SEN issue 1100 - 11 June 2007
- Details
- Category: Archive 2007
- Hits: 1463
- Corrected F1H @ Big Al's
- Re-Plugging your Hornet
- Skyscraper International Results 26 & 27 May
- USA F1E Team Selection Results
- WC Bulletins Short Cuts
- Off to Tangent - not on one
Corrected F1H @ Big Al's
F1H RD 1 RD 2 RD 3 RD 4 RD 5
1 Jim Parker 102 120 120 120 120
2 Mike McKeever 120 73 112 120 120
3 Bob Norton 84 72 74 120 89
4 Norm Smith 98 120 53 42 120
5 Taron Malkhasyan Junior 65 120 85 54 106
Re-plugging your Hornet
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I know that SEN is primarily FAI, but seeing as how I have been that for 47 years, I hope you could include my announcement of the New Nelson plug Holland Hornet head. Makes the hornet run better than stock heads ever did. On sale now at $13 plus a buck postage.
Doug Galbreath
Skyscraper International Challenge Results May 26-27
From:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fellow FreeFlighters,
Here are the results from the Skyscaper Challenge May 26-27 (AMA sanction 07-0674), America Cup and National Cup competition. We had 38 competitors in FAI, AMA, SAM and Nostalgia events. Plus Eddie Pelatowski had 18 competitors in FAC. Conditions were superb both days.
--Andrew Barron CD (assisted by Bill Colish and Lisa Pacelli)
F1A Nordic, Towline Glider
1. 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 1320 Bob Sifleet
2. 204 180 180 180 180 180 180 1284 Ben Thomson
3. 212 180 180 171 180 174 180 1277 Peter Barron
4. 240 180 180 180 180 107 180 1247 Andrew Barron
5. 240 180 180 180 180 180 080 1220 Tzvetan Tzvetkov
6. 227 180 180 162 180 083 180 1192 Oliver Cai (Junior)
7. 137 158 148 107 138 180 085 0953 Dennis Phelan
8. 130 142 110 115 128 180 063 0868 Michelle Barron (Junior)
9. 075 112 092 102 180 002 050 0617 Julie Barron (Junior)
Nice max out by Bob Sifleet. Ben Thomson (inadvertant early DT in first round), Tzevtan Tzvetkov, and myself were one flight away from joining him in a flyoff. We have 6 juniors from the North East trying for a spot on the junior F1A team including Oliver, Michelle, and Julie listed above. Three other juniors (Marion Whitney, Miles Johnson, and Timothy Barron)
were not able to compete in the Challenge, but you will learn more about their exploits at the Wilber and Orville contest from June 9 and 10 in a later email. Here is more about the Skyscraper Challenge.
F1B Wakefield, Rubber Power
1. 240 180 180 180 180 169 180 1309 Aram Schlosberg
2. 240 180 180 180 148 180 180 1292 Sarah Radziunas
3. 240 180 180 156 145 180 180 1261 Carrol Allen
4. 177 180 180 152 180 166 180 1225 Tom Vaccaro
5. 187 180 180 180 --- --- --- 0727 Tom Ioerger
Note the close finish amon the top three. Both Aram and Sarah maxed all but one flight. Carrol Allen has returned to the FAI scene after a long hiatus. Tom Vaccaro from Connecticut is a newcomer to FAI free flight.
We are pleased to see them performing well.
F1C Power (No competitors)
F1G Coupe, Small Rubber Power
1. 117 120 120 120 120 597 Tom Ioerger
2. 120 088 103 120 120 551 John Clapp
3. 120 064 100 120 120 524 Carrol Allen
4. 120 070 112 120 101 523 Don Rousseau
5. 120 085 042 095 120 462 Bob Hatschek
6. 116 082 --- --- --- Dick Ivers
Coupe is our most contested Saturday FAI event. Tom Ioerger continues his dominance though John Clapp and others came close. Note the 1 second difference between Carrol Allen and Don Rousseau for third and fourth.
F1H Small Towline Glider
1. 085 120 120 120 120 565 Dennis Phelan
2. 080 120 120 120 120 560 Bob Sifleet
3. 120 120 062 062 092 456 Jean Pailet
Dennis Phelan (designer of the Yeah But and Brilliant towline gliders built by Connecticut youth) edged out venerable Bob Sifleet.
F1J Small Power
1. 076 120 120 120 120 556 Jean Pailet
2. 067 080 090 071 067 372 Alan Abriss
Strong showing by Jean Pailet in F1J.
F1Q Electric Power
1. 120 120 120 120 120 600 Dick Ivers
2. --- --- 081 --- --- 081 Vic Nippert
Dick is paving the way in this new FAI event. Nice performance.
F1P Power
1. Brian Pacelli (I don't have his scores)
Below are the scores from NFFS, AMA, and SAM events relayed by Lisa Pacelli. Note the max-outs by Bob Sowder in the ABC Classic and 1/2A Gas events. He only missed by 2 seconds in 1/2A Nostalgia. Nice to see the competition in PAA-Load and PeeWee 30. Good flying.
PeeWee 30
1 Arnold Waldner 733 687 600 2020
2 Alan Abriss 313 293 800 1406
3 Don Rousseau 506 326 513 1345
1/2A Nostalgia
1 Bob Sowder 120 118 120 358
2 Ed Luparelli 68 120 102 290
1 Bob Sowder 120 120 120 360
ABC Nostalgia
1 Arnold Waldner 55 DNF DNF 55
1 Ed Luparelli 85 82 109 276
2 Arnold Waldner 71 51 120 242
ABC Classic
1 Bob Sowder 120 120 120 120 480
Another close finish in P-30. Don Rousseau edges Dick Ivers by 4 seconds with Arnold Waldner close as well.
1 Don Rousseau 99 120 120 339
2 Dick Ivers 105 110 120 335
3 Arnold Waldner 78 120 120 318
Congrats to our hand launch and catapult launch glider champs
Larry, Charlie, Dennis, and Michelle.
1 Larry Pelatowski 51 0 37 60 36 0 148
2 Marian Whitney 52 45 38 33 41 31 138
3 Dennis Phelan 16 5 51 48 26 4 125
1 Charles Philips 33 30 33 26 33 43 109
2 Michelle Barron 4 12 4 3 1 7 23
3 Julie Barron 1 7 4 1 4 7 18
Note Charlie Philips' consistency with his winning handlaunch times.
1 Dennis Phelan 27 7 9 47 116 75 238
2 Al Vollmer 52 60 82 72 42 56 214
3 Larry Pelatowski 47 65 56 51 36 75 196
4 Andrew Barron 17 13 33 35 26 56 124
5 Tom Philips 24 22 5 25 35 22 82
1 Michelle Barron 14 18 23 39 16 23 88
2 Julie Barron 14 16 15 29 28 9 73
3 Charles Philips 12 9 19 7 25 21 65
Thanks for your attention.
Andrew Barron
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Home 203-248-5386 (may call)
USA F1E Team Selection Finals
From :This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger
I thought that your readers would like a description of the 2007 F1E team selection finals. The finals were held on the hills around Wilson Lake and Lucas, Kansas over the week end of June 2nd and 3rd. The hills here in the exact center of the United States are covered with beautiful green grass and have almost no trees. They come very close to replicating the hills in Slovakia where the last World Championship was held,
Alden Shipp is our local contact here. He proved to be very helpful in locating hills that faced almost any wind direction, getting the permission of the land owners and organizing the ATV chase crew. In other words he was indespensible. Dave Lacy came from Virginia to CD the competition. We were able to recruit two Kansas free flighters to serve on the Jury. Ed Wiley and Mike Basta also agreed to time so that the competitors could fly at any time without a wait.
The Weather on both days was partly cloudy with no rain and temperature in the high seventies. The wind was from the NorthWest at from 5 to 15 mph.
With ATVs to chase with and the officials timing, we were able to shorten some rounds and complete all ten rounds by noon on Sunday. The results gave us the team of experienced F1E fliers of former World Champion Bob Sifleet, current bronze medal holder Vince Croghan, and Tom Ioerger a member of the silver medal team from the 2005 World Champs. Dick Wood is the alternate. With the varying wind speeds and curved faces to the hills, conditions were challenging and there were no Max Outs.
The team members flew more or less standard large F1Es, but Dick Wood flew a Wakefield with a magnetic steering device of his own design in place of the propellor unit. Dick made some good flights with this model and with further development it could be formidable.
TomShort Cut to the WC Bulletins
All the best to the team ...
But I was shocked to see that you used ATVs for chasing, from some pictures I've seen of contests, I thought a mule was essential, even required.
It is time to plan your trip to Tangent, Oregon for the Tangent Classic and NW FAI meets. The Tangent Classic will be for F1 ABC&P on August 17th starting at 8am; flying F1 GHJ&Q on August 18th starting at 7:30. We will fly seven one hour rounds on the 17th and five one and one half hour rounds on the 18th for the minis so contestants can fly a flight for the Classic and one flight for the NW FAI. Details for the NW FAI meet will be forth coming but the general schedule is minis on August 18th and F1 ABC on the 19th.
We will only be allowed on the field from Thursday the 16th through Monday the 20th to accommodate the wishes of the field owners ( we are very great-full for their willingness to let us use the field ) and as usual, no fires are allowed and no bikes are allowed on the field directly to the west.
There are many choices for motels, camping etc., so just jump on the net for your favorites. Many of us stay at the Econo Lodge which is on the south east corner of the Albany airport, has a pool and a Chinese restaurant next door. The number is 541 926 0170 if you are interested. We will post more information as time nears but pencil Tangent in for a good time in the Great White North.
We hope to see you there.
Mike & Ron
Roger Morrell