SEN 727 - 16 Aug 2002
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- Category: Archive 2002
- Hits: 1275
SCAT Electronic News 16 August 2002 issue 727
Table of Contents
Heading for Palm Bay - Brokespar
Hungarian Comments - F1Seer
Euro Cup Stuff - Coleman
JR TEAM RULES! - SweepetteLee
Hungary - Farkas
UA F1C etc - Gordillo
"Bunt Sim" bit found & copied below! - SweepetteLee
Heading for Palm Bay
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
What happens with Nylon monofilament..
-with heat ?
-with moisture ?
...certainly don't want to go limp in Palm Bay !
Hungarian Comments
Author : F1Seer
If we look at the incident at the recent Euro Champs it appears that the
organizer must accept a major part of the responsibilty.
The organizer cannot protect contestants from the civil authority
such as the police and the young Ukranians who laid down in front of
the police car should not have done so, but ....
Clearly when we visit a foreign country we are concerned or even fearful
about a confrontation with the authorities. The organizer should have
accompanied the police to the flight line, if nothing else
but to translate for the visitors. The CD must have control
of what is going on the field. Taking the people who CD'd
the World Champs in the USA as an example - Bill Hartill and George
Batiuk, both of these two gentlemen always were aware of what was going on
and stepped in at the slightest suggestion of a problem. Action
like this would have defused the situation and controlled the mob scene
without the need for more police.
I was suprised to read in FFn [ as it sounded like Ian Kaynes was too]
that the Organizer was also competing. I seem to remember Australian F1C,
sportsman Bill East, bemoaning the fact that he was on the Australian team
in '83 and not permitted to take an organizing role in the event he
has played a major part in bringing to Australia. Maybe in Hungary
if the major ogranizer has been organizing....
Finally while passing counterfeit currency is a serious offence
that affects us all, it is also something that can easily happen
by accident. There is an inferance that the police were tipped
off by someone from the National Aero Club or organizing team. As events
subsequently bore out the flyer did not have any fake money in his wallet
and this unjustified accusation had a bearing on the sporting outcome of
the event. With the reference to not being able to refund money
and various accomodation related $torie$ from the '95 World Champs, it
appears that organizer might have more interest in the finanical outcome of the
event than in the sporting success.
Again from FFn, Ian indicated that there are a number of issues
that need to be addressed before next year's World Champs. We assume
that this is one of them.
Euro Cup Stuff
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
After reading the SEN message by Mr. Stamov, I must agree with him. I
would be extremely apprehensive about spending any time in a country
where you can be arrested because the idiots at the bank cannot use the
equipment properly. It is sad that the police opperate without first
investigating. I agree Hungary should not be allowed to host any FAI
events in the future.
It seems that a Mr. Farkas also needs to issue an apology for his
boorish comments, also made without first investigating what he is
commenting about. In his country as well as here one is presumed
innocent until proved otherwise.
Roger C.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I must congratulate our F1A JR Team on their fantastic Silver Medal =
placing under what were
obviously very trying and difficult conditions.
Very well done!
Lee Hines
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Mr. Andriukov,
Thank you for your note in the SCAT. I would like to state that I am not
up to anything in this case. Simply saddens me that this type of
situations can happen. You are right, it was not Mr. Molchanov in the
vehicle but an other Ukrainian modeller. Now, I do now who the
individual was and no need to mention the name. The bottom line is that
I had no intention to offend anyone, but make sure that a fair
evaluation can be made by people around the World about the contest, the
organizers and the country. You probably also noticed the tone of my
letter and the fact that I have not mentioned any names. I do value the
friendship of the Ukrainian people like yourself, Eugene Verbitsky and
all the other sportsman and hope that this matter is now closed.
Sending my personal regards and best wishes,
Leslie Farkas - CANADA
UA F1C etc
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
It is truly a shame what has happened to the Ukraine F1C at the Europ
I fully support the suggestion of that the country which allow such things
to happen should not be
awarded the right to run official FAI events and call the other free-flight
flyers, round the world, to write FAI in order to get that point clear.
Michel Gordillo, F1B.
"Bunt Sim" bit found & copied below!
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi again CREdge!
Found the SEN issue (724) with your blurb, so copied it=
so I could read and respond to it.
The more I think on it, the more I have to admit I have no clue
on how to comment!
What I find working for me, on any new bird enter a program
from a similar E-timer equipped F1A, then massage it til it
feels/looks right! Meaning, it climbs out at an angle close to,
but not quite vertical(my bias), seems to expend just about
all the speed until there is just enuf to bunt and slow properly
to begin glide(or fast glide, which I use just a bit for 1-3 sec)level.
I am afraid I am quite seat-of-the-pants impirical, which is not
what you were seeking for response.
My gut tells me vertical wastes energy, but some observers tell
me I have vertical climbs on 1 or 2 of mine. I doubt it, usually
find that they were in non-optimum angle to observe the climb,
causing parallax view(I think that is the term).
I think that timing of most phases is more of a personal thing
than might be realised on the surface.
For example, I can't imagine Victor's settings being right for me
since I am surely not able to cover ground like him, & doubt I
was ever able to in my life! You can substitute any fast younger
F1A sportsman for victor.
If you want, just find out what our current NORDIC Champ uses
for settings, copy them and see if they work for you.
Per's launch values may or may not be right for you or me,
but they sure work for him!!!
Existentialism rules supreme!
(Have I been as totally evasive as I can be??? I think so! >:)
F1A LEEPER(aka, sweepettelee)
Roger Morrell