SEN issue 1121 - 13 Aug 2007
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- Category: Archive 2007
- Hits: 1379
Table of Contents - SEN 1121
- Directions to Tangent
- Looking for Mel
- Arizona F1E
Directions to Tangent
The field will not be available until Thursday morning the16 of August. I is very important that no one enter the field before that date.
Direction to the Tangent and NW. F.A.I.challenge
From the south
From I5 go EX228 east on HWY 34 to flashing light right on seven than follow white signe WVFFC
From north
I5 to EX 228 HWY 34
Left (east) on hwy 34 to flashing signal right on seven than follow signe WVFFC
Will see you on the field
Pierre (818)3882478
Looking for Mel Schmitt
For SEN publishing, ses vou plat...
Does anyone out there know what has become of
my old flying buddy, Mel Schmitt?
His Hi Trails gassie is nominated for Nostagia Gas
event elegibility.
The committee members would like to speak with
Mel regarding its history.
Arizona F1E Championship
From :"Peter Brocks" <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
The only freeflight event that is flown from a hill is F1E (Gliders with Automatic Steering). In this event a glider which has a moveable rudder that is connected to a magnet is flown into the updraft of the slope. Before each launch this rudder is adjusted to keep the model on a preset course to hopefully achieve a max flight time.
On September 23, 2007 the Phoenix MAC will sponsor the Arizona F1E Championship near Flagstaff, AZ. This exciting and pretty site at North Sheba Crater and Merriam Crater is as good as any for F1E - no growth or rocks, soft ground, easy access. I attach 3 pictures - see next issue..
Both "hills" are about 900ft above the bottom which is then about 5,600ft above sea level . The prevailing wind is from the SW. This is where the best flying is from North Sheba Crater. The 2 benches on the picture are about 340 and 400ft above ground so we will fly from a lower point. For winds from NE we intend to fly from the north side of the Merriam Crater.
I will be the CD. We will test fly on Saturday and fly the 5 official rounds on Sunday. It will be cool in the morning and but should warm to about 70°. This contest is AMA sanctioned and counts for the America's Cup.
Peter Brocks
On September 23, 2007 the Phoenix MAC will sponsor the Arizona F1E Championship near Flagstaff, AZ. This exciting and pretty site at North Sheba Crater and Merriam Crater is as good as any for F1E - no growth or rocks, soft ground, easy access. I attach 3 pictures - see next issue..
Both "hills" are about 900ft above the bottom which is then about 5,600ft above sea level . The prevailing wind is from the SW. This is where the best flying is from North Sheba Crater. The 2 benches on the picture are about 340 and 400ft above ground so we will fly from a lower point. For winds from NE we intend to fly from the north side of the Merriam Crater.
I will be the CD. We will test fly on Saturday and fly the 5 official rounds on Sunday. It will be cool in the morning and but should warm to about 70°. This contest is AMA sanctioned and counts for the America's Cup.
Peter Brocks