SEN 952 - 11 Jun 2005
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- Category: Archive 2005
- Hits: 1572
SCAT Electronic News 11 June 2005 issue 952
Table of Contents
HLG lands on Interstate 5 at rush hour
Dreaming of June 2001 Tan II - DeLoach
World Champ pictures - Abad
more 2005 WC pix website - Leeper and Mr Fu
Re: Dawn Towline Glider Event - Biggles
Fw: Public awareness of free flight - Salzer
Hoosier Cup 2005 Results - Markos
W/C 2005 - conversation with Segrave
Parker diary Argentina 2005
Correspondence with AMA and Model Aviation
Ronnie Mac Moves
For sale - f1j - Wilkinson
HLG lands on Interstate 5 at rush hour
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
After the Free Flight God beat me up with wind in Argentina, I was glad
to see that he could smile on me once again. Yesterday about 4:30pm I
was looking out the window of my office in Irvine thinking I was burned
out and needed a walk outside. I noticed that there was almost no wind
in the trees and remembered I had a hand launch glider in my car for
such occasions. Perfect time for a 1hour flying break!
I get the glider and walk out to the large undeveloped field next to my
office where I've flown various gliders on many occasions. My office is
in the Irvine Spectrum area where the I5 and I405 freeways come
together, and the I5 borders one edge of this field. It is still pretty
calm as I walk out and I have a few good throws, one which catches a
nice thermal and DTs not far away. Then a bit of wind comes up, but I'm
determined not to let the wind scare me and I know I need practice in
the wind, so I figure I can throw it a few more times with a short DT.
A few flights later I get a great launch into what turns out to be a
huge, beautiful 5pm thermal and the breeze has picked up and is blowing
right towards the freeway. My silly putty DT is a little slow and
doesn't trip until about 50 or 60 seconds, instead of 30. By this time
I know the glider is in big trouble as it is over the railroad tracks
next to the freeway, although coming down fast under DT. I'm hoping it
will land just short of the freeway, but no, it disappears right into
the freeway on an overpass area. I climb up the steep enbankment hoping
that maybe it has landed in the center divider area but expecting to see
a bunch of splinters. I get to the edge and see it, still in one piece
sitting right between the carpool lane and the main southbound lanes.
The I5 freeway is 12 lanes wide at this point, with the carpool lanes in
the center. There is about 18" of space between the yellow lines
marking the right edge of the carpool lane and the left edge of the main
fast lane, and the glider is sitting upside down right in between them.
I stand there on the edge of the freeway for about 15 minutes trying to
figure out what to do. Rush hour traffic is whizzing by at about 70mph
in all lanes. I realize that there is no chance of a break in the
traffic that would be long enough for me to run across 5 lanes and pick
up the glider, and even if I could I would have to get back to the edge
of the freeway again. I tell myself to forget it, it's not worth it, I
can build another glider but I can't build another me. Cars, trucks,
and buses keep flying by on both sides of the glider with tires only one
or two feet away, yet the glider stays put and doesn't move. I cringe
every time a vehicle goes by, because I expect the wind and turbulence
to pick up the glider and then move it into the lanes where it will be
pulverized with an awful noise of broken wood and carbon. I keep
waiting for that inevitable, awful moment, because then I can forget all
chances of rescue and leave the scene, but it doesn't happen. Because
it is upside down, the wing tips and DTed tail seem to be providing a
solid footing in the concrete. So finally I decide that if it really is
going to stay there like that, maybe there is a chance of rescue if I
return much later in the night when the traffic has died down.
Just as I'm leaving a CHP officer (California Highway Patrol) slams on
his brakes on the side of the freeway, and starts backing up towards me.
I'm not sure if this is good or bad, but I stand there and as soon as
he rolls down his window I point out the glider and explain the
situation. He just sort of laughs and tells me to forget about it, it
is history, no way that it will not be destroyed, and there's nothing he
can do. He thinks it is already broken, but I explain that it has this
pop up tailboom DT, and that I think it is actually still OK. I tell
him that the only thing I can think of is to return in the middle of the
night. As I'm climbing down the embankment to return to my office I
hear somebody whistling at me. I turn around and see the officer waving
at me to return to the freeway. I get back and he says "I'm not
supposed to do this, but I'm going to stop the traffic on the freeway
and get the airplane. Wait here because it will take a few minutes".
OK. I wait another 5 minutes watching the glider continue to escape
70mph death, when the highway patrol cruiser gloriously emerges doing
big S maneuvers in front of the traffic until all 6 lanes are stopped.
He then drives over to the glider, picks it up, and drives over to me.
The traffic then takes off again giving me dirty looks, but I don't
care. The officer hands me the glider and I thank him profusely. I
think about handing him cash, but there is probably a law against that.
At any rate, I tell him he just made my day. The glider is fine except
for some scratches on the wing and stab tips where it had obtained it's
footing in the cement.
It was a miracle. I thank the Free Flight Gods and the CHP as I return
to work.
Ken Bauer
... a silly putty timer shame on you !
and I think the CHP Officer did the right thing because the carbon boom
might have gone thru a tire.]
Dreaming of June 2001 Tan II
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Dear SCAT,
I am on the lookout for small quantities of Tan II, 6/01 batch. I have
found it to be a pretty good batch for indoor flying and I am running
out of my current stock. I will appreciate any leads.
Don DeLoach
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World Champ pictures
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
There is a site with some pictures of the WChs.
It would be nice to hear of other sources, once people are returning
Very well organized Champs, excellent food and atmosphere down there.
Javier Abad
more 2005 WC pix website
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OOPS! Here is the paste up that I see I missed the first time!
Several Kiwis and Aussies are in them.
As well as the usual suspects.
"Someone posted this site to the RC Sailplane forum. Has lots of pics
from Argentina WC.
- Norm Furutani"
Re: Dawn Towline Glider Event
From: Martyn Cowley
Re: Dawn Towline Glider Event:
* Nice idea with the Dawn Towline event. However, F1H rules require
different pull test (2 kg) compared to F1A (5 kg). So too with A/1
(assuming you mean "classic AMA A/1" as there is no such event in
existence anymore). F1H and A/1 flyers will not want to make up a
special heavy duty or short towline to meet your proposed rules, just
for a single flight. Therefore suggest you simply let each class fly
according to its own current set of rules. After all, you are not
requiring F1H gliders to comply with F1A projected area, or weight,
so why burden them with complying with F1A towline restrictions ?
- Rules are important !
- Biggles
Fw: Public awareness of free flight
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sent this before the World champs, maybe it got lost, since I have not seen
it published yet!
A big part of the "junior problem" is - they do not know about us! As does
the public in general!
How can we correct this? To bits of information I came across recently
might help in combination:
First: has the idea of making books travel by handing
them to someone over to read, and to pass them along afterwards.
The second info is a rumor that Bill Hartill still has a lot of his "World
Free Flight review" left.
Could you imagine a better book to publish the idea of free flight?
So - if it is true that Bill has some left I would like to buy 2 or 3 just
for this purpose, and maybe some other people in other areas of the world
might do the same.
If each book hooks only one person it will be cheap at whatever price Bill
asks for the book!
So - Bill, if you read this, please contact me.
Klaus W. Salzer
J.-Hönigsberger-G. 5
A-2540 Bad Vöslau
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Hoosier Cup 2005 Results
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2005 Hoosier Cup Results
The 2nd renewal of the FAI Hoosier Cup contest in Muncie was buffeted by
unsettled weather in the Midwest. As a few brave contestants showed up on Friday
to get in some testing, the winds were blowing at 10 - 20 mph so we mostly
kept our models in their boxes. Later in the day, a few small thunderstorms
passed over and by the AMA field which caused the wind velocities to diminish
briefly as each storm passed, but by the time I put a model together it was
again up to the 20 mph level. By about 7:30 pm the winds had diminished enough
for Greg Simon to do some testing.
Saturday came with diminished winds, but a steady rain fell from daybreak
until about noon. We started with 2-minute maxes and held there for the 7 rounds
of the main event for F1A, B and C. More contestants than I expected after
seeing the weather forecast signed up to fly, but many of them did not make
official flights. The relative calm of the early morning gave way to the same
brutal wind from the west as the day continued. The only real competition was
in F1B with three contestants maxed-out through five rounds. We moved the
flight line after the 5th round to avoid landing in the cemetery and its trees as
the wind continued to increase in velocity. At least two models flew over
the cemetery and landed in the unplanted fields to the east before the move.
Bill Shailor dropped the 6th round when his power pattern went off course
leaving only Paul Crowley and Greg Simon with perfect scores that they carried
though the 7th round. A flyoff was scheduled for 7 pm, but Greg found a cracked
TE in his wing and didn't want to fly or check the trim of a backup model so
Paul put in a token flight to take first place for the America's Cup points.
Special mention should be made of the three juniors flying for team selection
points. Evan Simon edged out Paul Shailor in F1B by one second, but each will
receive over 99 team selection points. Evan placed third overall. In F1A,
Kyle Jones had trouble towing in the wind, but gamely kept on flying to finish
all 7 rounds.
On Sunday, the early morning had clear skies that soon became overcast until
about noon. Luckily, the overcast kept the wind velocities at about 10 mph
for most of the morning as the mini-events were flown. However, many of those
who had signed up to fly the mini events (F1G, H and J) decided to not stay
overnight. Thermals were stronger than expected from the cool temperatures,
about 50 degrees F. The tactic was to wait for a "lull" of about 9-10 mph that
would last only a few seconds for the thermal launch window. A strong thermal
carried Paul Crowley's F1G off the field after a 5-minute flight.
Unfortunately, it landed next to a roadway and a speeding car passing by caused
irreparable damage to the model. He then discovered that his backup model was
incomplete and his day was over. That left the field open to Paul Masterman to
repeat as F1G champ and also as the Hoosier Cup high point winner. He needed only
a 5-second flight in the 5th round to cement his victory, but was determined
to make the120 second max to win in style.
The contest ended with only myself (the CD), Mr and Mrs Masterman and Lee
Campbell present to accept the awards. Again the winds had picked up to a steady
15 - 20 mph by the time we were packed and ready to leave. As I write this
on Monday, the skies are clear and winds are light in Chicago.
Hoosier Cup May 14-15, 2005 Muncie Indiana
Chuck Markos 120 34 120 118 117 103 612
Kyle Jones (jr) 74 79 34 120 46 86 24 463
1 Paul Crowley 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 93 933
2 Greg Simon 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 0 840
3 Evan Simon (jr) 113 120 120 120 120 120 120 833
4 Paul Shailor (jr) 120 120 120 120 112 120 120 832
5 Bill Shailor 120 120 120 120 120 106 706
6 John Seymour 70 120 120 120 120 120 670
7 Charlie Jones 120 117 120 117 120 73 667
8 Ryan Seymour (jr) 0
1 Bucky Servaites 91 120 120 331
2 Norman Poti 0
1 Paul Masterman 73 60 120 103 120 476
2 Paul Crowley 120 120 120 360
3 Charlie Jones 93 120 120 333
1 Lee Campbell 120 120 45 63 67 415
2 Chuck Markos 61 0 120 72 253
3 Kyle Jones (jr) 0 30 37 67
1 Jim Haught 93 88 57 238
Chuck Markos, CD.
W/C 2005 - conversation with Segrave
Many congratulations to you personally and to the American team on the
wonderful results in Argentine at the 2005 W/Cs.
Some of the results will require someigation as the for example the scores
of Allnutt do not add up to 498 but to 30 seconds more. And the addition of
the places of the 3rd and 4th team places in one of the categories would
result in the twi teams trading places. That's just on initial examination,
perhaps there are more.
Mike I have not looked at this. But I suspect it maybe counting or not the
Super Max.
I understand that conditions weren't of the best with cold and
strong winds .
The conditions were gberally good. It was cold some mornings but warmed
up when the sun came out. It was windy during some of F1A
and F1B but was manageable. Retrieving may have been tough for
individual contetsants without a lot of help. The
organizers did provide small motor bikes.
Finally, was the Japanese flying a long winged power ship to win? It looks
like the reduction from 7 to 5 seconds has had very little effect with 7
minutes being easily achievable. The glides must be of a very low sinking
speed, of the order of 1 foot/second, don't you think?
Katagawa flew a Hummer powered Achterberg long winged airplane.
He did have everything well together and a perfect flyoff flight.
Mike S
Parker diary Argentina 2005
Jim Parker
Argentina 2005 Diary
Sat. May 14- Departure
Weird Al Yankovich tune in my head, “Tray Table up, Seat in the
full up right position”. Modeler's prayer on my lips, "Please
deliver my models in one piece in Buenos Aires". Bob T helps me
with my baggage at LAX, Kiss Cathy good bye.
Blake went the extra miles in the coordination of the model boxes
only to have the most difficult time. He and Tiffany endured a
cancelled flight, a night in the airport, trouble with security
but are now seated next to me. A few hours to relax. We'll see
if his prep work pays off when we get to Dallas. The journey
Model box: 51 lbs, Suitcase: 54 lbs hope I hope I don't need
the stuff I off loaded last night. MP3 time.
Easy lay over in Dallas. Plane loaded on time, out on the runway,
the Argentina guy next to me saw fluid dripping off the right
flap. He calls the Flight attendants who called the Captain.
Taxied back to the terminal. It was higher than normal fuel
venting-- fully loaded tanks for the non-stop flight to
Argentina. Left an hour late.
Sun May 15- Arrive Buenos Aires, drive to Embalse
Long line thru customs. Chaotic as the three groups scambled.
Exchanged cash, got the rental cars, packed ours and all the
other model boxes and departed at 11:20. Hector drove first leg.
We made a couple of wrong turns but quickly corrected them.
Excitement came when we arrived at a 90 degree turn at 110 kph.
Hector did the right thing, braked heavily and stayed straight.
Fortunately the bump was small and the ground was hard and we
simply drove away. Blake, Tiffany and Roger, Lindy, John said it
as quite exciting to watch!
We stopped for lunch. 3$ T-bone steak. Got some snacks and hit
the road. Increased blood pressure when a big truck took the
inside line on a turn-- hearing an unusual swuss. Hector’s
navigating was great and we drove directly to Hotel #4. Now the
memories are being filled in. The Russian were sitting in the
same hall as in 1989. It has not changed. Numerous old FF models
hung from the ceiling, two of which Hector had built for him by a
young local modeler. We sat and ate as the earlier arriving
American where finishing up. Hector had to do the lodging
assignments. Hector, Jack, Ken and I will be sharing a cottage.
11:30 pm I had to unpack my model box. All looks good. Hector
did the same and found a broken rudder. I got on a roll as Jack
was filling out postcards. Unpacked all my stuff. Pulled out the
PC to make these notes. Time to hit the sack.
Monday, May16- Rest and field visit
Cold night, slept until 10:30. Rousted Hector. Went to town for
breakfast with B&T, Richard Blackum. Had tea, coffee and
pastries in small place on the road that leads to the hotels.
Bought supplies and small stool . Sent Cathy and the kids an
email- 1 peso for one hour. Talked about and headed back to
Hotel4 for lunch. Veal with spinach / cheese. Good. Went of to
the field at 3:00. Windy- 15 mph. Hung around checking out
equipped, re-learned the GPS. Still have to figure out the
Walkie-Talkies. Blake set up the termistor / wind recorder. Only
a hand full of flights. No Boomers. I put on my flying shoes
and checked out the land east of the grass strip. Old corn
stalks, loose ground, soft footing. At 6:00 it started to calm a
bit. Very flyable but decided not to fly. At 6:15 Roger set-up
and made a test flight. I went down wind for chase. I got a ride
with a local to the model. Good way to learn the access thru the
fences. Hector and I headed out but checked out the field
further to the SE. I'll go there tomorrow for practice if the
breeze is similar. Un-packed Ken's and Mikes boxes. No obvious
damage. They arrive tomorrow. Time for dinner.
May 17, Tues, Practice day, Cordoba Airport
Up at 6:30 and off to the Pizza place for breakfast. Long wait
for scrambled eggs and diced ham. Got to the field at 9:00.
Parked on the air strip. The battery on 49,Blue tip, was low so
hooked up the charger. Flew Dallas' model, seems good- small
rudder adj. Ditto for 44 but the circle seemed too tight- tip
warp problem again. Change when we go back. Flew 33, Extra Long,
nice up thermal , circle tighten, a couple of stalls- still need
more verification if I'm to declare it. Blue tip charge
completed and made two quick flights just before noon. Weather
still nice but we have to go.
Hector is to go to Cordoba to get George, Judy and Ken and lead
the rest of the time back. In 1989, it took the Archer's 5 hours.
Took 2 hours to get the cars rented and loaded. Judy was not
feeling well-- a cold. The 5 car caravan did well and we made it
back in 1 1/2 hours. Some running around to get the new folks
registered and do their bungalows. George and Judy are in the
hotel-- their bath room is in bad shape- hope they can work
something better. Generally I really like our place, fireplace
and all. Three blanket nights and I'm sleeping well. Bunch of
people decide to go to La Brasa the popular steak place in 1989
that I never made it to. Unfortunately the restaurants don't
open until 7:30. George, Judy and Ken did not want to wait so we
went to the breakfast pizza place. Hector and I had snacks. We
then took Goerge, Judy and Ken back to the bungalow and Hotel 4
and headed back to La Braza. The Archers and Claps were there.
Good dinner. Must remember " who-go-so" that is juicy / medium
Weds 18, May , Practice
Mis-set my alarm, went off at 6:30, Intended 7:30. Went to sleep,
woke at 8:10. Scrambled out and headed to field. We had not
planned to have a pizza place breakfast and had bought some
pastries. Slight breeze. Mike and Brian were flying where we did
the day before. We headed to the eastern part of the field , so
I could tow on the north side of the road that had soybean, much
better footing. Realized I had not re-warped #44-- sided tracked
by a steak dinner. Flew Dallas' and Blue tip. Nice flights,
learning the thermals. Other USA team people joined us. Breeze
came up quickly along with cloud cover. Looks like the forecast
that Ken got last night was right and the World Cup will be
similar. I flew #45 short once, towed in the corn stalk field.
Picked a calm on the ground, one circle and bunt into thermal. 30
sec DT kept it on the field. Ken damaged a model when it hit the
small power lines. All Americans packed up and left. To Hotel4
for lunch. Walked to the lake and took picture- amazing I never
did that in 1989. Emailed Cathy. Back to the bungalow, Ken
repairing his model. Jack left Blake's monokote iron in our
bungalow. I warped both tips on 44. Also injected some CA in the
d-box to cure a oil-canning. Hector, Ken and I headed out to
the nearer test field and hoped it would calm down just before
sundown. Ken spoke to Victor V about altimeter they are working
on. We then spoke about a potential USA team at the European
champs. Interesting possibility. Victor put in one flight 30
minutes before sundown, still very breezy, he is amazing to watch
in these conditions. Good bunt and air. RC DT'd the model. Horak
flew a wake near sundown with a slight drop in wind speed, good
air also. We went back to the bungalow. I hope to get a test
flight in on #44 tomorrow morning. Showered and did some notes.
Off to H4 for dinner. Contest tomorrow, we fly!
May 19 Thursday, World Cup F1A
Weather forecast for today did not look good but to our surprise
we had good weather. Calm for the first 2 rounds, 9-10 mph winds
for the last 5 rounds. Organizers squandered 2 hours with poorly
timed flight line moves. Brian V only USA in 9 person fly-off. I
started with 44 in a tree just before the round start, John
Morrell got back. Flew Dallas’ model to a good 4 minute max and
then made 3 min on the 2nd round with just 20 feet to spare.
Then the round delay. Flew 45 short and had a left launch that
put it in perfect placement with other thermaling models.
Stronger wind in the 4th round. I had good position under 3
models but a low model spooked me and I let a good thermal go. I
did a good job straight towing in the wind and could easily
circle tow. A thermal calm came and I managed to let it get away
from me, I let go of the line, it snagged in the stubble but the
landing was not hard. It was hard enough to pull the bunt arm
screw out so 44 is out for now. Not wanting to risk damage to
another model, I assembled 32 which I have not flown for a long
time. Roger went up wind to indicate lulls and blow thorough with
Blake near me. Some models to my right went and looked good. I
straight launched and had to let-up because the model started to
right. I missed the air badly but it headed down wind and started
to work the air- hoping and talking- looked like I might dodge a
bullet—no, too low at the bottom of the hill were it seems the
low lift breaks up. Dropped 28 sec. Next flight in the same
conditions I simply went up, kited, circled found lift and
launched. BOOMER 3.8 km chase. Next flight I started a launch
but thought the air went soft and backed off- you guessed it, un-
latched, bunt recover at 30 feet- air was good and again the
model worked it well and again at the bottom of the slope the air
dissipated- dropped another 30 sec or so. Last flight, the wind
calmed a bit, towed up, went down wind, found lift- launch a bit
to the left but good recovery in good air. Nice max. Between
rounds I fitted a new bunt arm to 45. The air got very nice and
while every one packed up I put in two test on 45. Looks OK but
did not clear the bunt. I’ll work it out. Oh yeah-- I managed
to lock up the PC on the field so I had to use the back-up--
first time for that. Found the reset back at the bungalow so
that’s OK now. Disappointed I’m not in the flyoff but very
pleased with progress today. Tomorrow I chase for Bob T. Hector’s
2 motorcycle rider’s are good guys and will save a lot of wear
and tire on knees, ankles.
Other lesson re-learned. Have glide measurement for all models
incase you have to replace a bunt arm, servo etc. Put screws
in the model box handle recess- lucky I did not break fuselages.
A single test flight of 32 would have likely changed the result
of the fourth round! My team mates have a definite advantage
with RC DT. Time to upgrade.
May 20 Friday, World Cup F1A Flyoff, F1B&C
Very cold and breezy. Most flyers including Brian go up wind to
the fence scrub tree line. Models start to launch, Victor S has
good launch, Sergey poor launch. Did not see Brian’s launch. The
Israeli that launched to the most SE portion of the field and did
not drift back over the cars won. Interesting.
I am Bob T's chase. Thought this would be a tough chase day but
the weather calmed and warmed, tricky but nice air. Flew all day
from the central line. Hector used the organizer provided Honda
and chased for Ken H who maxed out. The four F1B chasers shared
the two hired motorcycle /riders. "Rapido,Rapido" trying to get
this guys above 10 mph. Very good riders. Closed my eyes and
enjoyed the sunshine warm against the cooling breeze. I took the
4th round off to measure towlines. The 2 new ones were short by
inch. A bit close so I shortened another 5-6 inches. That round
Bob T and Roger dropped. Tricky air. Blake dropped the 5th, I saw
the model get gusted to the right as it came out of his hand,
power stall. 30 gram motors don't have much grace in them. At
the end of the 7th Alex and Ken H were clean. I asked Blake and
he OK's that Ken B and I go do some testing. Ken and I get to
the soy bean field. Gorgeous time. Calm, large field and a
beautiful backdrop of lake and mountains. I flew 45 with the new
bunt arm. It still as not clearing the bunt. Over several flights
I decreased cruise time and decrease cruise angel and just
started to get a hint of nose over. Decided that I needed to
lower the straight and circle but needed to measure and reset
glide via the stamp adjustment so I put it away.
I then flew 44. Looks like the wing tip re-warp worked. Had two
good bunts. Set the DT for 285 and opened the glide a bit more.
Left the launch just short of perfect, DT'd at 2 feet. Sun
was setting, I reset to 85 sec and use a Fin-M&K leader towline
to see if it truly gets more speed. Seems it does in that the
bunt was slightly over the top. Happy flyer. Hector showed up
as the sun was setting with motorcycle and then Blake and Tiffany
came with the information that four made the 5 min fly-off in
both F1BC- Alex and Ken H are in. Off to shower and dinner.
May21 Saturday, World Cup F1B&C flyoff, Practice
Ice on the wind shield, scrap away and off to the flyoff. F1C
guys had difficult time starting engines. Ken H shot a test
flight with his best model, short on the bunt and stalled. Brian
chased with Randy helping with car ride when the flyoff started
close to schedule! Ukrainian went first, stall all the way down.
Babenco went with a folder- looked perfect. Ken struggled to get
his engine going, with less than 2 minutes, he launched, climb
looked good but the bunt was short, resulting stall-- to the
ground for 3 minute something. Babenko was short of 8 minutes by
1 sec. In the Wake area, a protest was filed against Alex. He
had his pre-loaded rubber in tubes being held inside a friends
jacket until just before loading in the model. George Batiuk, the
head jurist ruled against the protest. More discussion on this to
come on this I'm sure.
The USA teams split up into different areas to test but stayed
in touch via walkie-talkies. 33 is launching well and the glide
looks good with 55 second circle for flights of 4:20 and 4:25.
Mike did 4:40 and a 4:25 I believe. Ken had a 4:25 as well. I
then flew 44- what a surprise- stall all the way down for less
that 2 minutes. Tighten the circle from the 95 sec circle from
the evening before-- stall all the way down. Checked battery
voltage- 6.7v should be OK but replaced it. Stalled, reduced
incidence ½ turn. Stalled --- put it away. Flew 46 twice- good
launches- lift now and glide looks good. Ditto Dallas' model-
launched it harder that before- going good. Looks like ole 44 is
going to stay in the box. First flights on 48, short model.
Needed a slight left straight rudder- seems like most of my
models needed this. Some breeze and stronger lift. Assembled
45 with the straight and circle tow decreased adjustment I made
last night. While resetting the DT I did a quick compare of the
48 and 45 "numbers" . 45's cruise time was almost twice that 48.
All the other number’s were comparable. Did I some how mis-type
and save ???? Set 45's time numbers' to those of 48. The bunt
is back- yahoo. I did some more fiddling with the straight and
circle tow stab settings. Need to make some more measurement /
adjustments tonight. Mike had a line attached fly away on his e-
hook model. Brian V went in chase and was 300 meters out when
Mike remembered he had the RC-DT on it. Click of the button and
down she came.
We flew to 6:20 pm. We register at 7:00. I declared 45,46, 48
and 49. The veteran 44 did not make the cut. I can swap out
another model up until 1 hour before the start. I’m troubled
that I did not declare 33—I’m I being too conservative? Too
concerned about the potential for wind and not focused enough on
winning the last fly-off flight. Oh the dilemma of having more
than 4 good models! Mike gave me a hard time about being 20
grams over weight-- have to make up for it in launch heigh!.
Hector's sick. Tiffany dropped of some vitamin C powder which I
took for the next two days.
May 22 Sunday, morning Practice, Opening Ceremony
Ken and I went to the test field. Got 49 going well after
opening the glide to 60 sec. I had DT tested 46 (Dallas ship)
earlier but on the first flight a big loop. Thought I forgot to
turn it on. Instead, the servo died. No signs of life, not even a
tiny buzz. Bob T and Alex came out as well. Bob got a scare when
his model drifted and landed next to the highway. Those Titanium
knees got moving pretty fast. We had to end at 10:00 and rush
back, change and get to the opening ceremony. Blake did not fall
for my "White" shirt joke. Typical opening, speeches were short.
Pierre C announced the official opening, then some clouds and
wind rolled in. Then the 1/4 scale RC acrobatic and Helicopter
demo. Over to the Dome Gym where lunch was served. Excellent
food and service even though my blood sausage story has been
verified. The ladies were recounting their exploring with the
help of a local young lady Jana befriended. They had a great
lunch at a private family restaurant except the bathroom door was
missing a handle and Sue T was lock in for 20 minutes.
Blake called a team meeting- excellent exchange of information
on thermal picking here. Here they have "corn devils" husks
swirling in the air. Every one seemed to agree that the you can
not wait for the strong back fill to launch-- you'd be too late.
Blake called a team practice-- all together on the field and
simulate contest rounds around 9-10 tomorrow. Back to the
bungalow and replaced the servo- really had me perplexed- same
servo type but turned the opposite direction. Ken reminded me
that the MB had servo reverse. Got it working. I decided that if
it does not dial in with-in 2-3 flights, I’d switch to 33, the
extra long.
May 23 Monday, Last Practice
Team gathered at the “corn” flight line were the World Cup
contest was flown. Mike lost a hatch. Searched for 20 minutes in
and around his box before giving up. He put in a test flight and
found the hatch while walking back with his model 30 feet from
his box. I had the company of a brown field mouse that made it
self comfortable on my canvas ground cloth. Flew all four
declared models. D’s 46 dialed in quickly but I wish I had flown
33. Flew until about 3:00- beautiful weather. In fact, had to do
a lot of running to keep the short model in the calm afternoon
air. Ken had a similar situation and towed for 15 plus minutes
in one of these calm periods, he launched at the first portion of
wind movement and just barely hung on for 3 minutes. I was then
towed and 2 minutes latter the air had fully developed and
launched in a fine thermal. Need to modify our thermal
development model?
Back at the bungalow, I prepped the models for tomorrow, small
scotch tape patches on stab, CA 3 popped caps on 48, charged the
batteries and replaced battery on 49. Duplicated today's stamp
changes on this Toshiba. Hector and I need to take the rental car
in to check the nail in the tire, I'll get a soda, water, bananas
for tomorrow as well. Just another 7 round contest, Just another
May 24 Tuesday, World Champs F1A
Surprise, busses and cars at the practice field. Parked and found
out why, wind towards the lake and nuke plant. Our pole 1 was at
the bottom of the slope. I was the first to assemble, Brian
launched and chased. Good launch of D's (46) but the glide looked
fast. I added a 1/2 turn of incidence and took out one count of
wing wiggler. Another good launch and the glide looked much
better- opened the circle from 45-50 sec to 60-65 sec. Mike had a
good test. Ken decided the night before to keep his models warm
and in the box was long as possible due to a non-DT on practice
day -- slow servo due to cold. He would go without a test flight.
We had decided that Mike would not fly until the sun was on the
field and we got some warming. Round started on time at 8:30.
Mike towed about 10 minutes latter. He went with solid air and
other models and made the 4 minutes easily. I went up as soon
the timers checked me. I towed up the slope to the middle of the
line until I neared Russian- Pancow I believe. He launched but I
had not yet gotten the groove of the air. I had good position. A
few minutes later several models launch up wind- looked good. I
went to set up but had the model a bit too much to the right and
was going to go around again when I sensed the hook had
unlatched. I made the instant decision and put the hammer to it.
Got a bunt off to the right but leveled into the glide well,
looked like the trim change would pay off in that the big slow
circle was working. At around 3 minutes the model hit some
turbulence and stalled, stalled again-- holding my breath. It
damped out and rode solid. Model DT but was only 5 feet high.
Better than 1 foot short. Ken had an excellent flight. I returned
the trim back and nailed the second flight, as did Mike. While
Ken was towing in the 2nd round, the wind switch was flipped on-
6-8 mph and turbulent. Ken stayed on the lower portion of the
flight line when he launched and had a couple of stalls but
recovered nicely. The nice early morning air as gone and the
model stalled near to the ground, 18 sec short. The wind
increased to 12-16 mph. Mike and I decided not t test fly. Does
our thermal development theory apply up on this higher portion of
the feild? I used #45 that I had flown the most the day before.
Towed to the down wind position up the hill near Pancow again.
Marker models looked good, I set to launch and had line wrapped
around my foot. Another quick decision, would I get away with it
twice? Big hand grab, pull and release, the model came off the
line for a decent bunt into the good air- no problem. The line
was moved 300 meters upwind because some models landed in the
Nuke compound and near the lake. There was a barbed wire fence
about 100 meters upwind at the crest of the slope. My next four
flights were similar. A flyer (need to find out who) would tow
upwind by the fence. When a lull came, he'd circle. I'd tow up,
do the Parker down wind move and wait. He or another straight
tower would launch and I'd have several markers. All the launches
were good. On the 6th round, the 1st wave of models did not look
good so I held- several dropped. The second wave was good. Mike
and I made the fly off. Ken had troubles in the 3rd and 4th
rounds—difficult situation but I did not know Ken’s flying style
well enough to help him. To his credit, he figured it out and
ended the contest with 3 solid maxes.
I prepped both short models and D's model in case there was a
marked calming. I decided to fly aggressively and went at the
start and cleanly pulled off getting down wind first although
Sergie on one side and another flyer that had the same idea. By
the "running in the line during the initial tow up, my model was
lower and so I was the first to initial the turn and get down
wind. Russian thermal picker had been providing good info-- I
had been watching Sergie just before the start. Sure enough, they
sensed a good thermal right at the start. Sergie made only one or
two circles and launched, I felt the air was good, Sergie's first
1/4 turn looked good. I had position and decided to go with him.
Nailed the bunt. Sergie had a 2 tight circles, I had gotten my
model with a slight right turn at the end of the bunt but the
first circle was wider than Sergie's but from the previous 4
flights I thought I was in. After a minute it appeared that I
had not hooked in. I went 50-100 meters to the east of Sergie's
thermaling model. All the sweet talking and body language did not
help, my model landed at 217, game over for me. Why Sergey's
model went more to the east than any other models during that
time period and why my model did not follow suit will be life
long mystery. Mike went with the pack in what was not as up air
as Sergey's but it was larger. Those that waited made it-- 10 of
the 15. Mike’s patience was the right call for that flight.
Several towed at the start of the 7 minutes round, Mike waited
for the traffic to clear and tows just in front of this pole
position. Someone launched at the fence line. Mike is the 2nd or
third to launch as did all but 2-3. Others launched higher in the
same gaggle but Mike’s long Stamov had more glide to out ride
them and took full advantage of the slope- he landed furthest
down wind. Sergie's launch was most impressive. Gerhard flew his
just repaired tail boom flapper model at the end of the round-
great launch height but the glide was off. Two of Mikes official
timers clicked him off at about 270 seconds but his 3rd time
keeper was verbal and said he still clearly saw it. He clicked
off within a second of Ken Bauer’s communication that the model
was down, Ken was within feet of mike’s model. George Batiuk
witness all of this and the single timer’s time of 295 second was
Get back at 8:00. Shower and off to dinner. Mike and Valerie
come and get the winners welcome. Peter Allnut had champagne for
May 25, Wednesday, World Champs F1B
Up and off tot he field. Same location but the upper drift in a
completely opposite direction. We drop Ken off and Hector and I
go to get the motorcycle- Peter Allnut hops a ride. I when I
return, I go down wind and meet with Mike Fantham and Mike
McKeever- gee two Mike WC's grinning ear to ear. Long story
short-- Americans max out. Team gold. All also got away with one
close call: Bob had a bad launch with the model swooping with-in
8 feet of the ground and Roger and Alex had power stalls,
Roger's thermalled up, Alex had the benefit of Timer's aid.
They tried to hold a 5 min fly-off but he wind did not slack off
and visibility would have prevented a sportsman like results. 10
minutes at 8;30 tomorrow. Ken had a long chase across barbed
wire, the canal with Rogers model landing within 30 feet of a
bull. Both Ken and the model made it out.
May 26, Thursday, World Champs F1B flyoff, F1C
I chased Bob T's test flight on foot, 120 second test flight only
went 200 feet. Several motors where heard breaking soon after
the start of the F1B fly-off. Roger went first soon followed my
Bob. I initially walked after Bob's model until I realized it
would drift over the power lines, road and transmission lines.
Jorge rode me to the fence. Bob's model managed to miss it all
for a score of 328 and 6th. Roger's stab hit a post, time 326 for
7th. Alex launched latter and had more altitude and hit a thorn
tree about 8 feet up. I was close so I managed to get the model
down. Time 363 sec for 2nd. Olag K won with 376.
Five minute F1C supper max put the model in pin ball alley. Ken H
hit a thorn tree on top of a 75 foot hill at 605 second just
making the super max, and provided Ken B an interesting chase
story. Randy DT between the lines. Ken B, John M and I stayed on
the road in the mini-van and through round 5. Amazingly there
were no spark shows. Randy and John both had model in the lower
part of the thorn hill- John had a minor tip damage he repaired.
Conditions, other than the direction, were great, the drift was
light all day. People were taking off layers of clothes- I got
down to a short sleeve short and Kimo showed his European chest.
The day before, I wore my down jacket all day. Randy had one
over run. Ken H and John had a nail biter a piece-- John did not
look good on one flight- the model made a down wind run of 200
meters to hook the air he was late on. At the end of 7 rounds,
USA and Ukraine were the only clean teams. I chased Ken's 5
minute- he was second to launch after John. 10 made it. On the 7
minutes flyoff, John had an over run- unknown to me. Ken's model
looked good at first, then better but a patch of cold air near
the canal hurt and he missed 7 minutes by a few seconds. Randy
A made it and landed 75 meters from Ken's, I helped Mike through
the grass and across the canal. We then learned that Ken B and
Hector were off looking for John's second model. Mike took
Randy's model back, I left Ken's model with Hector and the van.
Ken B got a good walston signal. I helped Ken B across the canal
and meet with Blake. We found the model at 7:00 pm- just about
dark. It was down in a dry gully- I walked right past it within
feet, Ken said something and I turned back and saw a reflection
off the chrome rudder and then Ken peeking through the grass.
Back to the bungalow and returned John's model. Ken then went
right to bed- chills and fever, he skipped dinner. Sounds like
Blake and Jack G have it too.
Tomorrow decides F1C- 5 still in it. Randy, Eugene, Leonid
Fuzeyev with wild cards of Japanese Shigeru Kanegawa and the
Finn Timo Niiranen should make for an excellent competition.
Eugene needs to beat Randy by 2 places for the Ukraine to win
team F1C- otherwise USA wins.
May 27, Friday, World Champs F1C flyoff, German Town, Closing
Not again. Fog as we came around the nuke bend. Thick, had to
slow. Everyday had different weather. What are the odds that
after 16 years, history would repeat. Driving slow to find the
turn in, then lights become brighter, and like that we drove out
of the fog, the field was clear. Eugene and Randy shot test
flights. At the round start the Timo with 3 bladed prop launched-
over on its back, poor transition and over run. He took his
second model and launched better but not as high as the others
were getting the day before. The model headed for the nuke
several hundred meters before showing any turn. I believe Eugene
went- got high but big stall recovery. . Fusiov had a
fantastic climb and wing unfold but was called an over run. Then
Shigeru guy went with a good pattern and recovery. Archer
launched- good pattern and recovery when the 9 minute window was
called.. Fusiov had trouble with his back-up model’s engine and
launched after the hooter-- off pattern- no score. Appeared to
be a glide contest between to the two best power patterns, Randy
and Shigeru. Mike headed out on the Honda-- I walked out. Started
to jog when it appeared that the models were heading to the road,
power lines and fences. Randy's model just cleared a tower, then
went between the upper and lower lines, then came back under the
lower lines, then above the pole lines back over road, then back
over the road and wires, then under the wires over the east
fence, just cleared the west fence and landed on the flight
field, 3 meters from the fence. Japanese landed in a tree 10
meters or so up for the win. Randy is second-- history did
repeat but with a different favor. Randy did not push his glide
and was faster than the Shigeru who flew Verbytsky models. Good
competition, good results, no controversy. I talked to Sergie--
Fusuiov was an over run althought it was close and other
enginees on the ground were running. Lots of milling around,
pictures. Weather gorgeous, likely will be the best of the trip--
of coarse!
Ken, Hector and I headed off to the German town 30 minutes away.
The lunch at the Zeppelin Cafe of sausage an locally brewed
German beer was a welcomed change. Unfortunately we there during
siesta time and could not buy the presents we were looking for.
Several people not feeling well. I encouraged Ken H to attain the
award ceremonies. We all gathered in the white team shirts. The
awards were crisp and sweet. USA flag and anthem 3 of 7 times was
wonderful. I could not get any good photos- but did get a
McKeever “I’m going to Disneyland” photo. Lindy took several of
the sick back to their rooms. The shirt and sticker trading does
seem to be loosing intensity every subsequent year. For that
matter, the party hardy, party on dude energy is decreasing,
likely directly proportional to the average age of the flyers.
The group started disbanding on its own around 10:00. Where is
Tomas Koster? Please get well soon.
Comment on the organization. We had our doubts after the F1A
World Cup day. Perhaps it was help from the jury ,George Batiuk
was often consulte. The World Champ organization learned quickly,
made many timely key decisions. Moving the contest to the East
field was a key. Flight line moves were made in about 1/2 hour.
However, we were all lucky that there were no sparks show during
F1C. Even today the organizers were fooled by ground drift
directions. Balloon testing would have been helpful. The wood
tripod with poor Binocular articulation with marginal binoculars
should be improved. Many of the timers did not use the provided
tripods. Blake had requested that each team be able to provide
one set of Binoculars and tripod to an official timer. The
organizers strongly said no. Perhaps this should become a
proposed rule change.
I enjoyed the bungalow accommodation- close with Ken, Hector and
Jack until he moved to Happerset's. Close walk to the hotel for
food and e-cafe. After the initial complaints of the cold, some
bought heaters and were happy. I was pleased with the fireplace
and the daily supply of wood. Several nights I enjoyed the sofa /
fire and MP3. What memories will bubble to the surface 16 years
from now?
May 28 Saturday, Depart Embalse, arrive Buenos Aires
Packed up and ready to drive to Buenos Aires. One last drive
about and off on the road. Not feeling 100%- light headed. The
drive was uneventful, took a different route. Hector found the
motel even though he lost the name of the motel. For 30$ a day,
it is fine.
May 29 Sunday, Shopping and sick
Hector and I returned the rental. No issues. Hector pointed me in
the direction of the shopping area as he left for time with his
family. Shopped for 5 hours with part of that having lunch in
the food court and called Cathy- Happy Anniversary. Watched TV
for 3 hours and then went to Rancho Maro for dinner-- gaucho
style goat. Hector was back at the room when I returned. Got
sever chills- extra blanket, bed cover- finally broke at 6 am.
May30 Monday, Buenos Aires harbor area
Toast and tea at the Hotel. Hector took me on the 100 year old
subway to the renovated dock area. Walked a loop back to the
hotel, very tired; back, neck and head ache. Hector off to see
another relative.
Rest and look forward to leaving for home. Many TV show in
English with Spanish sub-title. ESPN had National vs. Braves
baseball game- for me a great change from the continual soccer.
June 1 Tuesday, Depart Argentina
Slept to 10:00, Breakfast. Last walk and shop. Re-packed. Late
lunch at Hotel restaurant. Hector arranged for van- taxi to
airport- same Peugeot as our rental. TSA required model box
opening- he allowed me help. Then had to pay 18 dollar airport
fee. Did not get my tax-free form stamped before passing
customs- 50 dollar mistake. Hooked back up with Roger, John and
Lindy at the snack area. Went to boarding area- boarded on time
but no Hector and his sister in law—they showed up. Seat next to
me was open and so slept better than usual. Had to retrieve our
baggage in Dallas and clear customs. Short scare when a
mechanical problem with our plane was announced. Repairs complete
and left only 20 minutes late. Watched America Treasure without
sound. Hector’s son, Danny, meet them at LAX and gave me a ride
home. Home.
In the slightly modified words of the famous Texan
philosopher, Jerry Jeff Walker, “ Just letting it
fly, letting the high times carry the load, Just
making my flights easy come easy go.”
Correspondence with AMA and Model Aviation
It is the AMA's Policy not to report Model Aviation on an any World Champs
Event, RC, CL or FF, that is held outside the USA. In light of the performance
by the USA Team in Argentina some people are questioning this.
Bob Hunt is the Aeromodelling Editor of the magazine.
I'm not sure who has full responsibility, I know
it used to be Rob Kurek, the director of Publications.
Dave Brown is the AMA President , and gnerally a supporter of FAI events.
From: "Gene Ulm"
To: "bob hunt"
Subject: RE: MA coverage of FF 2005 World Champs ...
Dear Bob,
In the interest of full disclosure, I would like to say up front
that I am a free flighter
who is very interested in hearing about how well Americans do in World
Championship competition and even more interested in how they did it.
That said, I would say from that even from a crass marketing strategy
front, the Model Aviation logic presented in your reply to Lee, which I
have also seen paraphrased elsewhere, is wrong headed.
* It is based on the assumption that "sports flyers" are not interested in a
more competitive level of flying simply because they are not active in
it. If this were
true in the auto industry, GM would not make Corvettes, Chrysler would not
make Vipers, nor would they be involved in the huge money that it takes to
race these cars. Further, the Big Three automakers would not be involved
in NASCAR and the like.
* Why do they do it? Because the guy who buys the four-door sedan, does so in
no small way because he aspires to be a part of, or have some connection
to, the higher performance and enthusiasm that comes with competition --
it is the sharp
edge of the same weapon. The bottom line is that competition does not sell
Corvettes, it sells four door sedans, station wagons and mini vans (or the
sport flying equivalent).
* By the same token, real reporting on competition -- not just dry
commentary --
but lively, substantive, real reporting, with pictures, editorial content,
technical how too -- may sell magazines to sports flyers. In fact, it
may do a better job of
selling magazines to sport flyers than the existing mediocre product.
* A more direct metaphor that confronts your rationale: Does everyone who
watches ESPN or the Speed actively play football, baseball or race NASCAR?
Of course the answer is no, but these stations make tons of money selling
advertising revenue by reporting on sports that only an extremely small per
cent (much less than the five percent of you mention in your reply
to Lee) of their
viewers are actively involved in.
* Could sport flyers be interested in an AMERICAN world champion, two
championship teams and what they used to get there? Your rationale says, "
no." The flawed existing strategy is based on the assumption that
all we care about is
what we already do, the perpetuation of the status quo is model aviation's
calling card and that the is only reason someone would read Model
Aviation. That sounds wrong because it is.
* Such lowest common denominator thinking does not build or promote
ANYTHING; including AMA memberships, subscriptions or advertising revenues.
Lowest common denominator, "what is, is what will be" strategies (like
Aviation saying, "X % of our members are active in Y" and adjusting content
to suit) is the marketing equal to picking a declining glide path and
sticking to it. It
is not about growth but decline. Under Model Aviation's existing
rationale, you
could probably draw a downward sloping line and pick your date
of extinction.
* Model Aviation isn't alone, although there should be little comfort
in knowing that.
Ask the newspapers and national magazine publishers about their ever-
decreasing subscriber base. This is relevant, because the superficial
use of
survey data to determine their content is what they do as well.
* Why would Model Aviation copy failure, but expect a different result?
It is n't
working for them, so why would it work for Model Aviation?
* In contrast, look at the growth of cable news (funded by advertisers).
They have adopted completely different strategies, taken a more
accurate, more complete
view of their constituents and built a subscriber base off the back
of publishing
and networks who have adopted the same Model Aviation declining glide path
* Further, under its existing format, Model Aviation does not have a unique
position in the public market and likely could not survive without the AMA
franchise. Why is that? One look through the magazine rack and what
we see are numerous other magazines with page after page of coverage
on radio control
sport flying -- all of which survive in a free market WITHOUT the
AMA brand ing, the franchise or its subsidies.
* Why would Model Aviation continue to be a part of an already crowded
marketplace dominated by more fit competitors? Could a more successful
strategy be to develop a UNIQUE profile that stands out and dominate that
constituency rather than split it in a crowded marketplace with
competitors who
are sharpened by the darwinian mantra of survival of the fittest
without public (AMA) subsidies?
* Could the coverage of competition, what competitors do and how they do it;
including, American flyers excelling at the highest rung of competition,
be such a
unique profile? Maybe. Maybe not. But, you sure would be better off than
copying the failure of others.
* One final note, the caveat of "I am only one small cog in a very big
wheel" is very disheartening. If the editor of a magazine -- who is one
of us -- is not in
charge, who is?! If not you, who?
Gene Ulm
[As an editorial comment - Gene's comments are very interesting because by
he is a political pollster and spends his days analysing the public
and media. This is an area where he could be considered an expert -
not just another disgruntled com,petion flyer.]
From: "bob hunt"
To: "Lee Hines"
Subject: RE: MA coverage of FF 2005 World Champs ...
Hi Lee:
I agree with you about WC coverage in MA, but it was not my call! Please
understand the competitors in general are but a tiny fraction of AMA members
these days (Less than 5 percent), and FAI competitors are even a
tiny percentage of that!
Having said that, there is a place in Model Aviation for the WC reports
from contests
held on foreign soil. The Team Manager and each of the team members are
supposed to write a report that will be published in the Competition section
of MA. Call or write to Steve Kaluf about this.
Wish I could do more, Lee, I truly do. There are some things I can change
at AMA and some things I cannot. I'm just one cog in a very big wheel.
Yours for better modeling
Bob Hunt
Aeromodeling Editor
Model Aviation
AMA 1114 HOF
-----Original Message-----
From: Lee Hines [mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2005 1:03 PM
To: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject: MA coverage of FF 2005 World Champs ...
Hello Mr Hunt. We who are dedicated Free Flight competitors certainly feel
our USA Teams deserve Model Aviation magazine coverage of the
Argentina World Championships just completed.
Our teams had outstanding results!
Mike McKeever wonthe F1A World Championship, our F1B team and [tentatively]
the F1C team are Team World Champions.
Randy Archer took 2nd place in F1C and Alex Andriukov 3rd in F1B.
I am sure the events will be great stories when they emerge.
I must say I think the recent MA decision to omit coverage of
World Championships held on foreign soil is abysmal.
For 50 plus years I have been an AMA member and Free Flight competitor.
My aeromodelling interests have always been spurred on by reading of the
Worldwide FAI contests in the various model mags.
As that coverage diminished I chose to let my subscriptions lapse, as
they now held little or no interest for me.
Can you see your way clear to rethink this appalling lack of coverage, and
document the results and stories of this outstanding USA Team effort
for the edification of all the MA readership?
Think of the proud moments the members of the team and their families
and friends will share and forever have archived, if you do so.
Thank you for this opportunity to express myselfon this subject.
Lee Hines
From : Rex Hinson C
To : Dave Brown
Hi Dave,
As you may be aware, the USA FAI Free Flight team at the just
concluded world championships reached an extremely high level of
accomplishment. USA won the individual world championship in F1A, and
both the F1B and F1C teams won the team gold for USA.
I am disturbed to say the least that AMA chooses not to properly
cover these accomplishments.
We keep hearing that competition, especially F/F and FAI represent
only a small part of the membership. That aside, we are the history of
model aviation and have provided much of the model aviation technical
advancement. Many of the materials and practices used in park fliers and
indoor electric were developed by competition free flight.
I don't plan or racing in the Indy 500 or the Formula 1 race in
Monoco, but my newspaper gives these front page coverage. I don't
complain even though I drive a mini-van.
It would be a shame if AMA chooses to put such great modeling
accomplishments on page 99 in small print with no pictures while putting
the latest square box plastic covered electric on the cover. We should
always recognize those that achieve the highest levels of workmanship
and performance. You don't hear us complaining about coverage of Top Gun
or the FAC nats.
I think any dicipline in model aviation should earn their place on
the cover and be featured by performance, not how much money is spent on
it in hobby shops for their equipment.
I understand that AMA has to cater to the folks with the most, but
giving these people a taste of what the highest levels of model aviation
represents might be more valuable than you might imagine.
Rex Hinson
National Free Flight Society
Re: Model Aviation coverage of World Championships
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The attached email from our NFFS president to our AMA president hits the
nail on the head and prompts me to think:
How tough would it be to get NFFS and the other special interest groups
PAMPA, RCCA, SWRA, SAM, USRA, ETC, as a group, to go directly to the NAA
to more accurately be the model aviation people who set the records and
provide the impetus and advance the design and support of our model
aviation equipment.
It has become obvious that the AMA no longer wishes to support the
people who made the advances in our sport/hobby that we and they are
enjoying today.
The AMA claims that it's biggest expenditure is insurance. The lions
share of insurance is for the events listed in the "Contest Calendar"
section of Model Aviation. The'll no longer need a Competition Directory
as they don't publish rules anymore. As an AMA Leader Member/Contest
Director I didot receive a current edition of the rules for the event I
CD'd this year?!?! The AMA is NOT interested in supporting those that
design and develop the equipment they use, so we need to place control
of the rules, regulations and insurance where our best interests are
I feel that the majority of folks who belong to NFFS and the other
special interest groups would be interested in what it might take to
bypass a dinosaur that is not interested in supporting us.
Roger Coleman
Ronny Mac moves
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi everyone!
Ron McBurnett's new email address is as follows:
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Please send all emails to this new address, including the scatnews.
For sale - f1j
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
i have one f1j for sale.
this is a oleg stoev model
four panel wing.
cyclon 061 engine.
flys exelant.
achterberg airfoil in wings.
red center panel white tip panel
mylay covered stab
ready to go.
thx don.
Roger Morrell