SEN 698 - 5 May 2002
- Details
- Category: Archive 2002
- Hits: 1327
SCAT Electronic News 5 May 2002 issue 698
Table of Contents
Latest Lost Hills Lore or the attack of the Killer Tomatoes
May 25-26, Skyscraper Challenge Schedule - Barron
'Lulu' International Postal Competition - Moseley
Re: America's Cup Contest Schedule--Nor Cal 2002, 2003 - Terzian
The Alien is Correct - Parker
Virus Alert? - Bradley
Inside the CIAM - Kaynes
Nor. Cal. FAI Results - Terzian
Acu lab - Brokenspar
Transmitter Notes; - Acherberg
Inter-City Update - Shailor
Conflicting dates - Wood
Latest Lost Hills Lore or the attack of the Killer Tomatoes
Would you believe Killer Tomatoes ? Not quite but
how about man eating grass hoppers !!. In recent years
there has been a a plague of grasshopper [locusts ?] at
Lost Hills this time of the year . Beceause of the very dry winter
there is no grass for them to eat .. so they are starving and
are taking a bite out of anything they see. This includes
old f1B motors and any FAI sportsman they happen to land on.
This carnivore habit was not seen in previous years.
BTW - Great contest, ably organized Pierre Brun. Excellent weather.
Everyone liked the strange format. Very treacherous weather. Even though
the super max was not flown there was a 5 min first round in F1B and f1C.
4 in F1A. No one made the F1B. Rumors about moving the contest to a
differnt venue next year.
Good to see John Hannah at the field .. and thanks to his friend Leo ??
of the San Valeers who brought him out.
Also seen was the 2002 US Junior team shirt - a definited must for the
sartorially splendid FAI Sportsman in 2002. Front designed by Dallas
Parker and back by Ben Coussens. They will have more at Big Al's
shoot out and I expect that the Gunders, Avallones, Jones and John&John
will have them at contests in other parts of the country. Make sure
you get one and support the US Junior team ..... It does show an
F1J not F1P.
May 25-26, Skyscraper Challenge Schedule
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Free Flight Fliers,
Here is the updated schedule for the Skyscraper Challenge on
Saturday and Sunday, May 25-26 (Memorial Day weekend).
It clarifies the FAI round schedule and shows also the AMA,
Nostalgia, Classic, FAC, and Metro Sport events. The schedule,
as cleared with head CD Dave Acton, is adjusted to provide more
time for flying in multiple events and to have the 3 minute max
events flown more in the calm periods of the weekend.
Note also that there is some expansion to the permitted use of
motorcycles on Barron Field which you can find in the description
Some of you have provided additions to the contest calendar
I put out in my last message. Future messages from me will
provide an updated calendar and highlight results from some
recent meets. For now I remind that our Skyscraper monthlies
are the second Saturday of each month (including May 11) and
that our big event is later this month (May 25-26) as described
I hope that you will be interested to come to our meet.
Andrew Barron
America's Cup and National Cup
FAI, AMA, Nostalgia, FAC
May 25-26, 2002
Barron and Ford Fields
Wawayanda, New York
FAI EVENTS: [Mini-FAI Saturday Morning. Maxi-FAI starts Saturday
evening and continues Sunday morning to increase
chances of 3 minute max and bonus time (super max)
Saturday May 25:
Mini-FAI events: F1G (rubber), F1H (glider), F1J (power). 2 min max.
Round 1: 9:00-10:30am
Round 2: 10:00-11:30am
Round 3: 11:00-12:30
Round 4: 12:00- 1:30pm
Round 5: 1:00- 2:30pm
Flyoffs: 2:40pm --
Awards at 4pm for events that are complete at that time.
Free chicken dinner at field (5:00-5:45pm)
for FAI fliers, helpers, timers.
Big-FAI events: F1A (glider), F1B (wakefield), F1C (power).
Satuday Evening:
Round 1: 6:00-7:30pm 180 sec max
Round 2: 7:00-8:30pm Super max (time between 180 and 240 is bonus)*
Sunday Morning May 26:
Round 3: 7:30- 9:00am Super max*
Round 4: 8:30-10:00am 180 sec max
Round 5: 9:30-11:00am max TBA (150 or 180 depending on weather)
Round 6: 10:30-12noon
Round 7: 11:30-1:00pm
*Rounds 2 and 3 are bonus time round, per current FAI rules.
Weather permitting, times over 180 seconds count as
preliminary flyoff times for those who get at least 180 seconds
(or max) on all seven rounds.
FAI directors: Andrew Barron (203-248-5386, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
and Ron Felix.
FAI fliers enter at Skyscraper table with Dave Acton, then turn
in scores between each flight at the FAI table.
Saturday May 25: 9am--4pm [Awards at 4pm.]
1/2 A GAS, Hand Launch Glider, ABC Nostalgia, ABC Classic
(Nostalgia Rubber & Nostalgia Wakefield, combined).
Early Sunday: 7:15-7:30am
Dawn Unlimited.
Sunday May 26: 8am to 3:30pm. [Awards at 3:30pm.]
ABC GAS, Catapult Glider, 1/2 A Nostalgia, 1/2 A Classic Power,
P-30 Rubber, Pee-Wee 30 Power.
Overall Skyscraper Contest Director: Dave Acton (914-948-4234)
89 N. Broadway, White Plains, NY 10603.
Entry for AMA, NOS, and FAI: $12 for first event, 4 dollars each for
additional events. Maximum of $20 per person. Juniors and Seniors
are 1/2 price. Trophies through third place. High time recognition
to best finishing Junior or Senior in each event flown. Bill Buss
supplied Bryton Barron perpetual trophy to best junior performance
in AMA or FAI with model of own construction.
FAC EVENTS (hosted by the Glastonbury Modelers):
Saturday, May 25 (9am-4pm)
FAC/Jumbo Scale combined
World War I mass launch
Golden Age (3 flights)
Dime Scale.
Sunday, May 26
World War II mass launch
Peanut Scale
Embryo Endurance
Bendix, Greve, and Thompson Trophy race mass launch
If enough racers of each of the Bendix, Greve and T.T. classes
show up, separate events for them will be run.
The field is large, so the 15% rule will not be used in any
of the mass launch events.
FAC Event Director: Ed Pelatowski (203) 735-9494.
Register with Ed by completing the Event Participation List,
showing AMA membership and providing $5.00 for field expenses.
No Skyscraper trophies for separate FAC events.
Metropolitan Sport Squadron rubber ``one design'' events:
Events: Mystery Time, Time Target, ROG Endurance, Tissue Tow,
and Thermal Search, plus Mass Launch at noon Sunday.
Rules: Maximum span 33in, free wheeling propeller of maximum
diameter 12 inches, and rubber of 25 grams maximum.
Permitted Designs: All those used in past one design events --
Pacific Ace, Black Bullet, Sparky, Maverick, Korda,
Flying Cloud, Flying Aces Sky Gull, Gruiser, Stahl Hurricane,
Stahl Hi Climber, Gollywock, Jabberwock, Pirate, Prowler,
any Jimmie Allen.
Note that some of these designs are also eligible for the new
AMA nostalgia rubber events being held by the Skyscrapers.
Metro Sport Squadron Event Director: Don Ross (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
phone 201-568-5272 fax 201-568-5032.
Certificates for each of six individual events provided by
the Metropolitan Sport Squadron.
No Skyscraper tropies for separate Metro Sport Squadron events.
Register with Don Ross by completing the Event Participation List,
showing AMA membership, and providing $5.00 for field expenses.
The field is on Orange County Route 12, in Wawayanda, six miles
south of Route 17M near Middletown, NY. Nearby airports include
Newburg, NY (30 min from field) or White Plains, NY; Hartford, CT;
LaGuardia, NY; Albany, NY; Newark, NJ; or Wilks-Barre Scranton, PA
(all of which are less than 2 hours from the field).
MOTORIZED VEHICHLES: In accordance with the renewed lease agreement
between Barron Field, LLC (owner) and Shuback Farms, Inc (leasee),
at sanctioned contests on Barron Field, participants are now
permitted to drive MOTORCYCLES with caution, and at their own risk,
on the edge of each strip of sod (i.e. on the sod within 3 or 4 feet
of each ditch) for purposes of model retrieval, but not drive in
toward the middle of a strip (so as to not harm the sod that will
be harvested). This will enable you to get much closer to the model,
going the last twenty five yards or so on foot to get the model,
and then continuing on by bike to the next farm road. Depending on
the conditions, turning the bike around on the sod may be unadvisable.
Follow a method of retrieval and return that will not harm the sod.
Motorcycles with wide tires are preferred.
Caution: If there have been recent rains, as evidenced by the
water level in the ditches, this motorcycle usage is not
permitted, as the soft ground can give way, causing harm to you
or to the farm.
Automobiles and motorcyles are permitted on farm roads,
adjacent to farm roads, and on designated grass areas, but not
on commercial sod (except as noted above) and not on foot bridges.
Golf carts are permitted anywhere on commercial sod or farm roads
or grass areas, but not on foot bridges.
*From New York city, take I-87 to Highway 17 to exit 123 (labeled
Middletown), west on 17M for 3.5 miles, to Orange County Route 12
(at the New Hampton, Town of Wawayanda sign), then turn left, heading
south 6.3 miles. After Gardnersville Road, the Barron and Ford
fields are on the left at the Grain Silo-- drive onto the Barron
farm road to pass through the corn field. The sod farm is 3/4 mile
ahead. [This takes about one hour from the Tappan Zee bridge.]
*From New England and from upper New York, take I-84 to exit 3,
Rt. 17M, go east 1.5 miles, then south (right) on County. Rt. 12
for 6.3 miles. Field is on the left. [About thirty minutes from
*From Western New York take Route 17 to I-84, south 3 miles to
exit 3, Route 17M, go east 1.5 miles, then south on County. Rt. 12
for 6.3 miles. Field is on the left.
*From Pennsylvania and points south, take I-84 to exit 2, turn left
off the ramp and then go one mile to the northeast on Route 6, turn
right at the sign pointing toward Pine Island (onto County Route 1),
go six miles east on County Route 1 (through Westtown), then veer
left at the sign for New Hampton onto County Route 12. Go one mile
north on County Route 12. The field is on the right at the Grain
Silo. Drive in on Barron Farm road 3/4 mile to go past the corn to
the sod-farm.
Check the following web sites for maps and other relevant matters.
Days Inn on 17M in Middletown, exit 3, east, off I-84.
Price approximately $70. Good quality. Closest to the field.
Global Budget Inn of America on 17M, also exit 3 off I-84.
Price between $50 - $60. Reasonable quality, though credit card
does not guarantee room with late arrival.
Holiday Inn at exit 4, east, off I-84, exit 122 off Highway 17.
Price approximately $90.
Hampton Inn at exit 4, east, off I-84, exit 122 off Highway 17.
Super 8 at exit 120 off Highway 17 (exit 4, west, off I-84).
Middletown Motel on Rt. 211, exit 120 off HWY 17 (exit 4 off I-84).
Price approximately $70.
Howard Johnsons Motel, Rt. 211, exit 120 off HWY 17.
There are also several Hotels at exits off I-84 to the
southwest (Port Jervis, exit 1) and northeast (Walden, exit 5),
each about 30 minutes from the field.
Plus a bed and breakfast in Warwick (at the intersection
of Route 1 and Route 94).
'Lulu' International Postal Competition
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Just a reminder .... the long-established "Lulu" Postal Competition
commenced May 1st. and ends September 30th.
Three flights to 90 seconds maximum; if achieved a fourth flight to 120
seconds followed, if necessary, by an unlimited duration flight. First three
flights to be made on same day, others whenever.... 50 metre towline or 50
metre bungee containing an elastic element of 12 metres. No BOM rule for
this event, by the way. Record actual flight times as there's a prize for
the 'longest flight' .. (won by Jane Howick (UK) last year with 32:54 ...
and picked it up at the end of the flight !!) .. other prizes: 1st., 2nd.,
3rd., 'Middle' (central placing in result list) and 'Booby' for the biggest
goof.... no entry fees but donations to the prize fund are always happily
Send scores to organiser: Bert Whitehead, 31 Trinity Crescent, Wymeswold,
Leicestershire LE12 6UQ, England. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Either Bert or myself can supply more details of this model and contest - I
can provide a plan with amendments for d/t, towhook position, etc.
"Lulu" is a VERY simple, attractive 50" lightweight glider designed by
SCAT'ster John Barker in 1946 and a great little flying machine; the d/t is
essential! the 30" 'Lulu Baby' and other scaled-down versions are also
elegible for this event. Australia's George Car has the plan on his
website - if anyone wants an idea of what the glider looks like, together
with a scan of the original Aeromodeller article, the place to go is
Bear in mind that the associated contest material alongside relates to the
2001 event, George hasn't yet updated the 2002 details.
For anyone interested in the glider who's never flown such before ... I did
a writeup on Word over a year ago for a prospective builder and flyer as a
guide to trimming and towing a 'Lulu'. I don't claim it's definitive in
any way but I still have it on file if anyone wanted it. Any requests ..
direct please, not onlist.
PS It's also a perfect airplane for the Vintage/OT Glider (up to 50") event
in the 11th Annual Worldwide Postal Competition June 1 to February 16/2003.
Naturally, I have full details ..... not just of this event but the whole
gamut of competition classes... all 18 of 'em.
Re: America's Cup Contest Schedule--Nor Cal 2002, 2003
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Just reminding the SCAT club and America's Cup administrators that the
"traditional" date for the Northern California Free Flight Champs is the
first weekend in May. This year, we changed the venue to a week earlier
because of a schedule conflict with many of our Oakland Cloud Duster members
that help run the event(s).
We will revert back to the May date for 2003. This should "help" alleviate
part of the Am Cup schedule as was mentioned in the last SEN.
Fred T.
[Fred - Brian Van Nest, a fisherman, points out that the
last Saturday in April is the opening of the [trout ?x>] fishing season
in California and it is common knowlege amongst all fishermen
that that weekend always has borderline to bad weather.]
The Alien is Correct
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
F1J is a simple event, that is growing in popularity. There are a multitude
of components available on the "world" market as indicated by the vendor
wares at the Lost Hills World Champs. They are easy to handle, rugged, and
perform very well. There are more and more people flying F1J World Wide and
therefore more mentors for our Junior fliers. And even with all of the very
nice carbon fiber, kevlar, and other exotic material construction being used
on the top models, anyone can still participate with a stock 1/2A model of
wood and tissue construction - and they do!
A properly set-up model will fly almost off the building board. I took two
new F1J's to the Max Men this year and on Thursday trimmed both and a new
100" F1C. Both F1J's were to the top, bunted and gliding in three to four
flights (less that an hour each). I maxed out with the short wing model
(it's first 5 official flights) and then proceeded to make the 4 and 6
minute flyoffs with the long wing model (it's first two official flights).
On the morning 10 minute max I only got credit for 3:45 because of poor
visibility, but I was with the ship win it landed at 8:30 (it's 3rd official
flight!). There is nothing complicated or difficult about F1J and the fact
that they bunt is no barrier.
I have built 9 F1J's over the past 3 years, with a variety of components
from different vendors and quite a bit of stuff I dreamed up on my own. They
all seem to work well and with the new composites, they are tough. Most
crashes (in my case caused by horrible launches) result in a broken boom
and/or a damaged D-box - always repairable. Because the aircraft have such a
light wing loading, the damage is usually minimal.
This is the right event for the juniors! It is much easier than the F1A's
and F1B's to build and fly. The lack of participation by the juniors in F1J
at previous World Championships has nothing to do with the event. F1P is not
an answer and may actually signal the death of power for the Junior Program.
The CIAM should table F1P and do a better job of marketing F1J.
Faust Parker
Laboratory Director
PBS&J Environmental Toxicology Laboratory
888 West Sam Houston Pkwy, S. - Suite 110
Houston, TX 77042-1917
Tel: 713-977-1500 ext. 114
Fax: 713-977-9233
Virus Alert?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In the last two days I have received two very suspicious E-mail's with the subj
ect lable of "Silicone Investors". There is no text when you open the E-mail b
ut it has a file that is attached that will execute when you download it. In b
oth cases the E-mail was from an AOL subscriber. In one case I knew who the se
nder was and contacted him and he said he hadn't sent me an E-mail.
I have no idea what the attached file does as I didn't open it. I suspect that
someone has written a virus that is getting into a AOL subscribers Address Boo
k and E-mailing everyone from that list.
Delete it if you receive it.
Jim Bradley
[Jim and others ...
Normnally i do not publish this kind of e-mail, because many like
are a hoax , in fact a form of virus themselves. Jim's e-mail
is quite general and gives a good warning that should not
be restriucted to e-mail coming from supposed AOL subscribers.
As you would expect with SEN I get a lot of e-mail
and SEN is in many people's e-mail address books. In recent
weekes I have been getting many more e-mail messages
like the one Jim describes. These are what is known
as a worm. They contain an executable file - typically
with extension type .. bat, exe, pif, scr, com ....
that will execute when downloaded. What it will do then
is go throught you address book and mail something
to each person. Typically this works with people using
Microsoft Outlook, but will work with soem other mailers too.
While professionally I have to deal with this and similar
threats on a daily basis, I do SEN to get away from that.
So it is not SEN's place to avive you in detail how to handle it
but I caution you to be very careful about strange e-mails ..
and as with many things if they sound too good to be true
they probably are .. so watch out for that love note
from Jennifer Lopez .. or who ever. ]
Inside the CIAM
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In reply to Mike Segrave's latest I will limit myelf to the question of the
CIAM technical meeting and leave others to take up the rest of the letter.
There is nothing better than reading the definition of the meeting:
To pick out the points to emphasise in this:
1. These meetings shall consider items in the agenda...
Yes, only items on the agenda. These may include all eligible proposals -
a) from the National aero clubs submitted by November 15
b) from the CIAM subcommittee when supported by a majority vote of the
members and submitted by November 15
c) from the CIAM Bureau, which may include the Bureau meeting on the
previous day (as with the basis of F1P this year)
d) bids to host future championships which have been placed on the agenda
The chairman CANNOT add anything else to the meeting agenda.
2.... and shall make their recommendations THEREON to the Plenary
That is recommendations on the proposals given to the meeting, not anything
Finally with regard to the comment that gears could have been banned in the
same way that F1P was introduced. There is no way I would have played any
part in such a change nor would the Plenary have voted through a
fundamental change to an existing class. That is the reason I pushed the
F1P model specification into a new class rather than change the existing
F1J rules. As an addition to the existing classes was the only way such
immediate action could have been contemplated. The only people it does
affect directly are the juniors planning to fly in a future champs, but the
root of the problem is that this is a small number to the extent that there
was unlikely to be enough of them to make up a valid championship.
The main need is to get a full discussion of our problems well in advance
of the meeting, so that changes have been fully discussed and then
submitted either by national aero clubs of the subcommittee. It is much
more productive to discuss the current problems in FF and formulate
constructive improvements than to put this number of words into just the
system which will work fine if people make their input to it.
Ian Kaynes
thank you for the clear explanation]
Nor. Cal. FAI Results
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Here are the FAI results to the best of my knowledge. Any discrepancies,
have participants get in touch with me.
As you already know, we had to fly under shortened maxes (120 seconds)
because of wind and drift conditions.
1 Norm Smith 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 Total 840
2 Rene Limberger 117 120 116 120 120 120 120 833
3 Mike Mc Keever 120 120 120 120 105 120 120 825
4 Fred Terzian 120 120 120 120 114 116 120 820
5 Lee Hines 120 120 77 120 120 120 120 797
6 Jim Parker 120 98 120 120 111 83 120 772
7 Risto Puhaaka 120 120 120 101 120 64 120 765
8 Hector Diez 120 110 43 41 75 120 120 629
9 Ernesto Busnelli 120 63 23---------------------------- 206
10 Martyn Cowley 120 48---------------------------------- 168
11 Pierre -0- -------------------------------------- -0-
Norm Smith, the only one to max out was flying a very conventional Czech
Mate zoom glider. He picked his thermals well in the sustained winds. Jim
and Martyn both had difficulty finding the air from one ridge in the second
round. Ernesto called it a day after the third round after suffering
debilitating pollen/allergy reactions. Pierre had a tough time breaking one
model and then having a back-up ship skew to the left at launch and plow
into the field, breaking the boom and possibly more.
I suffered stupidity after having my short model hang-up in the bunt mode
and trying to take out the line of cars upon impact.
Pulled out my trusty long model and didn't follow Hector's advice to extend
the timer to one more scroll position. I DT'd early, even though the model
would have made the two minutes easily!
1 Walt Ghio 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 840
1 Eric Ryan 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 840
3 Roger Morrell 120 120 120 120 96 82 88 746
4 Mike Davis 120 120 120-------------------------------------360
Walt and Eric will probably break the tie either at Pierre's contest or at
Big Al's Shootout ..
[.. Fred I think you missed Mike Acterberg and John Pratt, both of
whom put in at least one flight. ]
1 Roger Simpson 120 120 120 120 120------------------------600
2 Doug Joyce 120 120 120-------------------------------------360
Doug suffered an engine misfire, causing his ship to never gain more than
twenty feet in the fourth round and breaking the fuselage and possibly more
at impact.
1 Jack Emery 120 120 120 120 93 573
2 Philip Scheiman 120 120 97 120 92 549
3 Bob Critchlow 94 120 57 120 78 469
Jack Emery gave Philip a window to take first place in the fifth round, but
Philip must have had a tired motor and couldn't make the max. Bob Critchlow
was at the wrong place at the wrong time and had his Coupe model decapitated
in the stooge by an errant F1H. Critch and Bob White could not get it back
together with CA so he relied on an untrimmed backup ship.
1 Martyn Cowley 120 120 120 120 120 240 360 480 329 Total 2009
2 Ernesto Busnelli 120 120 120 120 120 240 360 480 284 1964
3..Norm Smith 120 120 120 120 120 240 360 480 231 1911
4 Mike Mc Keever 120 120 120 120 120 206 806
5 Lee Hines 120 120 120 120 120 165 765
6 Pierre Brun 120 120 65 120 29 454
7 Jim Parker 120 120 52 120 29 441
8 Kim Scheiman 120 67 82 34 120 423
9 Fred Terzian 120 -0----------------------------120
Wow! The mini-events were flown in excellent conditions on Sunday. The first
three were all tied up going into the awards presentations by CD Bill
Vanderbeek. At around 5 p.m., they elected to fly the ten minute tiebreaker
round. Many spectators remained to watch the results in fantastic weather
conditions. It was a joy to watch and Martyn prevailed, making over five
1 Bill Lynch 120 120 120 120 120 240 360 480 1680
2 Dave Parsons 120 120 120 120 120 240 360 436 1636
3 Jim Haught 120 120 120 120 120 240 360----1200
3 Roger Simpson 120 120 120 120 120 240 360--------1200
5 Tony Robertson 120 120 120 120 120 23 623
6 Paul Stober 120 120 120 105 465
Earlier, we were witnesses to the fantastic F1J flyoffs. There was concern
about going to four minutes rather than three, but drift seemed to be for
the most part in a northerly direction (good, but not the best).
Unfortunately, in the six minute flyoff round, both Roger and Jim Haught
were having their own predicaments. Roger's ship never DT'd and was almost
directly overhead for an eternity. It eventually drifted north, never to be
seen again. Jim meanwhile was in high lift and heading north towards the
power lines. He came back to get a heading and eventually found his ship,
but too late to make the eight minute flyoff.
Bill and Dave gave us quite a performance. Bill launched first and drifted
east in a massive thermal underneath a very dark cloud. He easily made the
eight minutes and probably tagged on another four DTing from such altitude!
Dave meanwhile was playing catchup. He also drifted in Bill's direction but
at marginal altitude. Most that were present didn't think he would max. The
further east he drifted, the better his altitude became. It almost seemed as
if the same dark cloud was going to suck him up as well. But then, he short
DT'd and was down with 24 seconds short of a max! Sorry Dave. Great
performance Bill!
Tony Robertson had a chance to be part of this spectacle, but at the worst
time, he suffered a line cutting through his tailboom which caused his ship
to be captured in the bunt cycle. That ended his string, but he says the
damage is repairable. Thanks for joining us Tony. Come back next year! Fred
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Acu lab
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
kindly post:
Brokenspar needs the name and address for the source
for ' Acu Lab ' scales. or, someone who has one for sale.
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Transmitter Notes;
Just to set the record straight about Henry Spence transmitter. He left it
in his model box and was able to locate said model box with no problem.
I am sure that his prime concern was the safety of the model box. It was
loaded with models, as always, and with a shortage of transmitters, the
loaded model box was obviously most important.
He ordered another model and the box was found, so all is well! I gave him
a way out and ask if his pacemaker was acting up again, but he said "NO",
just Brain-Fade!!!
Inter-City Update
Bill Shailor
In keeping with the directive that use of the "Super Max" be advertised in
advance of the contest, please note that the Inter-City Meet in Muncie, IN
scheduled for June 22-23 2002 will not use the "Super Max".
Again, those wanting flyers for the meet can email me and I will send one
Thanks, and hope to see you there!
Conflicting dates
Dick Wood
Hi Roger,
The Heart of America FF Association Kansas City Contest June 15-16 is on the
same date as the Pensicola Fiesta of 5 Flags contest. It could just as well
been scheduled the week before but the organizers do not seem to be aware or
do not care when their contest overlaps another.
I hope that the Americas Cup committee treats the potential new contests the
same way that they did the new Phoenix contest to be held the first week in
December (The committee made PMAC move their traditional contest date up two
weeks if they wanted Americas cup status). I wish that the other Americas
Cup contest directors would respect the traditional dates of established
contests. This is especially inportant for the very small contests who need
travelers beef up the partisipation. So will Heart of America FF
Association! Would liked to have come.
The last Texas Contest was a prime example of a date being steped on so I
chose to go there. I would have liked to attend the EFFC and the NORCAL
contests that steped on the Texas contest date. They had reasons. It turned
out that the weather was not perfect at any of the contests. Thats Free
I hope next year that the Americas Cup Comittee work on a rule that controls
the overlaping of Americas Cup Contests if anyone else care about overlaps.
Maybe the contest that steps on a previously established traditonal date
should lose its Americas Cup stataus for that year.
your friend,
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Thanks for the donation from George Schrodter in support of SEN.
Roger Morrell