SCAT Electronic News January 12
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SCAT Electronic News January 12
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America's Cup results 1998
Subject: SCAT Electronic News January 10 1999 -Reply
From: David Ackery
Re suggestions on changes to the Wakefield rules, I am solidly with
John Clapp on this one, I would like to see proposals that will make
Wakefield more attractive and popular, rather than changes that will
squeeze people out.
Here in New Zealand this class is struggling for support and we need to
find ways to get more people involved. I feel that we are getting our
priorities wrong if we loose sight of this.
And re Doug Joyce's ' problem',
He did some work on the crank, increased the pitch by 0.5 inch, gained
500 rpm, and his terminal velocity went from 75 fps to 125 fps. That is
66% gain in max speed, !!!. What a problem to have !!!. (who needs
gears ?).
The question of course is how did he do it ?.
If he wants to tell us of course.
Perhaps it is the prop that is helping. I know that the C/L team race fliers
here are using a new prop design, very wide at the root tapering to a
very narrow tip, it provides much better acceleration (same top speed)
so gives better race times (one start, 2 or 3 pit stops).
It seems to me that this would be perfect for F1C, since the power run is
all about acceleration.
Great to have SCAT back online,
David Ackery
America's Cup 1998
F1A W Total
Sportsmen 1638212 6 134 5 2 3 24X 8 2 X 2 2414133 178 225
Barron, Andrew 1 # 21 20 23 26 90
VanNest, Brian 2 9 28 20# 296 86
Weiler, Randy 3 292510 18 82
Diez, Hector 4 19 23 258 75
Markos, Chuck 5 10 20 2610 15 61
Puhakka, Risto 5 14 30 8 8 9 61
Zink, Don 3028 58
Parker, Jim 24 13 19 56
Bradley, Jim 15 20 16 51
Fedor, Mike # 15 10 10 50
Coussens, Tom 2015 13 10 48
McKever, Mike* 23 24 47
Sifleet, Bob 25 15 40
Spence, Steve 5 15 # 40
Allnutt, Peter 20 14 34
Brun, Pierre 30 30
Gewain, Matt 30 30
Cowley, Martyn 18 10 28
Parker, Dallas (Jr)* 28 28
Schlosberg, Aram 26 26
Coussens, Steven (Jr) 25 25
Robbins, Herb 25 25
Ellis, Dave (Jr) 21 21
Italiano, Tony 21 21
McQuade, Pete 10 10 20
Hines, Lee 18 18
Klipp, Robert 5 11 16
Scharb, Bill* 16 16
Tzvetkov,Tzvetan 16 16
Barron, John (Jr)* 15 15
Barron, Peter (Jr)* 11 11
Erguner, Omer 11 11
Avila, George 5 5 10
Leath, Don 10 10
Smitz, Willard 5 5 10
Fags, K 6 6
Marsh, Adam (Jr) 6 6
Campell, Lee 5 5
Grogan, Harry 5 5
No. of entrants 39
* indicates new entra
'X'' Columns: No points awarded because the contest was not flown or
did not meet America Cup rules.
}{ indicates total score is not valid because a minimum of three sites
were not flown per rule 4 (Final score sheet, F1A,B,C only).
Send Corrections to: Jim Parker 9524 Ruffner Ave., North Hills, CA. 91343
or ee:mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
F1B W Total
Sportsmen 2246242 2 153 9 105 26X 7 4 6 X 3424133 266 287
Brush, Al 1 1025 30 28 93
Andriukov, Vladi 2 2530 29 84
Batiuk, George 3 15 20 25 20 80
Crowley, Paul 3 1717 21 25 80
McGlashan, Jerry 5 15 22 20 20 15 72
Morrell, Roger 19 26 15 60
Norvall, Larry 2015 23 58
Ioerger, Tom 30 6 21 57
Fitch, Jerry 30 25 55
Jensen, Blake 20 30 50
Ghio, Walt 25 14 39
Piserchio, Bob 308 38
Cooney, Ralph 26 10 36
Brooks, Jim # 15 5 35
Tymchek, Bob 1520 35
Blom, Fred 5 27 32
Sessums, Herb 1020 30
Sessums, John 30 30
Maves, Roger 27 27
Miller, Blaine * 26 26
Tracy, Dan 10 16 26
Clapp, John* 25 25
Turner, Ed 25 25
Andriukov, Alex 24 24
Matsuno, Chris 7 16 23
Saks, Dave 22 22
Ewing, Rick 21 21
Achterberg, M 20 20
Dunham, Bob II 20 20
Laird. Tom * 18 18
Ioerger, Rod 16 16
Pearce, Fred 15 15
Shailor, Bill 15 15
Stafford, Jim* 15 15
Pratt, J* 13 13
Friebis, Joe* 12 12
O'Reilly, Jim 12 12
Hinson, Rex 5 6 11
Kozak, Bill* 11 11
Roberts, Mike * 11 11
Sifleet, Bob 11 11
Furutani, Norm 10 10
Hockaday, Don 10 10
Joyner, Louis 10 10
Luken, Jim 10 10
O'Dwyer, John* 10 10
Watters, John* 10 10
Woods, Dick* 10 10
Bennett, Mark* 9 9
Gibbons, Bill 7 7
Schroeder, L 6 6
Avil, George 5 5
No. of entrants 45
F1C W Total
Sportsmen 1323105 1 3 2 8 2 3 15X 2 3 X X 17121 4 7 2 133
Keck, Ed 1 233027 6 9 28 108
Spence, Henry 2 25 # 1519 25 84
Simpson, Roger 3 1825 # 18 81
Gutai, Bob 4 10 26 29 # 80
Archer,Randy 5 28 17 10 55
Warren, John 22 26 48
Parker, Faust 20 # 10 45
Galbreath, Doug 23 21 44
Kerger, Terry 8 # # 19 16 43
Waterman,Bob 2913 42
Chesson, Don 16 24 40
Mekina, Joe 21 15 36
Joyce, Doug 7 # 8 5 35
Sifleet, Bob 15 # 25
Sugden, Dave 24 24
Halliday, Dave 20 20
Troutman, Mark 15 15
Schlachta, Frank 14 14
Perkins, Daryl 13 13
Broderson, Hardy 11 11
Carroll, Ed # 10
Fedor, Mike* 5 5 10
Kibiki, K* 10 10
Phair, Ken 10 10
Poti, Norm 5 5 10
Reid Simpson 10 10
Wood, Mark 10 10
Dunham, Bob II 5 5
Etherington, Chuck 5 5
Kirilenko, Andrei 5 5
No. of entrants 29
F1H W Total
Sportsmen 5 9 4 3 7 9 2 5 X 2 211 4 2 X 3 4 5 X 5 3 94
Cowley,Martyn 1 27# 27 30 20 109
VanNest, Brian 2 2522# 7 25 5 25 # 97
Smith, Norm 3 10 5 17 15# 15 67
Pailet, Jean 4 11 20 5 10 15 56
Ghio, Walt 5 201710 47
Ioerger, Tom 6 25 15 46
Ellis, Dave (jr) 26 10 36
Brun, Pierre 25 25
Fedor, Mike 10 5 10 25
Markos, Chuck 15 10 25
Puhakka, Pisto 5 20 25
Smitz, Willard 15 10 25
Halsey, Clayton 22 22
Pelatowski, Ed 21 21
Boehm, Bernard 20 20
Norton, Bob 10 10 20
Schlarb, Bill 20 20
Weiler, Randy* 20 20
Nippert, Vic 16 16
Campell, Lee 10 5 15
Coussens, Ben (Jr)* 15 15
Sifleet, Bob 15 15
Troutman, Mark 15 15
Buddenbohm, Stan 12 12
Halsey, Anne* 12 12
Lane, Robert* 7 5 12
Matsuno, Chris 10 10
Spence, Steve 10 10
Thorn, Bob* 10 10
Bridge, Trevor 5 5
Donde, A* 5 5
Etherington, Bill 5 5
McKina, J 5 5
Parker, Faust* 5 5
Sheffer, Jackie 5 5
Staley, Bill 5 5
No. of entrants
F1G W Total
Sportsmen 139 121 6 8 126 X 8 444 4 3 1 X 5 4 5 X 107 162
White, Bob 1 2827# 21 2025# 27 107
Williams, Joseph 2 17 # 26 10 1010 21 74
Clapp, John 3 22 21 15 5 63
Wood, Dick* 4 10 25 12 47
Kamla, John 5 26 20 46
Davis, Mike 16 20 36
Fitch, Jerry 1812 30
Jahnke, Ross* 30 30
Emery, Jack 28 28
Henderson, Dave 28 28
Smith, Dan 27 27
Creshenbury, Bill *8 18 26
Factor, Ray* 26 26
Hatschek, Bob 26 26
Cole, Hank* 25 25
Ringlten, Andy 25 25
Pratt, John 13 11 24
Critchlow, Bob 8 15 23
O'Reilly, Jim 23 23
Thorn, Bob* 23 23
Jensen, E* 22 22
Pearce, Fred 22 22
Matsuno, Chris 6 15 21
Wilson, Dale 21 21
Brocks, Peter* 1010 20
Clowes, George* 20 20
Vargo, Edward* 20 20
Zeisloft, Jon 20 20
Batiuk, George 17 17
Hotard, Al 17 17
Stafford, Jim* 17 17
Ioeger, Rod 16 16
Markos, Chuck 11 5 16
Parkyn, Chris 16 16
Anderson, Dick* 15 15
O'Dwyer, John 7 8 15
Sneed, Ed* 15 15
Stiles, Charlie* 13 13
Dunlap, Jeff 12 12
Wiley, Ed* 12 12
Barron, John (Jr) 11
Mathison, Bob 11 11
Norvall, Larry 6 5 11
Borchers, Gene* 10 10
Hilliard, George 7 7
Sessums, John 7 7
Blom, Fred 6 6
Bowls, T. * 6 6
Breshan 5 5
Brooks, Jim 5 5
Fitz, John* 5 5
Gunn, Wade 5 5
Sexton, Mark * 5 5
No. of entrants 47
F1J W Total
Sportsmen 5 5 3 5 5 4 4 8 X 6 225 8 4 2 X 3 5 X X 3 5 102
Parker, Faust 1 2015 20 25 1125 90
Spence, Steve 2 25 25 21 71
Augustus, Bruce 3 5 25 # 25 5 70
Happersett, Ken 3 2510# # 15 70
Pailet, Jean 5 20 11 1115 20 66
Vanderbeek, Bill # 15 20 60
Johannas, Robert* 30 26 56
Fulmer, Keith 26 15 16 42
Haught, Jim 10 6 20 36
Parsons, Dave 5 # 10 35
Perkins, Robert 20 15 35
Campbell, Lee 16 10 26
Hanford, Robert 26 26
Clinton, Bo 25 25
Higgs, Adam* 25 25
Marsh, Jack 21 21
Mekina, Joe 6 5 10 21
Poti, Jason (Jr) 21 21
Combs, Bob 10 10 20
Lynch, Bill 15 5 20
Poti, Norm 20 20
Roberts, Mike 20 20
Stalick, Bob* 10 10 20
Sheffer, Jackie 16 16
Adams, David 15 15
Bartick, Don 15 15
Beluff, Daniel* 15 15
Carroll, Ed # 15
Kerger, Terry* 15 15
Mace, Marvin 15 15
Archer, Randy 10 10
Fedor, Mike 5 5 10
Greer, Jason* 10 10
Hockaday, Donald 5 5 10
Ludwigsen, Rob* 10 10
Murphy, Charlie 10 10
Synder, Russ 10 10
Erin, John* 6 6
Lunesford, Tim* 5 5
Simkins, Don 5 5
Thompson, Ross 5 5
Troutman, Mark 5 5
Wike, Frank* 5 5
No. of entrants 43
Roger Morrell