SCAT Electronic News February 3, 1999
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- Category: Archive 1999
- Hits: 1175
SCAT Electronic News February 3, 1999
Table Of Contents
US Comments on FAI rules changes
FAI Web Site
Electronic timer souces of information
Words from an Old Codger
Vikane, Methyl Bromide, Termites and Rubber
Another Source of Model Tracking Equipment
Upcoming Events
US Comments on FAI rules changes
George Xenakis says that US flyer's comments to
the AMA and hence the FAI are being channelled through
Dan Tracy.
Dan, how do you want people to get those comments to you ?
We will try and publish a summary of the proposed changes
to help people focus their opinions
FAI Web Site
The FAI have revamped their web site at and
it looks good.
They have used a new technology for managing the information,
in particular the contest calandar. It is important for contest
orgaizers to look at this before submitting their information
each year. They now include e-mail and web site addresses.
Electronic timer souces of information
Ceeny Breeman has written a very intersting article on his web site
about electronic timers. He talks about different mechanical linkages
which appears to be a major problem for some flyers.
Words from an Old Codger
I got a call from Bob White the other day. He said
that he was an Old Codger and didn't have a computer
but got to read SCAT Electronic news anyway.
He wanted to make a a couple of comments on the
F1B rules changes - Firstly if you must changes
- do not reduce the rubber, increase the minimum
weight and prohibit delayed launch.
Note that I take phone input for SCAT Electronic News
from only a few people and Bob is one of them.
[note Bob's message arrived before the recent annoucement
of the FAI agenda]
Vikane, Methyl Bromide, Termites and Rubber
Scat Electronic News 31 January 1999
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Vikane (not vicane)is not a methyl bromide derivative. Its chemical
name is sulfuryl fluoride. Very nasty stuff, but extremely volatile
with boiling point (-)68 degrees F. My guess is that it is probably
more reactive than methyl bromide, but since it evaporates so rapidly,
it isn't around long enough to cause rubber damage.
Modeller's Perspective
· Re Methlyl Bromide: Now that aeromodels are all-composite,
why even worry about Termites ?
[that's true Martyn, especially as I have given up my wooden
model box and gone to a metal Batiuk Box and I knew
there was a reason why I didn't like wood props ]
Methyl Bromide
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This bromide is not your everyday headache reliever. It will relieve the
headache by killing the body and mind action.
MB was the chemical of choice for aircraft fire prevention at the time I
started work with the Glenn L Martin Company in Baltimore in 1950 - a major
aircraft firm. How long it had been in use, I do not know. However, it was
gone in about 5 years, replaced by something else.
I would not think of getting near the stuff.
Bill Bogart
[spoken like a true termite..]
[conclusion .. that Vikane is probably not harmful to rubber -
but I'm not going to risk my remaining Jul 97. I thank
fellow F1B flyers who offrered to store it for me ! but
think it would be safer with a non-modelling friend ! ]
Another Source of Model Tracking Equipment
Vin Morgan, Australian F1A flyer has been selling a tracker for
many years now under the name of Free Flight Technology Model Tracking.
The beacons are produced in two versions. Version O is supplied without a
battery, giving the user a number of options. Version L is attached to a
holder for a CR1220 lithium coin cell.
Specifications (both models)
Antenna: 300 mm steel wire
Output: unmodulated RF. On ~40mS, off ~ 2S.
Frequency: crystal controlled in the 152 MHz band. Other frequencies can be
made to order.
Version O
Size: 21x 9 x 7mm
Weight: 1.9 gm
No battery supplied. Options include:
3 V from two watch batteries
Lithium pin battery or coin cell
2x AA or AAA cells
Price $70 USD
Version L
Weight: 3.7 gm
Size: 23x12x13 mm
Battery CR1220 lithium cell. 35 mAh
(gives about 200 hours duration).
Price $72 USD
Tax is not payable for overseas orders.
Vin and Leigh Morgan
Free Flight Technology
644 Canning Street
North Carlton
Victoria 3054
Phone/Fax (61)-3-9387 2531
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
See the Souces section of the SCAT Web site [capitalization is important]
for more details
Upcoming Events
Feb 6 - 7 Isaacson Winter Classic at Lost Hills
FAI events, Open Power, rubber and glider,
catapult glider, P30 and Gollwock Challenge.
All events except F1A,B and C on Saturday.
Free Burgers and chips Sat night.
e_mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for Details
Feb 12 - 15 Max Men 14 Rounder at Lost Hills
Fri 12 - F1H, F1G and F1J for America's
13 and 14 F1A, F1B and F1C for World Cup and America's Cup
[7 rounds flown each day]
15 Reserve Day
e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Feb 12 America's Cup Awards Banquet at Wasco [18 miles from
Lost Hills]. Reservations a must either on field up to 1pm on Fri
at Lost Hills or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
March 6 - 7 SCAT Annual at Lost Hills - America's Cup,
F1A F1B F1C F1H F1G F1J Mulvihill and P30.
Pot Luck cookout/banquet on the field sat night. All Invited.
March 12 - 14 Matfors VT INternational , World Cup F1A, B and C.
e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Morrell