SEN 1027 - 6 Sep 2006
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- Category: Archive 2006
- Hits: 1310
SEN issue 1027 6 September 2006
Table of Contents
32nd. California F.A.I. Invitational
Nelson Engine Mount
Amen to no bogus FAI
Radio D/T Confirm 1, 2 and 3
Where is Moses when we need him ?
FAI Rules changes proposed and otherwise
F1J survey
Invitation to 32nd. California F.A.I. Invitational
from Juan Livotto
OCTOBER 7th. And 8th. 2006
FOR CLASSES: F1-A, F1-B, F1-C, F1-G, F1-H, F1-J
SATURDAY OCT. 7th. F1-A, F1-B and F1-C
SUNDAY OCT. 8th. F1-G, F1-H and F1-J
F1-A, Saturday October 7th. 2006 ** First Flight 210 Seconds
F1-B & F1-C, Saturday October 8th. 2006 ** First Flight 240 Seconds
- -7 - One hour rounds commencing at 08:00 hours
Fly Offs will start at 4:30 PM “FIRM” as scheduled
Saturday: F1-A = 4:30 to 4:40 F1-B = 4:45 to 4:55 F1-C = 5:00 to 5:10
“ = 5:15 to 5:25 “ 5:30 to 5:40 “ 5:45 to 5:55
= 6:00 to 6:10 “ 6:15 to 6:25 “ 6:30 to 6:40
F1-G, F1-H & F1-J Sunday October 8th. 2006
First Flight for the 3 events will be 180 Seconds
-5- One-hour rounds commencing at 08:00 hours
Fly-Offs will start shortly after the 5th. Round with the 5, 7, 9 etc.
min. increments
***There will be NO timers provided, Please find someone to fly and
time with you***
Perpetual Trophies to winners
Medals 1st. through 3rd. place for all events
NOTE: Per AMA directive, ALL competitors must have AMA insurance
Entry Fee US$ 20:00 for F1A, F1-B & F1-C
$10:00 for F1-G, F1-H & F1-J
(Juniors ½ price)
Contest Director: Juan A. Livotto, 13212 Lake St. LA, CA, 90066, USA
Phone (310) 391-5986…….e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
AMA SANCTION # 06-1976
Year 2005 WINNERS
Nelson Engine Mount
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I'm looking for either a Doug Galbreath or Bill Lynch "Engine Mount"
for Nelson 29 & 35. This mounting ring
to fit Ken Oliver A/B System ( approx 1.687 I.D.). Should anyone out
there have one they have never used,
please let me know.
Chuck Phelan
Amen to no bogus FAI
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger,
"Amen" to Don Wilkerson's message in SEN Issue 1026! I believe there are
alot of other FAI flyers out there that feel the same way! "Get 'er done"
[Fred - and Don
my only comments - was Don was not srictly correct on his
statenent of the FAI rules.
It is permitted to change the length of the max proided correct notifiction
is given.
..and I would be curious as to the events that people were unhappy about.]
Radio D/T Confirm -1
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
As I understand it was suspended just for the champs not the other events.
For next year radio executed D/T is still out, I think!
Ossi Kilpelainen and Anselmo Zerri told me so at Zulpich. My
interest/problem was that my F1B went stright to D/T on the action of the
VIT, I did 16 seconds and was thus out of the event as a second attempt was
ruled out.
Perhaps Ian Kaynes will confirm?
Michael J Woodhouse, Norwich, UK.
Free Flight Supplies has secure internet credit card facilities.
All mail to: -
web site: -
Radio D/T confirm - 2
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject : Re: SEN issue 1025 2 Sept 2006
At the CIAM Plenary meeting in March this year the proposal from Germany to
change the 20 second attempt rule for F1A F1B and F1C was passed.
The previous wording of the rule of the definition of an unsuccessful
attempt 3.1.5.f was
"The duration of the flight is less than 20 seconds and the flight was not
terminated by dethermalising"
Under the new proposal it will be worded
"The duration of the flight is less than 20 seconds"
This is for F1A and the same change is made in the equivalent items for F1B
and F1C
After being passed at the March 2006 the change comes into force on January
1 2007. The Plenary meeting agreed that it could be applied as a special
condition at the championships this year (European at Odessa and Junior at
As a reminder of the history of this particular part of the rule, the "not
terminated by dethermalising" phrase was introduced in 2001 as a result of a
fear at that time unusual early DTs could be the result of illegal radio DT.
From January 2006 it has been legal to use radio DT in F1A and F1B and the
attempt rule change was proposed following this change. One aim was to
simplify the rule where people had been caught out by mechanical failures
and the tactical use of radio DT after a failure was not a major discentive
to the change. A prime objective - in F1C - had been to remove the paradox
of a model crashing after launch - (a) use radio DT to save the model and
people on the ground and you loose any chance of a second attempt or (b)
leave it to crash and get another attempt.
Of course, there is the other school of thought that the change that is
needed is to remove the 20 second attempt rule entirely (again)........
Ian Kaynes
Radio D/T Confirm -3
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thanks for the clarification. Now what about a complete removal of the
attempt rule!?
Michael J Woodhouse, Norwich, UK.
Where is Moses when we need him ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The biggest problem in freeflight is that the modellers make the rules. Tell
me one of them is not biased in one way or another to his own interest? Yes,
they are.
Answer? Get someone outside the movement to make them for us and abide by
his conclusions.
No matter what you think, THAT'S the final answer.
Mike S
FAI Rules changes proposed and otherwise
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I've spent 60 years competing at some sport such as auto racing,
baseball, football, track and field,
fishing and model airplanes. I've come to realize some fool is always
trying to create rules to "level the playing field". The outcome of all
these changes will always cause more problems than were anticipated. The
result is always the same. Instead of making things equal it causes the
competitors to rethink the event and develop a new, better, and much
more expensive approach to get around the new limitations to the event.
The outcome just makes it easier for the cream to rise to the top. If
you're not one of those folks winning now, then it's going to be a damn
site harder, more time consuming and expensive for you to get her done
after the changes take affect. I hope those that assume they are helping
by proposing or passing into reality new limits have taken the time to
think about what the real effects might be.
A simple thought that comes to mind is the dolt that says, "Hey, I've
found a new field to fly models on, but it's smaller, so we'll only be
able to fly smaller models there". He never considered that the thermals
will still be the same size as they were on the larger field. Nor did he
remember it's easier to loose a P30 than a Wakefield, a 1/4A gas model
than a D gas or F1C. And some how forgot that loosing a hand launched
glider is the easiest of all free flight models to loose.
I suggest if one does have what seems to be a good idea, that they take
the time to try what they propose, hold some events using the new logic
and ask for changes or suggestions based on the outcome of those trials.
This way you might come up with something constructive, which I'm sorry
to say has not occurred at the FAI, AMA or NFFS level for quite a few
Roger Coleman
F1J Survey
from: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Terry Kerger
August 2006
There have recently been contest format proposed and trial
contest formats tested for the F1J power event. Contest
formats have been run with longer initial flight maximums
and shorter allowable engine run maximums. . Some ideas
were implemented to reduce the model performance or to test
the performance potential of the current state of the art
F1J models. These concepts were tested in an attempt to
evaluate the ability of the contest format and model
specifications to provide a sporting conclusion to the
The purpose of this survey is to gather opinions and facts
to evaluate the ideas and positions of the event
participants and contest organizers. The following is a
list of ideas and issues that have been discussed and tried
on an experimental basis.
Please respond to the questions below. We are attempting to
determine if a revision to the sporting code is appropriate
or the current format guidelines should be followed.
Are you a current active participant in the F1J event
Yes_____ No____
Are you primarily a contest organizer
Yes_____ No_____
Have you organized or managed a FAI contest including F1J
Yes____ No _____
Do you have more than 10 years of Free Flight Contest
Experience Yes_____No____
Have you participated in the F1J event in the past
Yes____ No____
Do you fly a high performance composite F1J
Yes____ No____
Do you fly a non-composite F1J
Yes____ No____
Is your F1J powered by a 0.061 high performance Cyclon
engine Yes____ No____
Is your F1J powered by a 1/2 A engine TD or equivalent
Yes____ No____
Is the F1J event in the current FAI format fun for you to
fly Yes____ No ____
Does the current motor run need to be reduced to achieve
sporting results Yes___ No ___
Is a reduction in the motor run allowed to 5 seconds
appropriate Yes____ No ____
Is the current increase in fly off times by 30 seconds per
round appropriate Yes___ No___
Is a 1-minute increase in fly off times per round appropriate
Yes____ No ____
Is an extended first round maximum appropriate
Yes ___ No ____
Should the contest format guidelines be revised
Yes____ No ____
Is a formal proposal to the FAI to revise the current format
appropriate Yes____No____
Should the contest management be allowed to modify the contest
format Yes____No____
Please provide any comments that you feel appropriate to support
maintaining the current F1J contest format or suggestions
including revisions that would allow for a sporting contest
result. Any suggestions that allow management of the event and
result in a sporting conclusion will be considered.
The goal of this survey is to provide the motivation for the
event participants, contest organizers, and interested modelers
to provide information and opinions to guide any decisions to
make formal revisions to the f1J event.
The results of this survey will be provided to each person that
responds in a timely manner.
Send your reply to Terry Kerger by 15 Sept.
Roger Morrell