SCAT Electronic News January 10 1999
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- Category: Archive 1999
- Hits: 1248
SCAT Electronic News January 10 1999
Table of Contents
More on Rubber - John Clapp
Fly off ideas from Hermann
Pim Ruyter's Lastes Price List On-Line
Doug Joyce's Problem and Solution With an Errant Climb Maneuver
AMA's $$$
SCAT Electronic News
More on Rubber
From: john m clapp
Dear Roger
We also want to thank you for getting SCAT back on line!!
We also wont to thank you for well stating the current situation with
the DEC 98 batch of rubber, a copy of
e-mail was sent to the factory sales mgr. early this morning.
Every so often the subject of reducing the weight of rubber comes up
and causes us some concern! This concern is not because we might
sell a few pounds less rubber, but that we should find ways to
make life simpler for fliers so that more
people fly F1B (especially young as well as us" senior fliers") in this way more
rubber will need to be produced thus improving production
economics and requiring even greater Q/C
emphasis. While our factory is quite interested in this segment of
their business they, like other manufactures, look for growth not reduction.
So fliers, the obvious problem is to look for ways to increase F1B participation
,especially by new younger fliers, and as many have stated
reduce the number of fly off rounds. We don't think that reduced rubber
weight is the way to go (there are other reasons as well that you have
all read before). We leave THE SOLUTION to other more seasoned F1B
competitors to sort out. WE FEEL THAT REDUCING RUBBER
Very sincerely
John Clapp
Fly off ideas from Hermann
Thought the results were misfiled then realized your F1A time was for F1A
Does this mean you'll be trading in your winder?
Might as well get whats left of the FF community ticked off, but as long
as we're brainstorming, why not.
As one who flew in the last great Wakefield team selection (1953) I would
like to convey the following observations:
1. 3 rounds of 5 min max were flown, starting at 6AM so it was over by 9.
2. Binocs were disallowed yet most flights were not cut short by blind
timers. Unfortunately I was assigned the middle of the round when
the wind cut an easy max to 4 1/2min.
3. I was amazed at how few 5min models existed.
4. Much as I hated the wingtip & prop ROG at he time, I think Bob Whites
ROG proposal would be a real equalizer today. Probably wouldn't see
too many DPR mechanisms. Fewer VP's.
5. Going to 5 maxes of 3 min put an extra burden on chasing and resulted
in more flyoffs, causing even more chasing. 7 flites got even more
6. Why are field size and visability factors when some kook like me
proposes 5 minute maxes in the dawn hours, yet 5,7 & 9 minutes
in the late afternoon when the wind is stronger are no problem?
7. The delayed flite or attempt was originally applied with ROG and
unlimited flite time. If the idea is to erase a gust at launch or
other act of god , then shouldn't the attempt be 2:59?
With today's performance, 3 rounds of 5min max, starting at dawn, would
generally result in less chasing fewer flyoffs and emphasize performance
over air picking.
ROG in F1B would de-emphasize DPR, VP and the javelin launch.
ROG in F1C would make it difficult to recruit timers.
There's some food for thought,
Pim Ruyter's Lastes Price List On-Line
We have just received Pim Ruyter's latest retriver/tracker price list
put it on-line in the sources section of the SCAT
Web Site.
The URL is
Pim's Address etc is :
Ambachtsheerelaan 78,
Tel/Fax : +31 348 443385 (after 18.00 hours and weekend)
E-mail :
Post Bank/Giro account Amsterdam 6708256
Doug Joyce's Problem and Solution With an Errant Climb Maneuver
Doug discussed with me his new problem with his canard ships. He had done
work on the crank shaft and managed to increase rpm by 500. Also, he made
another prop, increasing the pitch to 3.5 inches, a half inch more than the
going value in the business.
The flight pattern was slightly changed. The increased rpm and pitch allowed
the ship to increase its max speed from 75 fps to 125 fps. The increased
speed caused the canard to twist to negative values, thus causing the ship to
pushover. However, after nosing over for 10-15 degrees, the ship then changed
to a positive pitch rate, swooping up and tending to go over slightly on its
back before engine shutdown. This is what he and I pondered over Saturday
My suggestion was to build another wing and canard with forward sweep. This
would result in the wing twisting positively, and hopefully to counter the
twist due to camber on wing and canard. He did not like the idea.
Sunday morning he had found the answer (around 4am?), saying that the trailing
edge of the wing was lifting where it mounts on the fuselage, but only at such
a high speed.
Doug may well have a better answer, but this is what I gleaned from his
As an aside, it must be mentioned that he was out and about with his canard
F1A. I do not think that ship will reach 125 fps.
Bill Bogart
AMA's $$$
From: "Cenny Breeman"
Hi Roger,
I just read on the entry form of the Max Men contest, that the entry fee is
Non US or Canadian flyers have to pay more than the double because of an
extra 28$ for AMA membership.
Can somebody explain me why we are forced to become members of the AMA in
order to compete in an open world cup contest?
I thought that these evil practices only happened in Yugoslavia.
Cenny Breeman
Priestersweg 3
3621 Rekem
(+ 32 (0)89-721144
Fax + 32 (0)89-721144
[reply ..
This is somewhat of embarassement to the FF sportsmen in the USA.
We understand that it is to provide some form of insurance coverage,
in the litigous USA but are seeking confirmation on that.
Note that it is significantly less than the regular AMA membership.
SCAT Electronic News
This is the SCAT Electronic news. It object is to support Free Flight
Model Airplanes. It is e-mailed out on an irregular basis whenever
'enough' news is collected. It is published in conjunction with the SCAT
Online web site at
Contributions are invited. Mail them to
Any information of interest to FAI Free Flighters is welome, contest
announcements, contest results, product information, technology
information, comments on rules etc.
Images are better submitted in GIF or JPEG formats
as they are smaller [than BMP].
We have a Free Flight Sources section on the Website where
information, pricelists etc from Free Flight Suppliers are published.
These are published free of charge provided they contain no images.
The supplier is responsible for the text. Refrences to other web
sites is encouraged.
Text can be plain text or a MS Word Document [I will convert it to
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SCAT is the Southern California Aero Team.
Roger Morrell