SCAT Electronic News Jan 4 1999
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- Category: Archive 1999
- Hits: 1399
SCAT Electronic News Jan 4 1999
Table of Contents
Gorban Representation in US
New Zealand nationals Report
F1B Flyoff Rules Change Suggestion
Gorban representation in the US
Dear Roger,
Glad to have you back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just wanted you to know that I will be taking over for Ed Turner
with the Gorban F1B parts and planes. Shirly Turner flew all of
the items out to the coast on Dec. 15th and I am ready to fill
most orders. SASE to, Dick Myers
890 Skylark Dr.
Chico Ca 95926-7103
E-Mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.=20
New Zealand National report
Greetings and best wishes for 1999 to all at SCAT and
welcome back with the SEN. I should now be able to reduce my
intake of Whisky I was using to counter the withdrawal
symptoms.This may also help the Bank Balance!
The NZ Nationals for 1998 are now history and we were
blessed with fine,HOT, weather, and reasonably strong NW winds,
up to about 6 m/s,which made for long retrieves,but thanks to our
friendly farmer, Mick Raynor, who owns the property, he mowed
tracks thru' the hay paddocks, shifted out the bulk of his sheep,
and left as many gates open as he was able to.
Where else in the World would you get such grand
1. Stew Cox Wellington.
2. Anthony Koerbin Wellington
3. John Sheppard Tauranga
1. John Malkin Wellington
2. John Henson Wellington
3. Anthony Koerbin Wellington
This event was cancelled due to lack of entries.
John M.
From Jon Davis
Ahhhhh, finally a breath of fresh air for the desert.
This is embarrassing to admit but I think I have checked for your website almost
every day since it vaporized last summer!
It really serves as anchor for those of
us at the fringes (no wise ass comments please) of FAI free flight. I have been
telling my son Evan (now 15 going on 35) that the free flight group really is up
with all the high tech stuff and he just needs to cut them some slack and they
will figure out how to get back on the internet. Myself? I was beginning to
The Tributes to Ed Turner, Bill Cushenbery, and Vern Walters were
very heartfelt.
It made me appreciate some of the things that are so special about the Free
Flight modeling community. I knew Ed Turner personally many years
ago and he was a wonderful guy. I haven't seen him in many years
but he left an impression with me. I'm sure those of you
who were close to him are going to miss him. Sometimes I
like to think that thermals go up and up forever and that in some way they all
lead to the center of the Universe. The ultimate last flight is the
one when your DT decides not to go off, freedom to keep going.
On a lighter note, if your IBM compatible server (I'm sure it wasn't a Mac) ever
goes on the fritz again ( FOR 5 LONG MONTHS) please let me know and
perhaps we can quickly and expediently host the website on our NEVER
FAILS Macintosh server. Just an emergency fall back for all those
webbies who are in need of the free flight fix.
Looking forward to seeing you and host of others at the February
14 round contest. I'll be flying Nordic (I use the term "flying" very
loosely), Evan is enamored with wakefield and will be flying some
"strange mix" models. I keep telling him
that it is not at all odd to have a Starduster wing with a Top Cat stab and an
.049 power prop on a Maxine fuselage with rubber power. Very
short but impressive motor bursts, you have to throw the model really
fast or the motor run ends just
as you heave it) Hey, these are the 90's, at least for a year, and
anything goes.
Best Wishes for the New Year!
Jon Davis
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From: "Rex Hinson"
Hi Roger,
Since you are back and can get information out to all, I have a few
comments and a suggestion for those who think something should be done
to the Wakefield flyoff situation.
In my opinion, the availability of quality models and supplys, and the
equal chance for all who enter to get to the flyoff has been the major
reason that our Wakefield event has grown so much. We surely don't want
to go back to the time when only five or six modelers win all of the
My flyoff suggestion is this. Continue the 35gm motor weight thru all of
the standard rounds. when the flyoff starts, reduce the rubber weight to
Make no other changes to the planes. This should reduce the field size
required for flyoffs, and still let everyone have an equal chance to get
If you will, pass this idea around and see what it brings back.
Rex Hinson
(The torque meter guy)
[comment .. seems to me that you would need to have a different model
for the fly off .. or at least a different trim setup. As well as two
collections of motors.]
Roger Morrell