SEN 721 - 2 Aug 2002
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- Category: Archive 2002
- Hits: 1343
SCAT Electronic News 2 August 2002 issue 721
Table of Contents
only mad dogs and ......(you know the rest)....go out in the......... - Brroks
Cost of Free flight - Wiley
Puppy in the Swamp - Andresen
Zooma on my Yuma
Ultimate chase vehicle - Andresen
gadget for the pseudo Luddite - Norton
Thanks for US Junior Team Support - Coussens
NFFS in the Mail
only mad dogs and ......(you know the rest)....go out in the.........
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
At the WC in Israel they wanted us off the Negev around noon,
Something about it being too hot. Last year at Muncie, my thermistor was
recording temps about 4 degrees F. higher than the Negev!!
The downwind corn at Muncie is higher than an elephant's ........
Base Borden is a nightmare if the model leaves the (small and
getting smaller) field.
Lets get civilized here. Start early, retire at noon, put your feet
up, find a couple of cold ones, and wait until things improve.
I learned an important lesson in sailing regarding your destination,
the wind speed and direction, and your peace of mind.--- It is "
Gentlemen do not go to weather."
Cost of Free flight
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger:
With the buzz on SCAT about the cost of free flight, I though SCAT readers
might be interested in this story. I was out trimming and F1B last weekend
and met a guy who was on vacation and flying a little R/C. During the course
of the conversation he related that before 9/11 he was into rockets. We
discussed Walstons (rocket guys apparently love them) and then compared
technology. During the course of this discussion, I asked him how much he
spent on the rocket hobby. Answer: his latest rocket used $500 worth of fuel
FOR EACH FLIGHT. Never might the cost of the rocket! Never mind the trip to
Nevada every time you wish to fly your rocket. Gee, flying F1B seems kind of
Ed Wiley
Puppy in the Swamp
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject : Re: SCAT Electronic News 31 July 2002 issue 721
An alien has a Puppy disappear into thin air in foreign swamps and woods.
Eiree. Wait til Art Bell hears about this. The alien might check in the
nearest Bigfoot community or even in Hanger 52 where it may be under
analysis along with other UFO's & Aliens.
Zooma on my Yuma
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
i have been using the Yamaha Zuma for a couple of yearsin Palm Bay, Muncie
Pensacola and some other small test sites. Pretty good bike.It has a tendency
to take off too fast at first so i just give it gas and then back off as it
goes.Mine also has a bad habit of fouling plugs more often then i think it
should.So far it has gone where i want it to so i cant complain too much.It
is also nice that it is street legal so i sometimes use it around town.
Ultimate chase vehicle
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
George Schroedter inquired about the Yamaha Zuma as a chase bike. There is
a Zuma II which has bigger powerplant.
For those looking for the ultimate chase vehicle the growing sport of
Mountain Unicycling promises to provide the ideal chase vehicle. Top of
Line models use Carbon Fiber frames. Just think, you could toss one of
these puppies in the Miata along with a weekend supply of F1Puppies, the GPS
and Yagi. With both hands free, you can chase with the GPS in 1 hand and
the Yagi in the other. On the way back, both hands are free to hold the
Safety wise there are no handlebars to fly over and they almost always
start. Not much danger of anyone stealing it either. Has to be the
The Messenger,
gadget for the pseudo Luddite
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I will admit to being gadget prone ( just ask my wife ), but I`ve just found
a neat gadget for those out there who still build themselves - - - you are
still out there aren`t you. It`s called a power plane from Great Planes, an
RC company. It has a cutter on the bottom like the cutter on a crank style
pencil sharpener. You can set the depth of the cut easily. It`s great for
roughing out HLG wing blanks, shaping trailing edges, and shaping leading
edges. Who knows what all else.
bob norton
Thanks for US Junior Team Support
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Well, after interminable months of planning, flying and repairing, the Fly-Max-
Win team (Coussens' and Parkers) heads off to Hungary tomorrow. What's left of
us will join our young friend Rene Limberger and fly at the Voros Jenos on Sun-
day. We'll converge with the rest of the junior team at Lucenec, Slovakia on
the 11th and fly for the gold the following Wednesday thru Friday. We have the
most capable, well-equipped junior team thus far this year, so it's up to the
lads to fly cool and cagey. Thanks to all the clubs and individuals who have
donated their time and resources to make this dream come true. We compete with
heartfelt thanks from the knowledge of so much good will and support from home.
Tom Coussens (proud pit crew of Ben)
NFFS in the Mail
Just got my NFFS Sympo - quality publication as per normal. I was interested
in the article by Fritz Mueller about cheaper Electronic timers. Fritz
remarked that a few years ago there had been articles in the Sympos
but none recently and was wondering if people were really interested
or not. .. Fritz, I wrote one of those article and have stopped
writing about it because every time I do the Luddites or the
Society for the Protection of Purity in Free Flight talked about
banning them ! but they are alive, well and on board in many place,
including the US Junior team above.
Roger Morrell