SEN 722 - 5 Aug 2002
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- Category: Archive 2002
- Hits: 1373
SCAT Electronic News 5 August 2002 issue 722
Table of Contents
Source for Epoxy Thinner - Smpson
Gasparin Co2 - Toner
Vengence with a smile!! - The Alien
Maxmen 2003 - Woodhouse, White and Batiuk
Source for Epoxy Thinner
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger please post on SEN
For anyone who is interested in obtaining an excellent Epoxy thinner, please
read on.
As the source for Epoxy paints and thinners as dried up nation wide, I've
found myself running out of thinner faster than the paint.
An excellent thinner that was used by myself and many other modelers since
the 1970s was a brand called Copon. It was for a corrosion control 2 part
epoxy and the thinner was very compatible with both K&B Super Epoxy and
Hobbypoxy. However it is no longer sold in California and this was my
Thru the Web I found that the Copon brand of Epoxy is manufactured in Great
Britain. A query gave me a reply from their representative in the USA, The
following is a quote from Him.
"My name is Dan Schalk and I represent Copon in the United States. We carry
a variety of corrosion resistant epoxies and 6 different Copon thinners. If
you have a product name and number, it would make it easier for me to help
In a follow-up note, Dan replied " A 5 liter can of the material is $60.00
and can be ordered directly from us. We do not have any in stock but do have
a few shipment coming to us this month. If you would like to place an order,
we take Visa or MasterCard and ship UPS. Our number here is 800-578-2772.
As a precaution, please note that this thinner should not be used to wipe
down pre-painted Epoxy finishes. In a conversation with Faust Parker on the
availability of this thinner I brought this up and Faust said "Wow, I'm glad
you told me, I have been using thinners to clean the front ends of my F1C
ships. PLEASE DON'T! I don't want someone to come back to me saying they
have just ruined a good paint job.
Happy Painting.
Reid Simpson
Gasparin Co2
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
My little gem should be arriving any day. This is the smallest of them all,
and I've been on the Blacksheep waiting list for months. Hanson told me it's
in the mail.
Has anyone here had experience with it?
I'm looking for a suitable model. Presently have in mind a 50% Hannan
Stringless Wonder, my favorite test bed for just about anything. I would
like to protect it though, and am thinking of a pusher. There is a foamie
called The Crow which may be good, if reduced.
Any advice?
Ed Toner
Vengence with a smile!!
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I really don't have to much time for this, as we're leaving for the
Nats in the morning. Since I will have no control over the actions of
our Air Force while at Muncie, I thought I had better spread the word to
the folks in the Phoenix area. There is most likely going to be some
sort of attack out there by the saucers. If anyone out there sees the
green lights zipping around in the night sky, take cover immediately.
Of course this is only partly in response to the puppy remarks,
Hermann. You really had to be in that patch of woods to appreciate it.
Almost had me ready to migrate to the treeless SW.
BTW- That chase vehicle would be a real boon to the dentists, what
with both hands full, and nothing but a smile to catch yourself.
Alien Bob
Maxmen 2003
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Can the powers that be advise me of the date of the 2003 Maxmen event
please. I need to get a flight booking made asap to take advantage of a
possible deal!
Michael J Woodhouse, Norwich, UK.
I am not a power that be but the contest is : Feb. 14,15,16, & 17.
The 17 being the President's day Holiday in the US and the reserve day.
While looking at your bookings do not forget the Isaccson Winter Classic
on the weekend before. Your chance to get tuned up for the first
World Cup Contest of the year. In additional to the regular FAI events
the Winter Classic will probably have a Vintage Wakefield event or is
it Classic Wakefield .. rules to follow. But the Wizard of Monrovia
was seen at Elsinore with a new airplane for this event. A Toronto
design, twin fin of course.
Roger Morrell