SEN 1029 - 10 Sep 2006
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- Category: Archive 2006
- Hits: 1366
SEN issue 1029 10 September 2006
Table of Contents
Radio D/T devices
combine F1P with F1C - Ree
combine F1P with F1C - Secor
Free Flight Mongolia Cup
F1 model spec's - Brokenspar
Junior World Champs Photos on Tx Timer Web Site
USFF Champs 2006 Disappointment Buddenbohn and Ray
Radio D/T devices
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I noted in SEN 1027 that Ian Kaynes confirmed that radio D/T was permitted
in F1A and F1B. Who produces the transmitter, receiver and actuating device
to install radio D/T in a model which has no other electronic equipment?
Other than using some of the now available micro RC gear, which use normal RC
frequencies and which might cause interference, or be interfered with by
adjacent frequencies, is there any device available, perhaps using the coded signals
associated with such things as remote garage door openers, purpose built for
model radio D/T? I believe Ken Bauer was working on something, but I have
not heard any more for a long time.
Jack Reid
[ jack
The orginal Danish multi-function timer can be equipped with a Radio DT they supply.
Ken Bauer makes the Airtek Radio D/R with works with Red , Black, Little and Smart
Magic timers. Ken is in the process of upgrading his current design so
until this is finished the availability is limited. Ken's son Brian used the Radio
DT in the recent Junior world champs. ]
combine F1P with F1C
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
"combine F1P with F1C"
Hi Klaus,
The Puszta Cup WCup organizer offers to participate
with F1P models since the class exist, but with nearly
no interest.
Andras Ree
combine F1P with F1C
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Great Idea Klaus W. Salzer!
At Lost Hills for the past two years almost all of the FAI contests have F1P
& F1C fly together. F1P by their rules, F1C by their rules. If a flyer Maxes
out and he is the only F1P flyer he can still fly in the flyoff for
practice. This has proved to be a great way for my son Cody to get practice
when he has had no other F1P flyers to fly with......
Randy Secor
[ .. if nothing else given Cody's Junior performamnce, this is a reason
for doing it !]
Free Flight Mongolia Cup
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mongolian AeromodelSport Association (MASA) held an international
competition "Free Flight Mongolia Cup" on 14 to 17 August at Mongolia. The
participating nation was Mongolia, Russia and Japan and number of
competitors was more than 30. A flying site, a huge field about 5km
squared, is about 50km away from Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia.
Accommodation in a grassy field is only 5km from the flying site and it is
possible to do test flight for trimming with 2 minutes flight at a
neighboring field. The average height of grasses in the field is lower than
10cm and the ground is hard and thus easy to run for the glider circling or
bunting. The height above sea level is about 2000m and it is the same
height in Denver, Colorado. Due to the high elevation, low temperature is
approx 5 centigrade and high is about 30 centigrade.
Thermal was tricky and it depends on the positionof field because the field
has slow undulation and if a model flew on the slow depression, it
sometimes caught dethermal. For example, altitude of an F1A model after
bunting was about 80m and it at once reached to about 100m. Everybody
believed the maxed, but it sanklike DT falling and the time was 2mimutes 37
seconds. Atmosphere isclear and wind speed is not so strong within 3-5m/s
and easy for retrievers. But you have to use radio beacon because of no
person andno trees except horses and cows in the field.
Mongolian staff made the best management. Good accommodation, huge field,
very well run competition with clear announces by Mongolian, Russian and
Japanese. Our Japanese team won the six championships in the seven classes,
however, a purpose of this competition was to deepen the friendship among
countries and it was achieved enough.
We hope that world cup or Asian championship will be held in the recent future.
You can enjoy a slide show on this competition.
Yasuo Yoshioka
F1 model spec's
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I am following the discussion
with mounting apprehension.
F1C is next
My conclusion is - we better send
Walt Ghio to the meeting !
Junior World Champs Photos on Tx Timer Web Site
Check out TX Timer Web Site-Photos of Cody and Antonio
USFF Champs 2006 Disappointment
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for Stan Bddenbohm
First I would like to thank Ted Firster, the CD, and all the people
that helped him. I did have a good time but the contest was a DISGRACE.
The USFF Champs was run like the most meaningless fun fly.
Write your own name and scores down with almost no oversight,
no sense that any of it mattered. Just a big campout.
This was the last nail in the coffin for this "contest" and I doubt
that I will be making any effort to go again.
Stan Buddenbohm
I believe that the USFF Champs by definition is not a fun fly. I will
go back again and hope that the meet is handled like a championship.
I appreciate the effort by Mr Firster and his team but I would not have
entered for a "Fun Fly".
Ralph Ray
Roger Morrell