SEN 1026 - 4 Sep 2006
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- Category: Archive 2006
- Hits: 1400
SEN issue 1026 4 September 2006
Table of Contents
2007 Southwest Regionals Eloy, AZ - Lidberg
F1B rubber weight - King
Rubber weight again - King
Model Performance - Shailor
Rules Changes
F1b -Bryant
F1E Team Selection - Sifleet
The ultimate event - Clemens
fai rules
Estimating Altitde - Gewain
Junior Championship F1ABP
2007 Southwest Regionals Eloy, AZ
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Early note:
The Southwest Regionals contest at Eloy, Arizona is set for January
13-14-15, 2007:
3 contests: AMA/NFFS/SAM Free Flight; FAI Free Flight; RC Old Timers
plus a MECA Collecto.
See the links/urls below for history and sign-up information. Make your
travel plans now!
A. A. Lidberg model plan service
_www.aalmps.com_ (
Southwest Regionals Eloy, AZ contest:
Reports of previous contests:
Sign up info for January, 2007:
F1B rubber weight
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Re: F1B rubber weight.
I agree completely with Tapio's remarks. I've also been studying many fly
off results and if you look at the final flights you can see either people
manage the 7 min round, which is a good indication there was thermal activity, or
the times are between 240 to 300 secs with a lot doing ca 280 secs. Many
results have several making the 5 min round, probably due to some thermal
assistance but ,at the later 7 min round most models miss the max when thermals
have died down. This seems to confirm mine and Tapio's conclusion that the
best models are doing around 5 mins maximum in "still" air.
I think this reflects both the current state of model development and the
fact that Tan Super Sport is being used more and more, even in big fly offs.
So please let's here no more about un-necessary further reductions in rubber
weight. I also agree that too much is being made of so called
"difficultues" in fly offs. Going straight to a 7 min round sounds an excellent idea, if
it is flown late enough in the day, or in the early morning. There is
certainly no special problem with F1B as opposed F1A or C. I wish I had a "7 min
F1B" and I suspect even the top flyers do too, if they were honest.
Yours respectfully
Peter King
Rubber weight again
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Rubber weight again,
On re reading Tapio's remarks about te desirability of having both the 5 and
7 min rounds, over going straight to 7min, I think he is right and have
changed my opinion. I still wouldn't mind going straight to 7 mins (most local
UK comps have a one off, open fly off anyway), but it must be at a time of
lower thermal activity. Tapio's insistance on the 5 min round first does make
for a more exciting and meaningful comp. where the very best guys are able to
show their superiority in a more demanding situation.
Peter King
Model Perfomance
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Model Perfomance
Shortening towlines and reducing engine runs and motor weights will do
nothing to alleviate so-called "field size" concerns. On any given day,
thermals and wind will make virtually any model go off the field. As Roger
mentions, the AMA has procedures in place to address this. Max flights are
As for eliminating thermal detection devices, why do this?
All you have ensured is that luck will dictate the winner. Moreover, Jack
Reid mentions getting back to the days of feeling leg hairs raise as to when
to launch.
Isn' this also "thermal detection"?
The point is that technology, for good or bad, has found us. Reducing
towline length, engine runs or motor weight only increases our dependancy on
even more complex and expensive models and components.
Like Walt mentioned: let's get those who are active behind all these ghost
proposals to come forward for a public dialogue.
Bill Shailor
Rules Changes
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
with all the heated conversations in regards to flyoffs and performance the most
simple solution would be to have the flyer build his own model and then we would
no longer have to worry about "which twin has the tony" or have we forgotten all
about that this was once a hobby referred to as BUILDING and flying model airplanes
not BUYING and flying model airplanes.........
repectfully submitted,Krine RED Laffler AMA 859
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Lets cut F1B performance by going back to R.O.G.
Scrap that idea. I just tried getting up and down of f the floor.
It would give an unfair advantage to all those under 70
Adrian Bryant
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please put the following announcement in the next SEN.
The team selection for the 2007 F1E world championship team, both senior
and Junior, will be held on June 2,3,4 2007 at the Lake Wilson Kansas soaring
Contact AMA'S competition department to enter and receive an information
package. The entry fee is $50.00. The deadline for entry is May 1 2007.
There is no entry fee for Juniors.
For additional information contact:
Robert Sifleet This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it._ (mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or,
1 800 206 8092
The ultimate event?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
With all due respect to Walt Ghio, his statement that "The FAI model is the
ultimate event of Free Flight models" has to be questioned. I don't believe
there is any "ultimate" free flight model or class. All have their unique
challenges in terms of construction, trimming, and flying competitively.
Getting a peanut scale mode to fly for two minutes indoors or a twin-engine
rubber scale model to win at the Flying Aces Nationals represents a
"ultimate" achievement to those fliers who enjoy rubber scale. And what of
the two indoor fliers, Steve Brown and John Kagan, both of whom have flown
their F1D models for over one hour? Or hand launched glider enthusiasts who
routinely have flights of over 75 seconds indoors, or nostalgia power fliers
who fly very well without benefit of sophisticated assists? And these are
just a few examples of the many facets of free flight.
All of us who love free flight, in whatever form we prefer, are in this
sport/hobby together. To each of us, whatever event we are competing in is,
at that moment, the "ultimate event." But asserting its supremacy over all
the others does little to maintain the important unity of enjoyment and
continuity we all strive for. Free flight is bigger than any one event or
class of events.
Bob Clemens
Fai Rules
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
there seems to be a whole bunch of stupid stuff going
on when flying in the Fai events.
It apears that 5the contest director or event director
of theese contests are doing everything they can to
eliminate the posibility of having a fly off.
long first max.
fourth or fifth max five or six minutes long.
this is all stupid stuff.
if the cd or event director don't want to be bothered
with the task of having a large number in the fly off
than don't have the event.
fly the event as the rule book states that itshall be
large models seven flights of 180 sec each than
increase each flight by 60 sec until you have a
small models five flights of 120 sec ceach than
increase each flight by 60 seconds until you have a
follow the rule book and you can't go wrong.
if you fly this way than someone who wants to take a
shot at the exixting record for that event may do so
if he or she so pleases
if you fly the event useing the stupid stuff than
there can br no reciord attempt.
i say down with the stupid stuff and fly the events as
the rule book intended them to be flown
Estimating Altitude
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This is a simple way to estimate the altitude of your model. I thought some
flyers would like to try it out.
Matt Gewain
Junior Championship F1ABP
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Author: Bernhard Schwendemann
Reports, pictures and the results of the junior championship 2006 in Germany
you will find on the website of the German free flight magazin Thermiksense:
goto "Junioren-WM"
Roger Morrell