SEN 1031 - 24 Sep 2006
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- Category: Archive 2006
- Hits: 1419
SEN issue 1031 24 September 2006
Table of Contents
Re: CIAM and MEASURING model Competition performance - Bosquet
Free Flight Quarterly book on Coupe d'Hiver (F1G) models - Montes
Contest Report: MMM Rocky Mountain FF Champs/FAI Dynasty Cup - Deloach
30th Annual Sierra Cup FAI International Free Flight Contest - KcKeever
RDT - Segrave
Finals Alert - Mc Keever
spencer field
Some Images - Woodhouse
Images from junior championship - Breeman
Re: CIAM and MEASURING model Competition performance
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear All
As a constructive suggestion towards overcoming the potential forthcoming
difficulties over restricting model performance may I make the following
Where or when it is not possible, nor desirable to hold numerous fly offs,
what about measuring the actual altitude of a model, for example after 4
minutes by using the RAM2 altimeter as described by Messrs. Edge, Fantham,
Jack in Free Flight Forum, 2006 p.p. 91-102 ?
In my example, I suggest that after 4 minutes the models should have had
sufficient time to have displayed not only a superior ability to climb but
also to demonstrate its minimum sink or thermal riding capability. This
should satisfy everyone's desire to have the:
a) best performing model;
b) highest complementary flying skills in the pursuit of excellence.
Whilst minimizing the need for timekeepers and a huge flying space at
The measure of height at 4 mins 0 secs is OBJECTIVE and DECISIVE, the
highest wins.
After 4 minutes the models can d/t reducing the risk of the models being
stolen, and making retrieval easier and safer.
If all FAI Flyoff models have to have the same external means with which to
attach these altimeters, a level playing field would be maintained, same
additional weight and drag.
I suppose the organization might have to supply the altimeters, but these
could loaned to competitors in return for a deposit. This would also enable
the contest director to "seal" the recorder so that no one tampers with the
height record.
Would it at least be possible to establish a pilot trial to test the
feasibility of the above idea in the UK.
It would be such a shame to cause further grief, when CIAM's other, perhaps
more important objective might be how to encourage greater global
participation in Free
Flight ?
Yours sincerely,
Nick Bosdet
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ian Kaynes"
To: "Nick Bosdet"
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 5:55 PM
Subject: Re: CIAM and model performance
> Mike et al
> Don't forget that the March 2006 CIAM agenda included a deferred section -
> items proposed but not eligible for consideration in 2006 because of
> schedule rules. These are held over to the first suitable year, i.e. the
> March 2007 meeting. Deferred proposals from Russia were 40m line, 25g rubber
> and 4 sec run for ABC respectively. Thus whatever anyone else submits these
> 3 are already on the agenda!
> Regards
> Ian
Free Flight Quarterly book on Coupe d'Hiver (F1G) models
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Free Flight Quarterly book on Coupes ( F1G) has just appeared.
This book of 104 pages comprises a great selection of articles and plans
on the topic of modern and Vintage Coupes. Some of this material
appeared in the April and July 2006 issues of Free Flight Quarterly.
There are articles and plans on Coupes by Helmut Werfl, Anselmo Zeri,
Edgardo Figueroa, Ralph Sparrow, Peter King, Tom Ioerger, and many, many
others. Jean Wantzenriether has contributed an interesting panorama of
the development of Coupe models in France, while Andrew Longhurst has
written an introduction to the Vintage Coupe movement in the UK,
complemented by his excellent drawings. Paul Rossiter writes on optimum
Coupe size and there are articles on Coupe airfoils and methods of
The price is $23 US airmailed to your address or $25 AUD in Australia
and NZ .
It can be ordered from:
Free Flight Quarterly
37 Windsor St
Kingston Beach 7050
TAS, Australia
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sergio Montes
Contest Report: MMM Rocky Mountain FF Champs/FAI Dynasty Cup
If you missed Denver/Labor Day this year you missed another year of
near-perfect weather. It was cool and cloudy on Saturday for F1ABC but the
winds were very light all day and thermals were plentiful. Temperatures
never got above the lower sixties however, and the sun never came out. Then
Sunday and Monday were two of the best flying days of the year with high
temps in the mid- to upper-seventies with hardly a breath of wind. Fluffy
white clouds dotted the sky and the sun shone brightly in the beautiful
Colorado blue sky. Maxes were very plentiful-though none maxed out in the
FAI events. Models hung over the line of cars, DTed, then rained down often
only a few feet from the launch point. Free flight heaven, without a doubt!
For those wishing to see the complete results showing AMA, Nos, SAM, FAC,
etc, go to: The
results should be posted there within another day or two.
Forty-two contestants from seven states converged this year on MMM's 35
square-mile Field of Dreams. One out-of-state contestant had this to say
after flying in this year's RMC: "That was the best contest of the
year--and I have been to a lot!"
So mark you calendars for next year's RMC: Labor Day weekend 2007!
Don DeLoach
Jerry Murphy
41st Rocky Mountain FF Champs - Dynasty Cup FAI Events
Pete McQuade 180 162 180 180 180 180 180 1242
Lee Hines 180 180 180 180 180 180 144 1224
Willard Smitz 87 143 99 98 51 112 63 653
Rene Limberger 180 180 180 108 0 0 0 648
Ed Vanlandingham 180 180 180 180 180 180 170 1250
Dick Wood 180 180 180 180 180 140 180 1220
Ed Wiley 180 180 167 147 153 180 160 1167
Darold Jones 150 113 180 170 138 180 125 1056
Todd Reynolds 96 84 147 157 123 0 0 607
Richard Branca 0 0 97 83 180 180 64 604
Randy Reynolds 124 74 79 71 143 0 0 491
Chuck Etherington 29 26 39 31 33 35 45 238
Rick Pangell 84 120 37 24 100 365
Willard Smitz 45 45 0 0 10 100
Jerry Murphy 77 120 120 120 120 577
Richard Branca 120 111 120 73 120 544
Mel Gray 120 52 120 120 120 532
Bill Leppard 74 120 120 120 56 490
Ed Wiley 111 86 120 53 120 490
Randy Reynolds 120 49 120 55 120 464
Ed Vanlandingham 120 120 120 0 60 420
Dick Wood 120 109 0 0 0 229
Darold Jones 39 0 0 0 0 39
Bob Hanford 120 120 120 115 0 475
Jerry Murphy 110 32 37 0 0 179
Fred Carstens 120 0 0 0 0 120
30th Annual Sierra Cup FAI International Free Flight Contest
October 14 and 15, 2006
World and America