SCAT Electronic News 23 September 2001 issue 625
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1444
SCAT Electronic News 23 September 2001 issue 625
Table of Contents
Stool launcher - Schlosberg
Strange mail - Kaynes
2001 Free Flight World Championships - Final Information Bulletin
SEN and the World Champs
Internet At the World Champs
Stool launcher
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A few days ago I was out in Wawayanda to trim some Nordics, hoping to find
other fliers to launch. None materialized. It was very calm, so self
launching proved futile. I tried position the model, nose up, in one of the
irrigation canals running across the field, but it prove risky.
Finally I realized that my small sitting aluminium stool, made from two
18" by 14" frames and a canvas seat could become the relief launcher.
The model was placed against the canvas seat, with the stab resting on
the grass (the site is a large sod farm). The line was spread out.
To assure a sufficient launch speed, I walked back about 10 feet towards
the model before beginning the tow (hit the air running). Once the line
was tense, the model launched cleanly off the stool, which tumbled over
a few times. It worked cleanly every time and is very safe.
strange mail
Sender : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have recieved some strange mail from Ian Kaynes and questioned it... this is
his reply and applogy to other who may have got the same mail...
I got a virus which sent random stuff from my disc to everyone on my
address list. It was not picked up by Sophos and appeared to come from
Israeli Aero Club - I thought their mail was world cup results but when I
opened it I found otherwise! I have not compounded it by mailing people to
apologise, perhaps an apology note in SEN would cover the FF recipients.
2001 Free Flight World Championships
Lost Hills, California USA
Final Information Bulletin
George Batiuk, the Event Director has asked me to include this information.
The information has also been sent to the National Aero Clubs and Team
Managers. In addition a letter from George has been sent to those people
that explains why a traveller might be bringing such object sto the USA !
This Bulletin is also available on the AMA Web Site
Special Information:
At this time all planning and arrangements for the Free
Flight World Championships are proceeding as originally
planned. We have no reason to believe that there are any
safety concerns with the World Championships. However
extra caution will be taken on the World Championships site
to help assure the safety of all involved.
Any country that may be experiencing Visa problems or any
travel related problems is requested to contact the
organizer immediately via e-mail
(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Air travel in the United States and to the United States
has resumed. However, no airline is operating at full
capacity. It is suggested that everyone contact the
airlines to reconfirm tickets. It is further suggested that
you arrive at your departure airport at least three hours
ahead of your scheduled departure.
The US Federal Aviation Administration web site has a list
of all Foreign Airports and airlines that have currently
been certified to fly into the United States. This
information may be accessed at:
Competition Schedule:
October 8-13, 2001
Monday October 8th
1000-1600: Registration & Model Processing, by appointment,
Team Managers to sign up for time on main scoreboard
beginning at 0800. (Registration and model processing
will take place at the HQ tent on the WC site.)
Practice- All day Tuesday October 9th
0900-1200: Registration & Model Processing continues
1500: Timekeeper Meeting (Wasco Recreation Center)
1700: Opening Ceremonies (Wasco Recreation Center)
1800: Welcoming Barbecue (Wasco Recreation Center)
2000: Team Manager Meeting (Wasco Recreation Center)
Wednesday October 10th F1A Competition
Round 1- 0800-0855
Round 2- 0900-0955
Round 3- 1000-1055
Round 4- 1100-1155
Lunch- 1200-1300
Round 5- 1300-1355
Round 6- 1400-1455
Round 7- 1500-1555
Thursday October 11th F1B Competition
Round 1- 0800-0855
Round 2- 0900-0955
Round 3- 1000-1055
Round 4- 1100-1155
Lunch- 1200-1300
Round 5- 1300-1355
Round 6- 1400-1455
Round 7- 1500-1555
Friday October 12th F1C Competition
Round 1- 0800-0855
Round 2- 0900-0955
Round 3- 1000-1055
Round 4- 1100-1155
Lunch- 1200-1300
Round 5- 1300-1355
Round 6- 1400-1455
Round 7- 1500-1555
Saturday October 13th Reserve day (if needed)
1730: Cocktail Party (Stockdale Country Club)
1830: Awards Ceremony (Stockdale Country Club)
1915: Closing Ceremony (Stockdale Country Club)
1930-2300: Banquet (Stockdale Country Club)
Sunday October 14th Departure
Airport Information:
It is suggested that you check all baggage you plan to
bring with you. US Airports and all airports with flights
terminating in the United States have become very cautious
of items carried on board by passengers. Knives are
strictly prohibited, as are aerosol powered items such as
shaving cream. All of these items should be checked
as cargo and not carried on to the aircraft. In short, we
recommend that you not have anything in your pockets or on
your person other than what you deem absolutely necessary.
If you have any questions contact your airline prior
to departure. Below is additional information from the
Delta Airlines website, this information is basically the
same for all airlines operating in the United States.
Airports have now implemented heightened security measures
to ensure the safety and security of airline passengers.
Passenger Security Please keep the following security
measure in mind:
No knives or cutting instruments of any size, or made from
any material, are permitted on flights. The term "cutting
instruments" includes every kind of cutting instrument,
including carpet knives, box cutters and other folding or
retractable blades, regardless of blade length or
composition, even those less than four inches, whether
metallic or nonmetallic. Such items as ice picks, straight
razors, and elongated scissors are also prohibited.
Luggage Security You may experience some of the following
All luggage will be checked-in at the ticket counter.
Curbside, city ticket office or other off-airport location
check-in will not be permitted. Luggage may be checked
at the airport no more than four hours within flight time.
Increased passenger and baggage security screenings. You
are encouraged to minimize baggage (including carryon
baggage) to the extent possible.
Airport Security
The following measures have been implemented:
Aircraft and airport security sweeps. Searches of
aircraft passenger and cargo compartments. Unattended
vehicles near the terminals will be towed. The sale of
knifelike items are prohibited. Heightened vigilance for
unattended bags. Increased number of uniformed law
enforcement and military personnel. Random searches of
service personnel, flight crews, and equipment. Reduced
access points to secured areas at airports.
We want to assure you have a safe and fun World
Championships. If you have any concerns at all please
contact us.
President Mr. Pierre Chaussebourg (France)
Member 96 Mr. Ian Kaynes (United Kingdom)
Member 96 Mr. Robert Underwood (USA)
Event Management:
Event Director: George Batiuk, Southern California Aero
Steve Kaluf: Technical Director, Academy of Model
The Academy of Model Aeronautics
2001 Free Flight World Championships
5151 E. Memorial Drive
IN 47302
Phone: (765)-287-1256
FAX: (765)-286-3303
Steve Kaluf: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
George Batiuk: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
SEN and the World Champs
Note that because the national Aero Club, the AMA is the Offical Organizer
Information about the World Champs is on the AMA Web Site
Eventhough SCAT is heavily involved with the organizing of the event,
because I am a contestant I cannot participate in the organizing so do
not really know what is going on. From time to time in the past I have made
comments about various things to do with the World Champs. This is in
NO offical capacity, just as an outside observer.
From time to time the organizers give me material to publish, like they did
today. When I do that I indicate the source of the information.
Internet At the World Champs
In semi-contradiction to the arms length position above, the Infonet
Services Corp [where I work] has offered to provide free Internet Access at
the World Champs. This is because Lost Hills and Buttonwillow are some
from the nearest Internet cafe and many sportsmen will want to send e-mail
back to their friends and families back home. Infonet is a data communications
provider to multinational organizations and corporations. It provides
a wide variety of services , including Internet access in over 60 countries.
Intonet strongly believe in International cooperation and understands
that people to people communications is very important.
At the World Champs the access will be provided in the form of "Internet cafes"
in motel rooms at Lost Hills and Buttonwillow. This will provide access to
the "Web" and Web based mail systems such as Yahoo, MSN, Netscape etc ...
The Internet cafe will be open in the evening after the flying is over.
The NFFS is helping in providing accomodation
We are looking for volenters to help man these cafes. We would like
to spread the load across a number of people. Full details are not yet ready but
We are anticipating that the Cafe will be open from 6 to 10 in the evening.
If you are interesting in helping please e-mail SEN at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. You do not need to be a technical giant to do this
we are more looking for responsible indiviual to make sure everything runs
Roger Morrell