfish which is a real boon when trying to untangle your bird-nested towline. It impresses the ladies also.
Tally Ho
Roger Morrell