SEN-506 November 27 2000
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- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1312
News and Reports 2000 - second half
SCAT Electronic News 27 November 2000 issue 506
Table of Contents
Dooling .61 Value. - Stalick
OLA Wurst - Brokenspar
Which is worse?- Cousssens
MM 7 or 14 - Abad, Kilmakko, Davis, Schloberg,the Alien, Bradley,...
- Ruyter, ...
Dooling .61 Value.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The best source of information about early glo and ignition model airplane
engines, such as the Dooling 61 is Anderson's Blue Book, version 2. This
compendium covers all US made engines up to 1965 and is available from Frank
Anderson, 1200 Eagle Trail, Longwood, FL. 32750./ Calal 407-830-1416. I am
not sure of the current cost, but it is in the neighborhood of $40 per copy.
It is an excellent resource. BTW: the Dooling .61 is listed in my 1996
version of the Blue Book at between $65 and $900, depending on model and
condition. Apparently the race car version is much more valuable.
OLA Wurst
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Which is worse ? Saying worst when you mean worse ( more bad ), - or -
saying worse when you mean worst ( most bad ).
Hard to tell when you're unlatched...
Which is worse?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
At the risk of divulging a trade secret, I start accelerating the model
relatively high on the line, first making sure that the model is pretty much
aligned with the launch direction. I use zoom rudder to counteract the wing
wiggle, as my wiggler kicks out at bunt. Since 1)I am not relying on any
balance of zoom rudder vs. start orientation to bring the model around to the
correct launch point, and 2) my acceleration time is reduced by the high
initial start, there is little time or opportunity for an off-pattern
These factors combined with an electronic bunt timer and my particular style
of bunt programming have produced consistent on-pattern launches. The only
times I have had off-pattern or inconsistent launches have been when the model
had structural problems and the wings were twisting under load.
Tom Coussens
MM 14 or 7 survey
As an editorial comment ... The reason the MM CD, George Batiuk
gave for changing the number of rounds was to
make the contest in line with other World Cup Contests and
to make it a better contest. George has had input from many people.
I will point out that he has not make the offical announcement
and produce the contest flyer yet.
I believe his plan is to change it for one year as an experiment.
I know that he realizes that people have to make travel plans
so will be making an offical contest announcement soon.
It was not related to the weather in previous years. While
the MM is in winter time generally this does not make
a difference to running of the contest. I do not
believe that we are any more likely to have wind
then than at other times of the year. However it can rain
which it will not do at other times of the year.
The MM does have a reserve day in the Monday. This
day is the President's day public holiday in the USA.
MM 14 or 7 survey
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Kimmo,
I did not knew about that rumour till now I received SEN 26 th
I am very much in favour of 14 rounds. I has been so in the past since
I started flying there at Taft, with only a handful of flyers in 1988,
flying in such a huge field makes fun trying 14 times to max.
See you there in February.
Javier Abad
Kulmakko Kimmo wrote:
> Hola..
> About MM 14-rds.. do you agree 14rds is needed if possible..
> what is the addr. you answer to Morrell..
> my opinion is 14rds of course..
> .kk
Max Men 14 rounder
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
After talking with Batiuk and White about the 14 rounder becoming a 7
rounder my mind was changed. I too thought 14 rounds is a tradition for the
Max Men, but several years past we only got in 7 rounds. With this being a
World Champs year in Lost Hills I would think the participants would be
many. I believe Max Men is the only 14 rounder we fly, (excluding the
finals) throughout the World Cup events. And as always the infamous timer
situation, especially towards the end of the event and everyone wants to get
on the road. I believe what I heard about the format for the contest is a
great way to run it. So to Batiuk, White, and all organizers of the Max Men
you got my vote. But check the chad. It could still be hanging.
Larry Norvall
Maxmen 14 rounder
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I do not know where the rumor come from that Europeans do not like a
contest with 14 rounds. I am sure to speak for the Dutch flyers who have
competed the last couple of years that they like to come to the Maxmen
just because it's a 14 rounder. We use the Maxmen as a warm-up for the
season to come. Ticket from Europe getting cheaper but with a 14 round
contest you get more fun for your money !
Pim Ruyter
Please Keep Max Men at 14 rounds
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Max Men without 14 rounds is like a tease, enough to get you stirred up but
not enough to satisfy. I would be very disappointed to see it become a 7
round contest.
Mac the Bigot
Maxman 7 rounds?
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It was a bit surprising to see the Mike McKeever piece on SEN,
discussing the 7 round rumor. Subsequently, I got an e-mail from
Lee soliciting all the European fliers to support the present 14 round
Maxmen format.
If there is a issue, I believe it is can be traced to what happened at
the Sierra Cup this year. Only two rounds were flown on Saturday, and
Sunday was simply a blow out. Consequently, all the European and
the Japanese fliers spent a fortune to arrive at a non-contest.
If this is the real issue, then the organizers of the Maxmen and the
Sierra Cups have to seriously consider how to assure that the contests
do actually take place, particularly since both are held outside the
optimal flying season.
Solutions might be in the form of adding a reserve day at the end of
contest or flying preliminary provisional rounds a day ahead of the
contest, if the weather forecast is bad. These preliminary rounds
would only count if one of the next two days was a blow out.
But reducing the contests to a standard 7-rounder, are definitely the
wrong solution. Personally, I have always considered the 14-round
format the Maxmen's special feature. As to the Sierra Cup, I have
never attended since I consider the field too small.
Max Men Contest
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As one who has always enjoyed the longer contests it would be a shame to
loose the last remaining one by making the Max Men a 7 round contest. I
always enjoyed the FAI Invitational, and the Sierra Cup more when they were
longer with flying over two days rather that 7 rounds as they are now. The
Max Men is a unique contest and to reduce it to 7 rounds would make it just
another FAI contest like all of the others. With the present format it even
allows you to loose a day and still have a complete contest. Please don't
change it, it is my favorite contest.
Jim Bradley
Fw: Agree/Disagree; MAXMEN 14-ROUNDER Cut to 7 RDS?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For some reason Lee has panicked. I assume it is because the organizers
are about to change the format of the 14 rounder. I think it is fine the
way it is. It allows the option of cutting rounds as was done last year.
My Planet votes, by a very narrow margin, for 14 rounds. If the vote is
too close I can have our Council RECOUNT the ballots.
Thank you, The Alien
Responses from fellow sportsmen
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have received much response from my email re MaxMen not staying at 14
ALL have been FOR 14 rds and expressed dismay that a format change might
Refer to the following:
"Dear Lee,
I am in favor of 14 rounds and with me all compatitors from the
Netherlands. Pieter de Boer, Antoon van Eldik and Pier van Merkestyn.
The 14 rounder is one of the reasons to go to the MaxMen contest, you do
not travel from Europe for 7 rounds!(Weather provided)."
Best regards,
Pim Ruyter
"Lee, I agree with you---." Charlie Stiles
Javier Abad and Kimmo K have sent email to SEN I believe.
" I hope the rumor concerning dropping the MAXMEN INTL. to 7 rds
is not true. The 14 round concept is to valuable to abandon.
What is the root cause of the proposed change?"
Paul Herbst
"I make a special effort to attend the MAXMEN 14 rounder most years.
If it changes to 7rds I won't go."
Stan Buddenbohm
Max Men
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Dear Roger,
I've received a message from Lee Hines and understood that Organizers of Max
Men are going to change format of that. Flying 14 rounds in condition like
we had in Saturday this year is fun, but retrieving models in a wind even in
Lost Hills is hard job to do especially two days and 14 times (at least).
Americans (including me) who are motorized have a good advantage compare
with visitors (also Americans without motorcycles). The second problem is
that the average age of competitors every year increasing and 14 rounder
competition (even not retrieving problem) is very hard job too.
I think that at the first necessary try to hear opinion from that two groups
of flyers.
I'm almost professional flyer and have to fly any format competition, but I
and people like me are not the majority of competitors.
Roger Morrell