SEN 719 - 26 Jul 2002

SCAT Electronic News 26 July 2002 issue 719

Table of Contents
My F1P - Bogie
Stonehenge Cup - Tribe
Noon Breaks? - Schlosberg
Free Flight Holiday on Grass, a response - Mac the Bigot
Nats Timer Exchange - Morris
diamond saws - Murphy
Brun's F1A - Scheffer
Finders Beepers error - Worsley
Kustom Kraftmanship - McKenzie

My F1P
Author :


Look at Zaic's 64/65 Yearbook page 56.

I used the overall dimensions for the wing and stab. Different airfoils.
Put pylon on using weight and balance. Then noticed the rudder was not in
place. Made a stiff one and the CG went too far aft. Now using two small
rudders on the stab of 1/16 sheet.

Yet to do. Install the DT and the plumbing for the motor. Have done glide
tests and it looks promising. Weight can be no less than 250 and I am at 320
so far.

Peter King shows tremendous flight time for F1P, over 400 seconds. Far too
much for a junior event.

I am thinking 5 seconds for the motor run or 1/2 A motors. MP Jet is just
too powerful for F1P.


Stonehenge Cup
Author :

Details and entry forms for the 10th Stonehenge Cup have recently been
distributed to all previous competitors,

For those who have not previously attended this International World Cup
Event, details and entry forms can be obtained from:-

Gerry Le Vey, 10 St Nicholas Cresent, Copmanthorpe, York, YO23 3UZ,

The Stonehenge Cup will be held on Saturday/Sunday 14/15th September
2002 at RAF Sculthorpe, near Fakenham, approximately 20 miles north of
Norwich, in the East of England. The competition is a registered World
Cup championship event, and will be run in accordance with sections 1 to
4 of the FAI Sporting Code. Classes F1A, F1B, and F1C will be flown in
groups from a pole using a different starting position for each round.
Competitors must hold a current FAI Licence which will be checked at

Arrival and registration will commence from 3.0pm on Friday 13th, with
F1B and C flown on the Saturday, and F1A on the Sunday. Events are
programmed to commence at 9.0am on each day.

The entry fee will be =A323 for one class, and =A35 for additional
classes. Junior"s fees will be =A35 per class. Entry forms must arrive
no later than 28th August; late entries will incur a 50% surcharge, and
field entries will be charged double.

Once again, accommodation and meals have been arranged at the National
Construction Centre at nearby Bircham Newton, just 6 miles from the
competition site. These facilities are of a very high standard, and it
is hoped that many competitors will want to make use of them.

On Saturday evening a dinner has been arranged in the dining room and
this will be an excellent opportunity to make the social part of the
weekend even better. Mike Fantham will be presenting a slide show after
the meal!!

For those who wish to camp or caravan, there are two excellent sites in
the immediate vicinity of the airfield.

A "Prima" F1B event will also be held, as details previously
published in SCAT issue 717.

The Free Flight Technical Committee of the British Model Flying
Association look forward once more to meeting friends old and new.

Noon Breaks?
Author :

It seems that we have internalized the realization about trimming the maxes when the
wind picks up. This is particularly important when the wind blows towards trees or forests.

But contest directors are some times tricked by the giant thermals. These monsters
just suck up the poor dethermalizing things, particularly the mini-models, and dump
them way down wind. Case in point is Bob Gutai's beautiful F1J, that end up is some
unaccessible forrest south east the the Borden air force base in Canada last week.
Such forests are difficult and even risky to access, endlessly reflecting the signal
form the Walston on-board.

Monster thermals can appear between 11 AM and 3 PM, gaged by the time models
take to dethermalize. Anything over two minutes is a clear signal that the monsters
are around, and it would be wise to suspend flying at that point. (The two minute cutoff
obviously depend on the field characteristics.) Besides, retrieving in the dead heat
of day is difficult and onerous. The remaining rounds could be held in the early
afternoon, and flyoffs the late afternoon or next morning if the contest
is held on Saturday.

I think we should institute a noon flying break during our summer contests
and try and
end two-day contest before 11 AM. In fact, this is a very old idea, as Ron
Felix has pointed out.

Aram Schlosberg

Free Flight Holiday on Grass, a response
Author :

I have to say that the title of this contest caught my eye and piqued my
interest. It's not just because I grew up in the 60's & 70's and grass was
all over the yard but I have to admit that it probably did have some
influence on me as I forged my path in life. Is it safe to assume that
there will be no toking up by the timers as that could impact the accuracy
of the times? It's bad enough that the participants will be flying on grass
but I strongly suggest that the organizers and timers stay off the grass and
on the field. Will there be anything similar to a designated driver to help
the flyers?, kind of a designated helper who keeps the flyers on the line as
they will have already crossed the line to some extent? My biggest surprise
was that Chuck Marcos is the one sponsoring the contest. I've always thought
Chuck was pretty straight laced but clearly he is an old hippie and is
looking for a slightly different kind of nostalgia event. Count me in, I'll
bring my old head band and Indian moccasins and I might even try to sport a
little pony tail by then but it will no doubt be puny given my 50 year old
scalp. I can neither confirm nor deny the following rumor but many years ago
I heard that certain F1B flyers were using their motor tubes as water pipe
bongs. It seems ludicrous to me as the rubber lube in the tube would no
doubt have some kind of effect. Now that I think of maybe I should create my
own 70's Wakefield nostalgia model, I think I'll call it Groovy Hookah. Far
out man!

Mac the Maniac Bigot.

Nats Timer Exchange
Author :

I'm looking for a F1A or F1B flyer to exchange timing chores with at the
Nats. I will be flying F1C on Tuesday. You can contact me at .
Gil Morris

diamond saws
Author :

Roger, can someone on the list point me in the direction of a supplier of
the small (ca 1" diameter x .020" thick) diamond edged saws/cutting wheels
we use for cutting carbon sheet.
My original was a 'Multicraft' brand from the UK, but hey no longer
appear to carry it in their accessories range. After ten years of regular
use, its about time I replaced it.
Chris Murphy

Brun's F1A
Author :


Am trying to reach Pierre Brun to get the dimensions of his glider
stooge. Thought a note on SCAT might get me a response from Pierre.

Finders Beepers error
Author :

The capacitor should be 2.2uF (RS Components Stock No 262-5033) not 222uF
which would make it beep about once a day!

Apologies to all

Will those of you who asked for details please let me know if have
successfully downloaded the attachment?

John Worsley

Kustom Kraftmanship
Author :

Many thanks for driving me onto the email for the scat news.John and
myself are talking regularly at the moment.All the very best for the
trials in Florida. I will be looking forward to the resulting discussion
with John when he returns. Is it possible for you to Email to me the
email or fax number for Kustom Kraftmanship. Thanking you Alister.

Roger Morrell