SEN-470 Sept. 13 2000
- Details
- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1361
News and Reports 2000 - second half
SCAT Electronic News 13 September 2000 issue 470
Table of Contents
Finals setup ? - Dukie
Bunt (s) - Brokenspar
A Boring F1C Comment - Andressen
Page 2, the rest of the story - Markos
30 gram rule - Brooks
DP460 - Toto in Kansas
Re: Shortage of F1B Timers? - Blackam
AmCup Update - Parker & Coussens
No 20 second D/T ? - Achterberg
Latest from ... FAI Model Supply
Naval help?? - Shakleford
Finals setup ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject : Re: SCAT Electronic News 12 September 2000 issue 469
I believe Aram has it wrong about the 1 flyer on one pole for an hour. A
flyer has the pole for 1/2 hour, and the the other event of the day has the
the timer for the next 1/2 hour. At least that was how we set it up a few
years back. We simply must secure about 23 or 24 timers for the days that
wakefield flies.
It probably is time to start thinking about an elimination system again for
the events that have too many participants to manage at the finals. Any ideas
out there?
Bunt (s)
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Editor,
Things are getting a little cloacal. I assure you that's not my
orientation !
A Boring F1C Comment
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Was discussing F1C displacement the other day. While I always thought that
with a lapped (no rings) piston, the fat part of the piston should be
measured, rather than the bore. Miracle of miracles, I found something on
the FAI site.
If I read it correctly, the bore is measured at TDC. They don't mention
stroke measurement but I assume it has bearing clearance removed at both TDC
& BDC.
The interesting part is that the calculations are then truncated to the
nearest .01cc. So a 5sec motor run is OK @ 5.09 sec and a 2.5 cc engine is
OK @ 2.5049 cc. Some will argue for 2.5099 cc.
Measuring Swept Volume as they call it, is unlike weight which can readily
be checked with the "official" contest equipment prior to a flight. Also,
while the swept volume increases with thermal expansion in operation, all
tracible measurements are carried out in temperature controlled labs,
usually a lot colder than the flying field.
The gain in performance with swept volume is so minute that I can't imagine
any sportsman or manufacturer running that close to the limit, yet it seems
like if the engine was marginal, the piston should be measured so as to not
penalize the sportsman for clearance and wear.
How do Power guys come up with these extended limits on engine run and swept
volume in the first place? Weird.
Page 2, the rest of the story
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger and Jim, The file of scores for the FAI inviational had two pages.
The second page was the mini <>
-event scores. I'll send it again. Let me know if that's a problem and
I'll try some other way to fix it.
1. Richard Woo 120 120 120 120 120 180 001 781
2. Tom Ioerger 120 120 120 120 120 180 000 780
3. John Watter 104 120 120 120 120 584
4. Steve Sova 120 120 120 120 100 580
5. Chris Matsu 114 120 118 115 112 579
6. Fred Blom 120 120 090 120 110 560
7. Ed Konefes 120 099 100 120 120 559
8. Ryan Jones 120 120 076 088 120 524
9. George Clow 87 114 100 120 079 500
10. Thomas Jones 53 120 120 056 090 439
11. Jim Ferwerd 120 081 120 321
12. Dave Sechri 64 120 076 260
13. Charlie Jon 51 072 000 123
1. Bob Sifleet 120 120 120 120 120 600
2. Tom Jones 109 120 120 115 120 584
3. Bill Schlarb 99 090 081 120 071 461
4. Jean Pailet 60 035 102 062 120 379
5. Ryan Jones ( 37 042 000 79
1. Keith Fulmer 120 120 120 120 120 600
2. Jack Marsh 120 117 120 120 120 597
3. Jean Pailet 120 120 072 120 120 552
4. Norman Poti 120 120 120 061 000 421
30 gram rule
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Does the 30 gram rule for F1B come into effect for the 2001 World =
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Jim,
I found DP460 in Wichita by looking in the yellow pages for distributors of
adhesives. There was at least one distributor for 3M products.
I recently had to repair a motor tube which had buckled its front one-inch.
This entailed cutting off that one inch and removing the pylon to move it aft
to maintain the CG. (It had been installed with DP460.) The adhesion
between the pylon and the motor tube was such that removal pulled chunks of
epoxy out of the surface of the motor tube leaving kevlar threads exposed!
Great stuff, DP460!
Jim O'Reilly
Re: Shortage of F1B Timers?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
>As in a WC, the flier who
>announces his intension to fly would be given a five minute window to
>launch his model.
Since when have WC's been run like this?????
Please get your facts straight. WC Flyoffs run in a 5 minute window (the
same window for everyone), not so in the rounds...
AmCup Update
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Here's another AmCup update. Ditto usual info--- corrections etc. I will add
anyone to the mailing wishing the EXCEL 97 data base. Regarding Lee Hines
request for World Cup format of the results. I spent several hours trying to
develop EXCEL macros to automate this but could not make it work. If anyone
is will to take on the challenge, contact me. Currently, the best bet is to
get EXCEL. (I'm now spending my time making towlines).
Tom and I met and made the following clarification / correction:
1) The Skyscraper Annual for this year is now listed as the Skyscraper Annual
/ Challenge at the new Wawayanda NY field and the CD is Art Ellis. (My
apologies to Aram Sclosberg over the Pumpkin Feast listing)
2) The Easter Free Flight Champs which was blown out may be rescheduled
and/or relocated to the Wawayanda NY field if the CD contacts Tom or myself
and they are able to give sufficient (30 days is recommended) notice to the
AmCup contestants. Only the unflown events may be reschedulled and Tom Kerr
The CD has indicated that there is not a current plan to fly these events.
Tom will send the revised AmCup Contest calendar to you soon for the SCAT web
We also drafted the 2001 AmCup rule changes and we will present at the
9/22/2000 SCAT meeting for approval. We also will have a draft of the 2001
Contest calendar for approval.
Comments are welcome. We are especially interested in any specifics of any
irregularities at AmCup contest. Tom and I are striving to have the AmCup
better organized at the start of 2001.
Finally, I request that the current AmCup CDs/Sponcers drop me an email with
your 2001 contest date (or best guess). A Sponsor is someone who helps with
the coordination of the FAI events at AMA multi-even contest. If your AmCup
CD is email "challenged", please volunteer to be an AmCup Sponsor and provide
this critical communication link.
Thermals, Jim Parker This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
No 20 second D/T ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger:
Simple fix to attempt debate-- Leave attempt rule and amend it to say no DT.
allowed to qualify for the 20 second rule!! Then if anyone wants to bunt
their model into the ground; have at it!!! It is a good rule and has its
purpose. Leave it alone, just amend it slightly!!
Michael Achterberg
[I think the isue them would be what is a D/T ?]
Latest from ...
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thanks for your e-mail.
John or Sally are back from vacation and trying to catch up.
We will respond to your e-mail, if required, as soon as possible
after 9/11/00.
New Aug. rubber is in and is good, but not "GREAT".
Next batch is due in 9/15/00. ( Sept Batch "A")
New prices: 1lb $ 23.50 shipped P/M
Naval help??
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I am looking for books on Japanese WWII Naval Vessels. Yesterday, I
bought a book (in Polish no less) of Yukikaze. Included were 3 sheets
with 1:400 scale views of this class of Destroyer. The book itself,
(unreadable by me-I bought it for the diagrams) had history of ships in
the Kagero class and a lot of information on the different weapons on
those vessels.
I am looking for more books like this.Could you help me? My internet
searches only led here.
Thanks for anything
Lee Shackelford
Roger Morrell