SEN 946 - 2 May 2005
- Details
- Category: Archive 2005
- Hits: 1209
SCAT Electronic News 2 May 2005 issue 946
Table of Contents
Skyscraper International Challenge May 28-29 at Waywayanda - Barron
F1A for sale - Clark
Mail Jim Bradley - Crowley
Oakland Cloud Dusters 16th Annual FF Champs - Ray
Coup Gizmo - Brokenspar
M&K Long Fus for sale - Koerbin
BFMA FF Forums for 2005. - Stalick
Recruitment solution - Clemens
Too Many Euros ? - Woodhouse
Skyscraper International Challenge May 28-29 at Waywayanda
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fellow Free Flight Fliers,
Here are the announcement on the upcoming Skyscraper Challenge.
It is an America's Cup contest and it has the full slate of FAI
events, plus some AMA, Nostalgia, FAC and SAM. New events this
year include AB electric (Saturday), and F1Q electric (Sunday).
This time I have shortened the notice to SEN. If you want more
details on directions or hotels email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Note: The major meets at Barron Field this year are
May 28-29 Skyscraper Challenge
June 11-12 Wilber & Orville Contest
July 9-10 Skyscraper Annual
October 22-23 Skyscraper Harvest Contest
America's Cup and National Cup
FAI, AMA, Nostalgia, SAM, FAC
May 28-29, 2005
Barron, Ford, and Shuback Fields
Wawayanda, New York
Saturday May 28:
F1G (small rubber), F1H (small glider), F1J (small power).
120 second maxes. America's Cup Competition
Round 1: 9:30-11:00am
Round 2: 10:30-12:00
Round 3: 11:30- 1:00
Round 4: 12:30- 2:00pm
Round 5: 1:30- 3:00pm
Flyoffs: 3:15pm --
Mini-FAI Awards at end of rounds for events complete at that time.
FAI events: F1A (glider), F1B (wakefield), F1C/P* (power), plus F1Q*.
America's Cup competition
Sunday Morning May 29:
Round 1: 7:00- 8:30am Max 240 sec (weather permitting)
Round 2: 8:00- 9:30am Max 180 sec
Round 3: 9:00-10:30am Max TBA
Round 4: 10:00-11:30am
Round 5: 11:00-12:30pm
Round 6: 12:00-1:30pm
Round 7: 1:00-2:30pm
*Note that F1P and F1Q will fly 7 rounds alonside F1A/B/C, with same max.
F1P motor run will be 10 seconds, weather permitting.
F1Q is the new FAI electric free flight event (not yet America's Cup)
FAI director: Aram Schlosberg (718) 479-0478
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Assistant FAI Director: Andrew Barron or Art Ellis
FAI fliers enter at SkyScraper table before first flight.
Turn in scores between each flight (at the table or to an
FAI CD at the flight line.)
National Cup Competition: (Note, all junior national cup events
are included as separate sanctioned events, and results will be
reported as such. Likewise for the various classic and nostalgia open
events. The event combinations shown below are for local award purposes.)
Saturday May 28: 9am--5:00pm. [Awards at 5:00pm.]
Hand Launch Glider, 1/2A Gas, ABC Classic, ABC Nostalgia, Mulvihill,
AB Electric, Classic Towline.
Nostalgia Wake/Rubber and SAM Old-time Rubber (combined).
Early Sunday:
Dawn Unlimited (Gather with CDs at 6:45am on field for ground rules).
Launch Window 7:00-7:30am.
Sunday May 29: 8am to 3:30pm. [Awards at 3:30pm.]
Catapult Glider, 1/2 A Classic, 1/2 A Nostalgia, P-30 Rubber,
Pee-Wee 30 Power.
SAM Old Time Gas (all SAM Gas classes combined).
AMA and NFFS Contest Director:
Thomas Fennell (437 North Delaware Ave, Lindenhurst, NY 11757-3410)
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (631 888-0245)
SAM Consultant:
John Stott 203-426-5190, Mal MacLean 631-499-7917, or Al Vollmer.
Open fliers pay $25 ($10 field use fee, plus $15 entry which
covers unlimited number of AMA, NOS, SAM, and FAI events).
Juniors and Seniors pay $15 total ($10 field use plus $5 entry).
One wood trophy per sufficiently high finishing contestant.
Labeled plates which adhere to the trophy are awarded
for each finish in the top three in an event,
and to best finishing Junior or Senior in each event flown.
Bryton Barron trophy for best junior performance by a model
of the junior's own construction.
Al Casano commemorative trophy for top performance in any
above event with a model designed by Al Casano.
FLYING ACES EVENTS (Sponsored by the Glastonbury modelers):
Saturday May 28: (9am-5pm)
Peanut Scale (GHQ Scoring),
WW I Mass Launch,
Golden Age Civilian,
No-Cal Scale,
Jumbo-Giant Scale Combined
Scale Judging Saturday. Flights can be made either day.
Sunday May 29: (9am-3pm)
FAC Scale
Dime Scale (bring your plans)
WW II Mass Launch,
Thompson-Greve Mass Launch
O.T. Gas Replica
Flying Horde
FAC Event Director:
Ed Pelatowski (5 Belleview Ter., Ansonia, Conn. 06401
Phone 203-735-9494
Show AMA Membership, sign the Event Participation List, and provide
$10 field use fee (which covers both days).
The field is on Orange County Route 12, in Wawayanda, six miles
south of Route 17M near Middletown, NY. Nearby airports include
Newburg, NY (30 min from field) or White Plains, NY; Hartford, CT;
LaGuardia, NY; Albany, NY; Newark, NJ; or Wilks-Barre-Scranton, PA
(all of which are less than 2 hours from the field).
On Mapquest website, check Gardnersville and Pine Island, NY.
Field is open space between those two points.
HOTELS: For details contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
F1A for sale
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hello Roger,
Would you please post the following
F1A Glider for sale. Electronic Buntero in very good condition.
Asking $750.00, Contact Dean Clark for details. e-mail
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
cell, (805) 204-6813.
Thanks Roger
Mail Jim Bradley
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger please post this information in the next issue.
I have been informed by Linda that our good friend Jim Bradley has been ill
for a couple of months and has been admitted to the hospital. He was
diagnosed with an infection that affected a heart valve. On May. 4th he
will have surgery to repair or replace the valve. I'm sure he would enjoy
hearing from all of his friends around the world. Linda said no flowers.
Well wishes can be sent to his home and Linda will deliver them. The address
Jim Bradley
1337 Pine Sap Ct.
Orlando, Fl 32825
Thank you,
Paul Crowley
Oakland Cloud Dusters 16th Annual FF Champs
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hello Roger,
Please announce that Old Time HH Catapult Glider was omitted from the
list of events.
Bring your OT CAT next weekend.
Thank you Roger,
Coup Gizmo
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Does anyone offer one of those Gizmos
used to load a pre wound motor, for a Coup.....?
( that's F1G, Charlie.. )
Brokensdpar is down-sizing
M&K Long Fus for sale
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have an original M&K mechanical long fus for sale. It is in excellent
condition. 3 pos WSM. Wing tail gap is 725mm and is drilled for two pins
system. Timer is superb with dual spring - 13 minutes obtainable setting
(timer itself will run 19 minutes but there are not enough turns on the
scroll to use it all). Comes with 3.8 sq dm thin flat bottomed covered stab
that I made from M&K parts. Reason for sale - have moved to electronics.
Serious offers please - to purchase new would be around the $470 US. For
delivery the easiest would be for someone to pick it up in Argentina.
Antony Koerbin - contact at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Antony and Laraine Koerbin
18 Chatsworth Rd ph +64 4 527 9386
Silverstream, Upper Hutt 6007 fax +64 4 528 3051
NEW ZEALAND email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
BFMA FF Forums for 2005.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To all readers of SEN:
NFFS Publications Services will be selling copies of the 2005 FF Forum as
soon as they arrive here (expected in about a month). The cost will be $25 each
plus shipping. As soon as the books arrive, I will announce it here in SEN.
Bob Stalick, NFFS Publications Services
Recruitment solution
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Krine Laffler offered, "To pass on this great hobby we have to find a way to
make it available to all those who may be interested and not just the
"carriage trade" and therein is the problem and I do wish that I could offer
a solution but I can not."
As I stated in a message to this list a few weeks ago, the solution- like it
or not- is to drop the builder of the model rule. This will make our pastime
more appealing to young and old alike. Those among us who enjoy the
traditional methods of model airplane construction can carry on as long as
we like, but our love for tradition is not a very efficient or workable
method of proselytizing. The record of the past several decades makes this
abundantly clear.
Bob Clemens
Too Many Euros ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Without wishing to sound a wet blanket. I am concerned that we are slowly
moving towards a very commercial basis of organising the champonships and
events. The events seem to be getting away from the purpose that was
orogonaly conceived.
The Euro champs is for Europeans. Adding others devalues/clouds the event.
Adding extra, so called rest days. Extends the events beyond a champs. Some
guys have to work and have not all the required time or money.
The extra days have extra costs. We are not professionals or have our
organisations to pick up the extra costs.
Prize money is now coming into the frame as well.
All too commercial for me.
Michael J Woodhouse, Norwich, UK.
Free Flight Supplies has secure internet credit card facilities.
All mail to: -
web site: -
on 24/4/05 16:57, SCAT user at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. wrote:
> Ukraine This Year !!
> ====================
> Victor STAMOV
> __________________________________________
>> Dear SCAT readers,
>> Now is a good time to visit Ukraine. No visas are needed for
>> Euro Community and Switzerland citizens from May, 1 till
>> September, 1, because of Eurovision Song Festival in Kyiv.
>> Also our President during his visit to USA last week
>> promissed, that US citizens will go to Ukraine without visas
>> too.
>> There will be 2 World Cups in Ukraine during 2 weekends:
>> Antonov Cup in Kyiv
>> Saturday, July, 9 - F1B, C, H;
>> Sunday, July, 10 - F1A, G, J
>> Black Sea Cup of Belarus in Odessa
>> Thursday, July, 14 - F1H, G, J
>> Friday, July, 15 - F1B, C;
>> Saturday, July, 16 - F1A
>> Sunday - Prizegiving, Banquet
>> More information and registration at
>> or mail to me,
>> Victor STAMOV
>> Simirenko, 34, Apt. 127,
>> 03134 Kyiv,
>> tel.: 380-44-402-79-32
>> mob.: +380-97-987-42-80
>> e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
>> Ukraine is a host of 2006 FF European Championships and 2007
>> FF World Championships. Both Camps will run in Odessa (same
>> place as Black Sea Cup 2005) in the middle of July.
>> Preliminary Bulletins will be presented in Argentina. I will
>> take an active part in organization and can make an influence
>> how contests will be organized. We have some ideas how to
>> improve an organization. Some of them will be tested this year
>> at Black Sea Cup. About 2 ideas we need your opinion.
>> 1. We are going to add 2 more days (one after F1A and one
>> after F1B), which can be used as reserve, time for early
>> morning fly offs and days for rest.
>> Reasons:
>> a) More flexible schedule for flying. Only 2 fly offs (late
>> evening) in the main flying day. If necessary - 10 min fly off
>> next early morning.
>> b) The average age of modelflyers comes every year higher.
>> Wake up early morning and a lot of activities during the day
>> (as flying and retrieving) making everybody looks as squeezed
>> lemon. Instead of fun every day looks as very hard job. 2
>> extra days can be used for recreation.
>> 2. We have idea to make European Championship open for
>> non-European Nations. It is possible by FAI Code, General
>> Section:
>> Continental Championship. An international
>> sporting event open to participants from all NACs
>> within a specific continental region defined in the Sporting
>> Code (see para 3.5.4) and, in case of
>> vacancies, to participants from other invited non-eligible
>> NACs. The competitor, or team from one
>> of the NACs within that specific region, with the highest
>> aggregate score at the end of the event,
>> shall be the winner and be awarded the title of that
>> Continental Region's Champion.
>> Yes, we have vacancies. I told with President CIAM FAI Mr.
>> Sandy PIMENOFF at last CIAM meeting and he said nothing
>> against. It is possible by the FAI rules. I've got a principal
>> agreement to make it.
>> I think, it can be 2 contest in one. Standard Euro Champ (only
>> for Europeans) and Open Euro Champ (all Europeans and all
>> gusts will take a part). We (Organizers) can provide 2
>> different sets of trophies for FF European Championships and
>> Open FF European Championships.
>> Only the question - how many Nations have interested come to
>> us.
>> Welcome to Ukraine!
>> Victor STAMOV
Roger Morrell