SCAT Electronic News 21 October 2001 issue 632
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1550
SCAT Electronic News 21 October 2001 issue 632
Table of Contents
Superb Sierra Simpson Swansong
cut bait or fish - Rocket
World Champs - Lost Hills, 2001 - Clapp
Looking for Peanuts ands Pistachios - Nadge
Lost at Lost in Hills...... - Abad
Oleg Stoev e-mail? - w-hobby
Canada Cup and World champs - Salzer
SCAT Electronic News - SEN
August 1998 article re: model airplanes in Florida - Headley
NetComposites - A Free Resource on Composites
Superb Sierra Simpson Swansong
Just got back from probably the best Sierra Cup ever. Great weather,
great flying and great banquet. From memory the results are below.
Roger Simpson say this is the last he will organize. The new team from
the Sierra Eagles, including World Champ Jerry Fitch and ex-SCAT plan
master Craig Cusick will have a tough job turning on a show like this year's.
Peter DeBoer
Herbert Schmidt
Ivan Kolic
Alex Andriukov
Jerry Fitch
Peter Watson
Bob Gutai
Artem Babenko
Don Zink
Pierre Brun
Mike Mc Keever
Evgeny Gorban
Stepan Stefanchuk
Alexi Bukin
Norm Poti
Bob Gutai
Ed Carroll
In addition to ommiting New Zealand in the country roll call, Roger S
failed to mention the plant that Alien Gutai hails from .. now where is
that Bob ? I understand that the principal libation there has 65% nitro!
cut bait or fish
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
While the rest of the FAI modeling world is recovering from an endless
summer of continuous contest I am sitting here staring out the window at
six inches of snow. Now in my hand is one of the innn-famous Bradly
T-10 electronic DT timers, you know, the ones that always worked; every
time: set for three minute -DT, set for 3 seconds -DT, battery dead -DT,
tow line fly away -DT, tow line break -DT, set tow hook too close to
switch-oops -not the timers fault. So where am I going with this?
Nowhere really except maybe to give a nod of appreciation to Mr. B down
in sunny Florida and decide whether to install an electronic bunt system
or just screw in the T-10 and go flying. So this must really be about
wanting to either play with technology or fly towline gliders.
Don't get me wrong I believe/have faith in technology, I love how it has
both stiffened and electrified the structure of our aero-sport.
Detractors decry nay nay, there is no access for all in your Technology.
Sure there is, there is room for the devout, those that worship every
weekend, pray every night, they come singly, in twos, and in family
full. FAI is not some exclusive country club. All you have to do is
your best and in doing so will find yourself at the tip-techno-top.
Still don't believe? Ask Ben C. he can show you the light; he's
probably still glowing!
Ok, ok, I hear you, and you are right; I should just get off this
computer and get to it. I should have the T-10 installed before the
end of the day and get a couple practice flights in before dark.
Thanx for listening.
Alaska, USA
F1-A at the Nordic Cafe:
World Champs - Lost Hills, 2001
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Congratulations to George, the SCAT club, and the numerous volunteers,
We just wanted to let you know what a great World Championship contest
you all put together last week. You even saw to it that the weather was
But really - you all are to be commended for the total planning and
seeing that everything was covered and carried out. You guys (and
wives) are going to be a hard act to follow.
Thank you for a wonderful week.
John and Sally Clapp
Looking for Peanuts ands Pistachios
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Might not exactly belong here but would anybody out there be kind enough
to help me out and direct me to friendly people building peanuts and
pistachios, just took up this fantastic hobby but am still a novice and
have tons of basic questions. would be gratefull for any help, direction or
contact. Thanks from Prague, Czech Republic Florian M. Nadge,
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Lost at Lost in Hills......
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A chrome platted wire rod, part of a yagui antenna, left
somewhere around the flying area.
Perhaps someone found it when cleaning all we left behind. Our big thanks for y
our work! Javier
spanish team
Oleg Stoev e-mail?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I am looking for e-mail address of Mr.Oleg Stoev. the old one This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
does not seem to work anymore.
If you know new address please send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please put this message on SCAT message board.
Thank you very much.
Vidas Nikolajevas
Canada Cup and World champs
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Having returned from Lost Hills, and slept off the jet lag I want to thank
all of the people who put in work into these two events. You all did a great
Furthermore, you all made us feel welcome and friends, wether we had met
before or not.
I will not mention any names, being afraid that I might forget one.
Should any of you need help in our area, I will certainly do my best to
return the help and friendship you provided.
Thanks again
Klaus W. Salzer
Johann-Hönigsberger-G. 5
A-2540 Bad Vöslau
Tel/Fax +43 2252 75955
e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
SCAT Electronic News - SEN
This is the SCAT Electronic news. It object is to support Free Flight
Model Airplanes. It is e-mailed out on an irregular basis whenever
'enough' news is collected. It is published in conjunction with the SCAT
Online web site at
Contributions are invited. Mail them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Any information of interest to FAI Free Flighters is welcome, contest
announcements, contest results, product information, technology
information, comments on rules etc.
Text should be n plain text. If you use MS Word - save the
document as ASCII test with line breaks.
Contest results can be in text or excel format.
If you just started getting this it is because some else suggested
it, you asked for it or you logged on to the SCAT Web site
and indicated a prference for FAI FF events.
Because of the World Champs and other activities there has been a delay
in adding subscribers to the list.
One of the rules we have with SEN is not to get involved in disputes
between suppliers and their customers. There are almost always
2 sides to every situation and we cannot comment publicly as we
do not know all the circumstances.
To subscribe send the person's e-mail address to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
To be removed from the list notify the above address.
SCAT is the Southern California Aero Team.
August 1998 article re: model airplanes in Florida
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I am searching for information regarding a Carl Hedley, ex-USAF, whom I
believe to be my half-brother. I saw in the article attached at the bottom
reference to a person by that name. I was wondering if you had an e-mail (or
actual) address for that person. I know it's a long-shot but I thought I'd
Thank you,
Bruce Hedley
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NetComposites - A Free Resource on Composites
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
[We get all kind of SPAM - unsolicited commerial e-mail - so far
every one has been irrelevant, however the one below may be of interest
to some ....]
We have discovered that you are involved in reinforced plastics and composi
tes, so we think you will be interested in NetComposites (http://www.netcom, a free resource for composites on the web.
You can use our industry web portal to get the very latest composites news,
events information and career opportunities. We also have an active discu
ssion forum and a comprehensive 60-page guide to composites for those new to
the subject, supporting the use of composites worldwide.
If you need more detailed knowledge, we run six of the world=92s most compr
ehensive composites stores, holding well over 550 books, videos, CDs, market
reports, journals and software products, all on composites and all availa
ble on-line.
And to get information with minimal effort, every week our free industry ne
wsletter is sent to well over 9,000 composites professionals in 76 countrie
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To see how you can benefit from all of this, we'd be delighted if you would
visit, or feel free to contact us directly.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards
The NetComposites Team
PS. Please accept our apologies if we have been given your details in error
This is a one-off email to you, so please feel free to delete it and we
will not bother you again.
Thanks to the New Zealand Free Flight Team for ytheir donation in support
of SEN
Roger Morrell