SEN 803- June 12 2003
- Details
- Category: Archive 2003
- Hits: 1306
News and Reports 2003
SCAT Electronic News 12 June 2003 issue 803
Table of contents
MMM FAI Annual, Denver, CO - Etherington
Re: Alwyn Greenhalgh - Moulton
F1C Trimming - Cuthbert
Sky Castle with a 3000' runway near Los Angeles - Zomorodi
F1A Bunter line Replacement - Parker
Canada Cup - Farkas
TAN Super Sport and wing sections of the swift (apus apus) - Korsgaard
looking for Denkin Alexander
2004 Jr Team Selection Information Bulletin Number 1 June 2003
Battery Charger - Secor
Thankyou - Ackery
WW1 Plans - Smiley
Re: Wind rose plots - Peck
Small error on windrose url
Mystery engine update - Gregorie
Great Junior Participation - Jahnke
Voros Jeno Memorial World Cup
MMM FAI Annual, Denver, CO
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The dates for the 24th Annual MMM FAI (America's Cup) Contest are Saturday and
Sunday, July 5th and 6th. F1A, B, C, and P will fly 7 rounds each day (total
14), and F1G, H, J will fly the first three rounds each day (total 6). All
rounds will be 1:30 duration overlapping :30. There will be perpetual trophies
and glassware for F1A, B, C and plaques and glassware for F1G, H, J and P. We
will also feature a HLG/CLG shoot-out Saturday afternoon as well as P-30,
Gollywock and Open power (3 flights - not in rounds). Saturday night will be a
"banquet" at a local restaurant. We have a beautiful field (37.5 square miles)
of gently rolling hills with very few obstructions and great weather. Try our
"Bed & Breakfast." We can arrange to put you up in the home of a local flyer at
no cost. Please contact Chuck at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to get an info
packet e-mailed to you.
We advertise this as the "Toughest FAI Contest in America" for good reason. The
thinner air at 6100' puts a premium on air picking skills. Of the hundreds of
sportsmen who have flown in our FAI Annual over the past 23 years, only two
completed full 14 round max-outs. Are you up to the challenge?
- Chuck Etherington
Re: Alwyn Greenhalgh
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
No truth in that tale about the Greenhalgh Collection. It has always been
the core subject for a National Museum though I have found great difficulty
in dealings with the Science Mu despite having Exhibits boss Andrew Nahum on
our side. 2 if not 3 yrsessed the BMFA AGM on the subject and had good
support. What is needed is a Trust Fund or Donor, then a central site.
There are influential friends of Alwyn, and moves are being made Most of the
aeromodelling museums in the world have either fai`
... this appears to be incomplete ?.....
F1C Trimming
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In reply to Bernard Boutillier's F1C trimming problems. I also fly large
wing span models (2.65m) with small tailplanes (4.10 sqr dms). I think your
problems are two fold: 1st your CG is to far back, I fly with 50% CG and 2nd
your moment arm is too short.I use around 1000mm measured from T.E. of wing
to L.E. of tailplane. With this set up all my models, including geared, fly
0-0 on wing and tail on the climb. Hope this is of some help. Regards,
John Cuthbert.
Sky Castle with a 3000' runway near Los Angeles
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Would you please tell me how I can advertise my property to your members? We
are the owners of a unique 506 acre property with a 7000 SF rock Castle, and
a 3000' dirt runway. The property now called "Castle Ranch" was known as the
"Sky Castle" flying club in the 1940s and 50s.
Please visit our website for more details:
Ramin Zomorodi
310 446-1929
F1A Bunter line Replacement
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger, for SEN
I've been helping Tyler Secor and his dad Randy come up to speed on Nordic repa
ir due to the "line tangled around the foot" situation we have all found ourse
lves in. The Stamof aft bunt arm was broken requiring its replacement and the p
ull line that operates it. I wrote this up for them but others my find it usefu
l as well.
Bummer on the broken bunt arm. I can't remember for sure the line type- it is
most likely braided Dacron- 50# or 80#. There are several ways to go, here are
two methods.
1. Tie on a short new piece of line. Pick off the black CA I put on to retain t
he pin and remove the pin and lever. If the line allows the lever to be pulled
back ~2 inches, you may be able splice on a short piece of new line. Make sure
there is enough room in the tube so the knot does not interfere with the other
line. If the lever does not pull out far enough or there is not enough room for
the splice / knot, then replace the line. Also, if the line is worn else were
, go ahead and replace it.
2a. Replace the whole line. If you can CA the end of the new line to the old li
ne (cut the lines at a long angle to get more bonding surface, then you can use
the old to pull the new thru the boom, be careful, make sure the new line is l
aid out smooth- it should pull through very easily- its a bummer to break the b
ond in the tube (if this happens, go to option 2b) This is important because th
is will keep the new line from being tangled with the existing lines (assuming
the original lines were not tangled).
2b.If that is not possible, then hook up the existing lines so they are all tig
ht (in tension). Hold the boom vertical and carefully lower a straight piece of
music wire or C.F. rod into the boom- carefully "feeling" for hang ups with th
e existing lines. Now use the wire / rod to pull the new line through. Release
the other lines and move them back and forth while holding each end of the new
line with light tension -- extra set of hands helps here. You're testing to
see if the new line got wrapped around on any of the existing lines. Some peopl
e have had "funny things happen to rudder lines or bunt lines- my guess is they
've got the lines tangled. I know Victor uses a method in which he stings all t
he lines at time to prevent tangles.
Harder to describe than to do!
Jim Parker
Canada Cup
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Canada Cup 2003
World Cup and America Cup Contest at Base Borden, Ontario.
Dates: August 30th.-31st. and September 1st. 2003
Categories: F1A-F1B-F1C-F1G-F1H-F1J
August 30th. 2003 F1G-F1H-F1J=20
Five two minutes rounds starting at 9.00AM
Flyoff: August 31st. 2003 at 18.00PM
Entry fee: $15.00 CAD/ Event
Late Entries: $25.00 CAD
August 30th. 2003 F1A-F1B-F1C
Fourteen three minutes rounds starting at 15.00PM
Weather permitting! Rounds 5th. and 6th. Max are: F1A 240 sec. F1B 300 =
sec. F1C 300 sec
Flyoff: August 31st. 2003 at 19.00PM
Entry fee: $25.00 CAD / Event
Late Entries: $40.00 CAD
Banquet: August 31st. 21.00PM
September 1st. will be used as a reserve day.
Current FAI Sporting Codes Apply
All registrations must be received by August 15th.2003 or Late Entry =
charges will apply. Foreign entries may pay on the field. Maps to the =
field are available on request.
Send registrations to:=20
Leslie Farkas
21 Misty Moor Drive
Richmond Hill, Ontario
L4C 6P9
Fax: (905) 886-3025
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
TAN Super Sport and wing sections of the swift (apus apus)
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger,
I wonder if anybody out there knows anything about the wing sections of the
fantastic little bird, the swift (lat.: apus apus) or has seen any source
dealing with this. I would like to think that the airfoils of this little
wonderbird might be exactly appropriate for F1B propeller blades!!
Further, I have tried some January TAN SS (Super Sport) which took my models
well up, after changing from 26 strands 1/8" to 28. Has anybody tried this
new stuff?
Best regards
Jorgen Korsgaard
looking for Denkin Alexander
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I would like to get in contact with Denkin Alexander. Could someone =
provide me with postal adress, e-mail and/or phone number?
regards: Claude
Revised June 2002
Academy of Model Aeronautics
5161 East Memorial Drive
Muncie, Indiana 47302
(765) 287-1256 - Business
(765) 289-4248 - Fax
(800) 435-9262 - Membership Services
The junior team selection program exists to provide a substantial
opportunity to young Free Flight modelers who have demonstrated a
high degree of interest in the sport and the willingness to
continually improve their flying skills and the performance of their
models. They must demonstrate a degree of proficiency of competing
with their models without direct adult involvement. The purpose of
this program is to provide a fair process of selecting the Junior
Free Flighters to compete in the Junior FAI Free Flight World
Championship currently scheduled for the summer of 2004 in the
1.0 Program Entry
-A participant must have a current AMA membership.
-Any person who will be under the age of 19 throughout the
entire calendar year of 2004 is eligible.
- Before points in America's Cup Contests can be posted,
participants must send a program entry application (Form A)
for the Junior Team selection process to the AMA. The
application should be postmarked on or before July 26, 2003
to the AMA). These requirements are needed to facilitate the
recording of scores and the planing for timers at the pre-
Nats selection contest. There is no monetary charge for
Junior Team selection program entry.
-The AMA license fee and any contest entry fees are the
responsibility of the entrant. The events to be flown are
F1A Nordic, F1B Wakefield, and F1J /P Power.
Per the FAI, the 2004 Jr W.C. will allow either F1J or F1P
models to be flown. F1J will use a 3-minute max and fly 7
rounds. All other rules apply. A 4th Jr team member may also
fly as part of the Jr W.C. power team but must only fly F1P.
The Jr Team Selection Committee will determine at the time
of the final team selection if a 4th member will be included.
2.0 Junior Team Selection Committee
The Free Flight Team Selection Committee (TSC) will govern
the Junior Program. The TSC shall appoint a Junior Team
Selection Committee (JrTSC), which is to be composed of
three or four adults. The JrTSC members will hold the
following positions at a minimum: Administrator, Manager,
Scorekeeper and Fund Raiser. It is also desired to have one
JrTSC member in the East, Central and West part of the
country. Interested individuals should contact the JrTSC
Chairman after the proceeding Junior World Championships.
3.0. Team Selection
The USA Junior FAI Free Flight Team Selection Program
(JrTSP) for the 2004 World Championships will be based the
contestant's performance in his or her two best 2003
America's Cup contests and his or her performance at the
2003 Nats. For the purpose of team selection only, the 2003
Nats score will include time from a special pre-Nats contest
as well as time from the actual Nats competition. A minimum
of 5 completed rounds over the two Nats contest days will
validate the Nat scores.
A total maximum possible points of 400 will be weighted 50%
from the Nats contests and 25% from each of his or her two
best AC contests. The Nats contest cannot be used as an AC
400 Total Maximum Points = 200 points (Pre-Nats +
Nats + 100 points 1st Best AmCup + 100 points 2nd
best AmCup
The pre-Nats power events will be flown to the 2004 Jr W.C.
rules: either F1J or F1P models may be flown interchangeable
throughout the contest. BOTH F1J and F1P will fly 3-minute
max and 7 round. They will use the normal engine run times:
F1J, 7 seconds and F1P, 10 seconds. Because F1P will not be
an event at the regular 2003 Nats, Jr F1P flyers must fly
their F1P(s) in the regularly scheduled F1J event which will
be flown to the standard rules, i.e.7-second engine run, 2-
minute max and 5 rounds.
3.1 Ties
The participants finishing position in the 2003 pre-Nats
contest will break ties of the final computed points.
If a tie still exists, then the finishing position in the
2003 Nats contests will be used as follows:
- If a super-max is not used, the regular round times
including any extended rounds (if used) will be used. If a
tie still exists, then the flyoff times will be used.
- If a super-max is used, the regular round times (which
excludes the super-max time) will be used. If a tie still
exists, the super-max time will be used. If a tie still
exists, then the flyoff times will be used.
3.2 Calculation of points.
A max-out (not including super-max or fly-off time) or the
winning time, which ever is less, will establish the maximum
possible points: 200 points for the Nats and 100 points for
AmCup contests. A contestant's time will earn points in
proportion to the winning time. Points will be calculated
by rounding to the nearest tenth of a point. All
contestants' (i.e. including the open contestants) times
will be used for America's Cup contests but only the times
of juniors fliers entered in the 2004 TSP at the 2003 pre-
Nats and Nats contest will be used to calculate Jr points.
For the purpose of team selection scoring only, time from the
pre-Nats contest will be added to time flown in the Nats event
(super-max and fly-off time excluded). Points earned at the
Nats will be calculated using the combined times of the pre-
Nats time and the Nats time.
3.3 Minimum contest requirements for America's Cup points.
In order for points to be included in the JrTSC program, a
minimum of five rounds and a max-out minimum of 15 minutes
for F1A and F1B, 10 minutes for F1J must be flown.
3.4 Minimum performance level.
Each participant selected for the team is expected to
achieve at least 320 points out of the possible 400 points
in the final scoring.
3.5 America's Cup contests
All America's Cup contests for the year 2003 may be used to
earn points in the JrTS program. For AmCup contests
regularly scheduled for more than seven rounds, the first
seven rounds will be used to calculate the Jr Team Selection
3.6 Pre-Nats Contest
On Sunday, before the start of the 2003 Nats, a special junior
selection program contest (pre-Nats) will be held. The
intention is to run a seven round, one-hour long rounds
contest with three-minute maxes starting at 8:00 am. The CD
will have complete discretion running this contest. No flyoff
will be flown.
3.6.1 Special restrictions and conditions at the pre-Nats
The intent of the pre-Nats contest is for the junior
participants to demonstrate their flying skills and
proficiency. Adult involvement will be limited and individual
pole positions and timers will be assigned.
- Access to the flight line will be limited to juniors and
officials only. An area near the junior flight line will
be designated for adult viewing. Junior participants
shall not receive outside communication while on the
flight line or when towing in the case of F1A.
- An adult that is not affiliated with the Jr flyer may
do the initial launch to start the towing of an F1A.
This adult must not intervene with any Jr while on
the flight line. Specifically, they are not to check
the model for flight worthiness and should not have
any part in the decision when to launch. They must
leave the flight line immediately after launching the
F1A and return to the spectator area.
- If outside communication is deemed by the Contest
Director (CD) to have potentially influenced a flight,
the CD will void the flight in question and a re-flight
will be given. However, additional time will not be added
to the round.
- The junior participant may leave the flight line and
receive help from non-program participants-.
- No special restrictions or conditions will apply during
the actual Nats event.
3.7 Official team designation.
The top three junior flyers will then be required to
complete the AMA team membership agreement form, which will
be sent from Lisa Johnson at the AMA. The final announcement
of the junior team will then be made for the 2004 Junior
World Championships. It is the prerogative of the JrTSC not
to select a full 9-member team as deemed appropriate due to
the qualifications of the applicants per paragraph 3.4
and/or funding constraints. The JrTSC will also maintain the
authority to place late entrants in un-contested Junior Team
4.0 Team and Travel Requirements
Team members must have before traveling a current NAA
membership and a passport for both travel and to verify age as
required by FAI regulations.
The Academy of Model Aeronautics requires that all minors have
a parent or a legal guardian with them during the Junior World
Championship trip. A legal guardian must have documented
power of attorney and commit to travel with the minor and be
responsible for the minor for the entire trip. The Junior
Team Manager must submit to a background check in compliance
with AMA regulations. The Junior Team Manager has the
discretion to accept or not to accept the legal guardianship
of a minor if so requested.
5.0 Financial Requirements
AMA will provide up to $700 for travel to and from W.C. per
team member and up to 900 Swiss Franc for WC entry fees and
room and board per team member. Donations will be sought to
offset any additional costs of travel and competitions.
However, it will be the responsibility of the team member to
pay for any additional costs if donation funds are not
7.0 Certification of Models
Team member's models must have an identifying voucher on the
model and a Class F Aeromodels Specification Certificate
filled out per the FAI Sporting Code for each model. Vouchers
and Specification Certificates are available through AMA
Headquarters. The team member's models must also have 'USA'
and the flyers AMA number on the upper surface of the wing(s)
as specified in the FAI Sporting Code. Other regulations are
as specified for that model type in the FAI Sporting Code must
be certified on the voucher.
Date Completed:
Entrant's Name: AMA#
City, State & Zip:
Telephone Number:
Email Address:
Date of Birth:
Junior Team Event(s):
Parent/Guardian Name(s):
Optional: Please provide a 200-word summary of your modeling
experience and your interest in the Junior Team Program. A 5 x 7-inch
photo of you with a model should be included. This information and
photo will be used on the Junior Team Web site and other model
aircraft publications to promote the Junior Team Program.
Mail Completed Form to:
Academy of Model Aeronautics
Attn: Lisa Johnson
5161 East Memorial Drive
Muncie, Indiana 47302
2004 Jr Team Selection Program Change Record
Jan 23, 2003, Addendum to 2004 Jr Team Selection Program
The following portion had been agreed to during the draft and
subsequent reviews but was inadvertently deleted in the final
released version.
Add to Paragraph 3.5 the following sentence:
For AmCup contests regularly scheduled for more than seven
rounds, the first seven rounds will be used to calculate the
Jr Team Selection Points.
June 2003, Revision to 2004 Jr Team Selection Program
1. Incorporate Jan 23, Addendum (see above)
2. Clarification of Jr power event, ie F1P, Paragraphs 1.0,2.0
and 3.6
3. Clarification of F1A tow start launch person, Paragraph
4. Added clarification of 5 complete rounds total at the Nats
to validate scores, Paragraph 3.0
5. Clarified p400 maximum points and point calculations.
Paragraph 3.0, 3.2
6. Added Pre-Nats CD authority. Paragraph 3.6
2004 Jr Team Selection Information Bulletin Number 1 June 2003
Academy of Model Aeronautics
5161 East Memorial Drive
Muncie, Indiana 47302
(765) 287-1256 - Business
(765) 289-4248 - Fax
(800) 435-9262 - Membership Services
2004 Jr Team Selection Information Bulletin Number 1 June 2003
Pre-Nats Jr Team Selection Contest Guidelines
This guideline is for the 2003 Pre-Nats Contest Director, Chuck
Markos, and the registered Jr competitors from the Jr Team
Selection Committee.
The goal is to provide a fair environment to allow the best
performance from every competitor. The intent is to run the
contest as similar to the currently FAI published 2004 Jr World
Champs format as practical. The precedence of rules shall be in
descending order: FAI rules, AMA rules and local or site rules
the Jr Team Selection Program (latest revision), CD directives.
An FAI 3- person Jury will be convened if any official protests
are submitted to the CD per FAI rules.
It is important for the Jr flyers and their helpers to know and
understand the latest revision of the Jr Team Selection program
that is included below. They should also be familiar the FAI
general rules and their events rules. These can be found on the
web at:
As defined in the FAI rules, the CD will have authority to
deviate from these rules to assure a sportsman like result and to
assure the safety of all persons and property. He will address
the timers before the start of the contest and review general
timing procedures and to instruct them that the timers are not to
provide help, aid or advice to the Jr flyers.
2004 Jr Team Selection Program Review:
The following portion of the latest Jr Team Selection program is
repeated here for emphasis:
3.6.1 Special restrictions and conditions at the pre-Nats
The intent of the pre-Nats contest is for the junior
participants to demonstrate their flying skills and
proficiency. Adult involvement will be limited and
individual pole positions and timers will be assigned.
- Access to the flight line will be limited to juniors and
officials only. An area near the junior flight line will
be designated for adult viewing. Junior participants shall
not receive outside communication while on the flight line
or when towing in the case of F1A.
- An adult that is not affiliated with the Jr flyer may do
the initial launch to start the towing of an F1A. This
adult must not intervene with any Jr while on the flight
line. Specifically, they are not to check the model for
flight worthiness and should not have any part in the
decision when to launch. They must leave the flight line
immediately after launching the F1A and return to the
spectator area.
- If outside communication is deemed by the Contest Director
(CD) to have potentially influenced a flight, the CD will
void the flight in question and a re-flight will be given.
However, additional time will not be added to the round.
- The junior participant may leave the flight line and
receive help from non-program participants
- No special restrictions or conditions will apply during
the actual Nats event
Contest Overview:
The goal of the Jr Team Selection committee and the CD is to have
a flight line with a pole for every Jr flyer with a dedicated
timer. However, the CD may need to combine flyers to a pole and
allocate the timer’s time per Jr flyer should there insufficient
timers. The CD will also establish a spectators line and insure
all non-Jr helpers stay behind it except as noted for the initial
start of tow for F1A's.
Round Start Time and Length:
Sunday, July 27, 2003, start 8:00am, one-hour rounds. Subsequent
round start times will be announced. Be prepared to move flight
line location due to the variable weather conditions at Muncie to
optimize model retrieval. The goal is to complete seven rounds.
As previously stated, the CD may deviate from this format as
needed to accommodate weather, timer issues or other relevant
There is no preprocessing of the models. Per standard FAI rules,
only 4 models can be flown on a given day of competition. It is
highly recommended that all Jr flyers have their models and
equipment 'processed' prior to the start of competition. Random
checks of models and equipment may be made as directed by the CD.
Inadvertent rule violations will result in a zero for that round
(note: this is a deviation from standard FAI rules that requires
the total disqualification of the flyer). Flagrant and
intentional rule violation as deemed by the Jr preNats Jury will
result in a zero points total for the preNats contest.
Nats Jr Team Selection Contest Information
The second 'half' of the Jr Team Selection Nats contest will be
the regularly scheduled Nats events. The Jr will participate as
a regular competitor; there will be no special Jr Team Selection
rules. All AMA and FAI rules will apply as usual.
The only exception is there will not be a regularly scheduled F1P
event. Those Jr with F1P models must enter and compete in the F1J
contest and fly to the F1J rules: 7 sec engine run, 2-minute max
and 5 Rounds.
We looking forward to a great competition and if the current
American Cup Junior results are an indication, it will be.
Jim Bradley
Art Ellis
Jim Parker
2004 Jr Team Selection Committee
Battery Charger
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If any one out there has a Sirius 100 battery charger that they
are not using and would like to sell, Tyler Secor is in ther market for
Please e mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thankyou to all the people who responded to my request for infomation on the
Voros Jeno contest.
I now have everything I need.
David Ackery
New Zealand
WW1 Plans
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gentlemen, Clarke Smiley here. I read the SCAT NEWS and see a great amount
of activity going on, ALWAYS !!!!
I'm going to put out a "beg note" for the scale guys.
I had at one time a 700+plan collection that was sold to a mister Campbell
from the "windy city" IL.
Sold through WW-I Aero magazine.
The only stipulation being that it be kept open for my customers.
Well, that didn't happen, and I have started to rebuild. I would offer this
for your scale guys I will trade plans of WW-I for the return of any plans that
I have now for sale. I will send a catalog to anyone that would be
interested, I will pay ALL costs I am not looking for something for nothing!! I
have had
some of my old customers send plans to me from WW-I and I copy, return, and
offer anything I have in return.
I am determined to again offer plans to all from that time period.
If there is any interest you cam E-mail me, or, contact me at
Clarke Smiley
Model Plans Trader.
23 Riverbend Rd.
Newmarket N.H.
I will not let one "bad apple" spoil things for the folks that I served for
some nine years.
My Best to all of you
Re: Wind rose plots
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The website should have html rather than htm. Also, you must select the gif plo
ts to make them fit on a normal screen. The wind rose for Jacksonville, Florida
in September is much like what we saw at Palm Bay for the team selection final
Jerry Peck
Small error on windrose url
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger, I found the url provided for the windrose webpage by Don DeLoach did no
t work. It should read ".html", not ".htm".
Thermals to all, Steve
Mystery engine update
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Mr. SCAT,
Just yesterday I got sufficient stuff from Bob Beecroft to make the F
engine no longer a mystery. It is now officially a Hot Engine with a
revised URL. Those still wanting to make its acquaintance should look
and scroll down to the Hot engines section. I still have plenty of
material for those who fancy their detective prowess, because I still
don't know who makes the Aviant, KC-06 and Y engines. Details of
these and any future Mystery Engines can all be found at the (stable)
or go to my web site:
and click 'Free Flight', then 'F1J/F1P engines' and scroll down to
the 'Mystery engines' section.
I thank you for your time.
Martin Gregorie
Great Junior Participation
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
It was heartening to note that in the Amenrica's Cup standings for F1A, F1B,
F1G, F1H, and F1J that juniors constiture over 10% of the participants
(about 1 in 8 except for F1G). Congratulations to Austin Gunder for a clear
lead in F1J and Dallas Parker for a strong 2nd in F1A. I will be rooting
for the Juniors this year, and hope to see one or more receive the Cup for
their event!
Ross Jahnke
Voros Jeno Memorial World Cup
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Friends,
The Voros Jeno Memorial World Cup will be held after the World
Championships on August 2nd. and 3rd. 2003 at Kunszentmiklos Hungary.
Entries should be sent to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by July 15th.2003 The entry fees can be paid on the
Voros Jeno Jr.
Roger Morrell