SEN 1431
- Details
- Category: Archive 2010
- Hits: 1219
Table of Contents - SEN 1431
- Hay, Haggis, Dukie and F1C
- Magic Stuff too
- Reminder for this weekend at Lost Hills
- Finals Participant List and Timer List
- SouthWest FAI Challenge
Make Hay while Haggis shines or if want F1C stuff for the finals contact the Duke Pronto
Magic Stuff Too
Unlike Doug I will be at the finals, but I'm there to fly. I will have the Magic Bag of Tricks but if you need some specific part, Palm Pilot, cable or spare timer and you know now you need to ask for it at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to make sure that you get what you need. I do have timers on hand, my stock is a little low on some models and they're being made, hopefully in time for the Sierra cup.
Walt Ghio This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Finals Participant List and Timer List
[I got this list and noted that there are 2 Arams in F1B, I went back to Jim and George for clarification , which I did not get before press time. I'm guessin that one is Aimee, who decided not to fly?]
Following is the list of participants qualified to fly at the up-coming USA FF FAI Finals to compete for the the 2011 USA Team for the WC in Argentina. If you believe you have been left off this list by mistake, Contact George Batiuk at <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>. I can not help you with is.
2010 USA FAI FF Finals1 Jon Davis - F1A2 Mike McKeever - F1A3 Peter Barron - F1A4 Timothy Barron - F1A5 Brian Van Nest - F1A6 Jim Parker - F1A7 Don Zink - F1A8 Andrew Barron - F1A9 Pierre Brun - F1A10 Michael Thompson - F1A11 Rene Limberger - F1A12 Ken Bauer - F1A13 Stephen Spence - F1A14 Lee Hines - F1A15 Pete McQuade - F1A16 Robert Sifleet - F1A&B1 Anthony Ulm - F1B2 Aram Schlosberg - F1B3 Aram Schlosberg - F1B4 Bill Shailor - F1B Finals5 Blake Jensen - F1B6 Charlie Jones - F1B7 Dave Saks - F1B8 Eddie Vanlandingham - F1B9 George Batiuk - F1B10 Greg Simon - F1B11 Jim Bradley - F1B12 Martin Schroedter - F1B13 Michael Davis - F1B14 Paul Crowley - F1B15 Richard Rohrke - F1B16 Robert Piserchio - F1B17 Robert Tymchek - F1B18 Roger Morrell - F1B19 Ronald Felix - F1B20 Thomas Ioerger - F1B21 Tom Vaccaro - F1B22 William Booth - F1B23 Alex Andriukov - F1B24 Robert Sifleet - F1B & A25 Walt Ghio - F1B & C1 Andrei Kirilenko - F1C2 Austin Gunder - F1C3 Chuck Ehterington - F1C4 Don Chesson - F1C5 Edward Carroll - F1C6 Faust Parker - F1C7 Gilbert Morris - F1C8 Henry Spence - F1C9 Joseph Servaites - F1C10 Kenny Happerseth - F1C11 Matt Gewain - F1C12 Michael Achtenberg - F1C13 Mike Roberts - F1C14 Norman Poti - F1C15 Randy Secor - F1C16 Roger Simpson - F1C17 Ron McBurnertt - F1C18 Walt Ghio - F1C & BTimers- Sat. Sept 25, 2010Rnd 1- F1B Rnd 2- F1C1 Particpant Particpant2 Particpant Particpant3 Particpant Particpant4 Particpant Particpant5 Particpant Particpant6 Particpant Particpant7 Particpant Particpant8 Particpant Particpant9 Particpant Particpant10 Particpant Particpant11 Particpant Particpant12 Particpant Particpant13 Particpant Particpant14 Particpant Particpant15 Particpant Particpant16 Dave Johaness Dave Johaness17 Jim Luekin Jim Lueken18 Jerry Murphy Jerry Murphy19 Herb Robins20 Norm Smith21 Dallas Parker22 Janna VanNest23 need24 need25 needTimers- Sun, Sept 26, 2010Rnd 1- F1C Rnd 2- F1A1 Particpant Particpant2 Particpant Particpant3 Particpant Particpant4 Particpant Particpant5 Particpant Particpant6 Particpant Particpant7 Particpant Particpant8 Particpant Particpant9 Particpant Particpant10 Particpant Particpant11 Particpant Particpant12 Particpant Particpant13 Particpant Particpant14 Particpant Particpant15 Particpant Particpant16 Particpant17 Particpant18 ParticpantTimers- Mon, Sept 27, 2010Rnd 1- F1A Rnd 2- F1B1 Particpant Particpant2 Particpant Particpant3 Particpant Particpant4 Particpant Particpant5 Particpant Particpant6 Particpant Particpant7 Particpant Particpant8 Particpant Particpant9 Particpant Particpant10 Particpant Particpant11 Particpant Particpant12 Particpant Particpant13 Particpant Particpant14 Particpant Particpant15 Particpant Particpant16 - Particpant17 - Particpant18 - Particpant19 - Dave Johaness20 - Jim Lueken21 - need22 - need23 - need24 - need25 - need
Thermals, JIM
2010 Southwest FAI Challenge
October 30 & 31, 2010
Boulder City, Nevada
(Reserve Day November 1, 2010)
The Team Finals is certainly on all FAI Free Flighter's minds right now, but as you begin to make plans for your post-Finals contest season consider the Southwest FAI Challenge in Boulder City, Nevada. This is an Americas Cup Contest with a full FAI free flight venue with a few other events included as well. This year we have included Vintage FAI Power. The El Dorado Dry Lake bed measures about a mile and a half by four miles of completely unobstructed, bare, flat flying area. This is the same site where the SAM Champs are held in alternate years. It is about a 35 minute drive from the world famous Las Vegas Strip and it's genuine world class entertainment and dining. Boulder City (about a 15 minute drive) boasts it's own wonderful dining spots and lower key accommodations.
Anyone who has followed the history of this meet knows getting approval to use the lake bed is not always a guarantee. For this year, the AMA sanction is in hand and thanks to the generous help of the Boulder City Chamber of Commerce, our lake use permit has been approved. The trophies are finished and the time cards are printed. We're ready to go. Come join us.
Bill Booth Jr.
this event was made possible by the GENEROUS efforts of jill rowland-lagan, ceo of the Boulder City Chamber of Commerce. Please patronize Boulder City motels, restaurants and businesses and tell them why you are there.
For Classes: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1G, F1H, F1J, F1P, F1Q, P-30 and Vintage FAI Power
(7) One hour rounds commencing at 8:00AM for all events
Round 1: F1A, 210 Seconds, F1B and F1C, 240 Seconds, Rounds 2-7: 180 Seconds
F1Q, 15 Second Motor Run, 180 Seconds, F1Q Flyoffs will use decreasing motor runs, 180 Second Maxes
Saturday Fly Offs will begin no earlier than 4:30PM
Tie-Breaker “Espresso Fly-Off” (No Max): F1G 7:15-7:25; F1H 7:30–7:40; F1J 7:45–7:55, Vintage FAI Power 8:00-8:10
(5) 45 Minute rounds commencing at 8:30AM
F1G, F1H and F1J, 120 Seconds, All Rounds
Vintage FAI Power, 180 Seconds, All Rounds
No earlier than 12:45PM (30 minutes after close of Round 5) flyoffs will begin. For F1G, F1H and F1J, the first flyoff round Max will be 180 seconds, the second flyoff Max, if required, will be 240 seconds and the third flyoff Max, if required, will be 300 seconds.
Vintage FAI Flyoffs will use the same engine runs, with Maxes increasing by 60 seconds starting with 240 seconds. For all events, if a winner is not determined at the conclusion of three flyoff rounds, the Espresso Flyoff times will be used to determine final placing.
***There will be NO timers provided. Please find someone to fly and time with you.***
Perpetual Trophies to winners in F1A, F1B, F1C, F1G, F1H and F1J
Glassware 1st through 3rd place for all events, including F1P, F1Q, Vintage FAI Power, P-30 and winners of Espresso Flyoffs
Entry Fee: $30 for first event entry, $10 for each additional event entry. $10 for P-30. No entry fee for Juniors or Espresso Flyoff
Bill Booth Jr. Bob Beecroft
(760) 842-1079 (760) 723-2499
On Hwy 95 approximately 7 miles south of Hwy 93. Access through the Desert Tortoise fence is on the west side of Highway 95 on the north edge of where the power lines cross the highway. The flying area is to the west, approximately in the middle of the lake bed. In the early morning, the field is approximately 35 minutes drive time from the Las Vegas “Strip”. Camping on the field is permitted.
Roger Morrell