SCAT Electronic News 25 October 2001 issue 633
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1325
SCAT Electronic News 25 October 2001 issue 633
Table of Contents
Ideas about the World Champs - Salzer
Dick Korda - Rushing
Orbiteer Plans ? - Wilkinson
Tan II status - Clapp
Oleg Stoev and Others - Terzian
Contest reschedule - Kamla
Krka Cup
Ideas about the World Champs
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This is my view of the World Championships 2001:
And what about us women?
At the beginning of our relationship I made a promise to my husband. yes,
OK, I will go with you wherever you want. And so it was. A promise is a
He flies model airplanes, and what do I do?
When I was I child, adults used to tell me I had ants in the pants. I could
never stay in the same place for long. I always had to do something. Maybe
this - my inner life - is fortunate for my husband. Good for me, too?
I like lots of sports - windsurfing, swimming, bike riding, roller-skating,
walking, hiking, skiing and cross-country skiing. I also like doing nothing.
Competitions. Ha, ha, ha.
My husband flies and I go and retrieve his model planes. Ha, ha, ha. My
first contacts with model airplanes were:
Lesson #1: How can I even hold this fragile thing in my hands?
Lesson #2: How will I be able to find it?
Lesson #3: Which of the many planes lying on the field is his?
Oh my goodness, oh my goodness. I walked and walked and walked. There was no
end to the big field. I went too far, I didn't go far enough, I went in the
wrong direction. I saw lots of models, and they all looked the same.
My feelings - I was too hot, too cold, hungry, thirsty, it was too windy,
too sunny, too rainy. Everybody was far away. I wanted to go home!
My first success.
I returned with a model - but not his.
I returned with his model, but some parts were missing.
Ladies, don't be afraid of this, do not take it too seriously.
Practice makes perfect.
Hmmm... Today I know:
- Stopwatch
- Binoculars
- Walky talky
- Direction
- Distance
- Landing position
OK, OK, don't laugh at me. I know it is not a lot of knowledge about model
airplane flying. But enough for me to pick up this sweet balsawood
construction by walking, bicycling, motor-biking, roller-skating,
cross-country skiing. I combine my hobbies with my husband's.
Doing nothing.
There are also days when I do absolutely nothing. I only watch the good- or
bad-flying models for a short time or a long time. But wherever I am, I
always keep looking for you, my fellow ladies.
How you
- are timekeeping
- help your husbands
- look for your husbands
- play with your children
- read books
- sit in the sun
- sit in the shade
- enjoy a drink
- relax
I am so happy you are here to support your husbands.
Nobody is perfect
I like to nag
After spending a night in an airplane without sleep we arrive at 10 am at
Motel 6, Lost Hills. What would make me happy now is - not my husband, an
exception - but a shower and a bed. But there's no room at 10am. Only at 12
And what a room: A smokers' room (we are non-smokers), a loud room -by
the stairs and by the pool with people gathering outside our door. Dark,
because if we opened the curtains everybody would look in.
My husband feels responsible for this prison cell, tired as he is, and
suffers my nagging. Poor husband, like all husbands.
A couple of days later we were able to change to a better room. Now we had
good air (nonsmoking), enough light, I could even see a tree from my bed.
Nothing more to nag about. tee hee hee...
Applause for you - America
Thank you America for the World Championships 2001.
Thank you to everybody who
- organized the WCh 2001
- worked and helped professionally
- supported us on the field, from their homes - from all over the world
- flew
- came - at all
- as a lone team member
- even by wheel chair
- ignoring any health problem and age
- bringing their children
My special thanks go to you, my dear ladies, who could not be with us on the
field for various reasons (money, visa, time, health, pregnancy, dependants,
no more holiday) but who supported their husbands, sons, grandchildren,
fathers, brothers, grandfathers, partners, and friends from home. This is my
applause for you. Thank you very much.
All's well that ends well
Like in a fairy tale everything has an end. In a good story, there's a
good ending.
Here it was the banquet night with everybody happy, even if some were
disappointed. Never mind. Sport is sport.
I walked with my husband through a very nice festive room, the floor
carpeted with a marvelous green lawn, a perfect jazz band on stage, and
happy competitors' faces. But also, yes, I could not stand the look in those
sad eyes where the question could easily be read: Why is my woman not here
with me?
Please, dear ladies, come and join this crazy flying family too to make your
husbands happier if the reasons for your absence no longer apply. Life is
too short for not being together, not being fair to each other. Don't allow
your husband to spend too much time with his models without you.
Nothing is better than to be a happy wife with a happy husband in your own
family, but also in this crazy model flying family you inherited with him.
Veronika Salzer
Dick Korda
Charles Rushing reprots that 1939 Champion Dick Kord
passed awat Octomer 12 aged 86.
Orbiteer Plans ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
please put this in your sen news letter.
i would like to know if any body out there has any
plans or a kit of the ORBITEER that sal tabi kitted
years ago.
i built one about 1974 or 1975.
it was a pylon model with stright wing and stab. the
rudder was behind the was a 1/2a or a size.
do you remember this model?.
i sure would like to build one of theese again.
perhaps you can help.
thx don.
good news letter.
Tan II status
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear FAI Customer,
We are currently out of good 1/8", 3/16", and 1/4" contest rubber. We
do have some 3/32" and 1/16" that are good.
Due to the collapse of the rubber thread business for golf balls, we
currently have two factories downsizing into one factory at a new location.
The net result is that the next production lot will not be available until
approximately November 30th. This order will be for 1/8" only, and if it meets
specs, the other sizes will be available at the end of the year, or
early in January 2002.
Good News: Our same Tan II Q/C and sales management team will be in
place at the new location.
Bad News: Due to the lower demand for a critical synthetic additive
( golf ball related ), we can expect a noticeable increase in cost of Tan II.
Our factory or we do not know the amount of this increase at this time.
Oleg Stoev and Others
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Oleg Stoev, General Director and representing I.M.G. (International Model
Group) was present at both the World Champs at Lost Hills and the 25th
Sierra Cup. I had mentioned to him that I could not access his website since
it looked as if it had been closed down. He was going to verify the problem
when he returned to Odessa. The address is and his email is
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Also present with the cottage industries for F1 products was Mikhail
His email is: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Igor Yablonovsky: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and Yurij Donchenko:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I hope this helps you. Sincerely, Fred T.
Contest reschedule
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger:
Would you please put this information on SCAT.
The Strat-O-Bats "Autumn Thrash" contest has been rescheduled. This
contest is listed as NC contest #63 at Harts Lake, WA. It was
originally scheduled for Oct. 20th and 21st. The new schedule is Nov.
3rd and 4th 2001.
John Kamla Contest Director
(206) 325-2721
Krka Cup
20.OCTOBER, 2001
place name country
---- ---- ----
1 Nardin Matej SLO 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 300 420 202
2 Lesko Robert CRO 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 300 420 158
3 Terlep Danijel SLO 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 300 306
4 Vyacheslav Bolgov UKR 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 300 287
5 Bombek Igor CRO 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 300 196
6 Necemar Toni SLO 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 286
7 Cigut Andrej SLO 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 262
8 Ehrlich Walter AUT 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 236
9 Zulic Damjan SLO 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 217
10 Jermol Dario CRO 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 192
11 Rozman Brane SLO 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 173
12 Omrcen Mario CRO 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 167
13 Gjerek Bojan SLO 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 145
14 Markovic Nenad CRO 210 180 180 180 180 164 180 1274
15 Jozsef Csanyi HUN 210 180 180 180 158 180 180 1268
16 Moze Bojan SLO 210 142 180 180 180 180 180 1252
17 Zulic Borut SLO 210 180 180 164 144 180 180 1238
18 Fuss Helmut AUT 210 180 180 180 175 104 180 1209
19 Juvan Gasper SLO 210 117 180 180 180 160 180 1207
20 Bagari Bostjan SLO 210 180 180 180 95 180 180 1205
21 Rogoz Damir CRO 200 149 180 180 180 180 131 1200
22 Ehrlich Isabella AUT 210 161 180 108 180 180 180 1199
23 Sokolic Ivan CRO 210 180 180 180 103 180 156 1189
23 Maric Peter SLO 179 180 180 180 180 110 180 1189
25 Titan Joze SLO 210 64 145 123 180 180 180 1082
26 Dolezal Hermann AUT 210 120 76 80 96 180 104 866
27 Koglot Roland SLO 120 180 151 180 180 0 0 811
21. OCTOBER, 2001
1 Zulic Damjan SLO 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290
2 Salzer Klaus AUT 185 180 180 180 180 180 128 1213
3 Banjac Nenad CRO 210 180 180 180 180 180 0 1110
4 Tomljanovic VinkoCRO 210 115 158 180 28 180 131 1002
5 Meusburger HaraldAUT 210 180 180 62 180 76 0 888
6 Terlep Danijel SLO 194 0 117 140 115 118 0 684
7 Hribar Tomaz SLO 210 0 0 0 0 0 0 210
8 Romanchenko VladimirUKR 184 25 0 0 0 0 0 209
9 Sokolic Danko CRO 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 16
1 Zsengeller Gabor HUN 224 180 158 180 0 0 0 742
2 Brejc Janez SLO 142 116 177 98 0 0 0 533
3 Janzekovic Konrad SLO 115 0 97 75 0 0 0 287
Moze Slavko, Prusnikova 50, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia - president
Kosir Damir, member
Dragan Stankovic, member
During the contest there wasn't any contraventions of the FAI SC
The only unusual occurrence was 45 minutes interrupt due to reposition of
the starting line on the second day of the contest.
Roger Morrell