SCAT Electronic News 9 February 1999
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SCAT Electronic News 9 February
Table of Contents
CIAM Rules Changes proposals
F1C Proposal - Gil Morris
Don Leath's reply to Al Ulm
Flyoff and Rubber - Bob Wiehle
Isaacson Winter Classic
Lyme Disease
Beginner's F1B model
CIAM Rules Changes proposals
On the 1 February we sent out a text version of the
FAI Rules chnages proposals. It was a very long message and
some pople may not have got it. Also we had to send it twice
because of a transmission error the first time. This
document is filed under News and reports - 1999. The last
part of the document is the upcoming events. I had reports that
some people were not able to read the document - It may be because
of the size or formatting. Iy you are unable to do so or can't
download it as described below .. and want to read it, please
let us know at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
The proposal has some drastic changes that would obselete
most models and change radically the way FAI FF is flown.
There are a number of other smaller changes.
You can get the document and download it from the SCAT Site
and from the FAI Web site.
We want to publish a summary but need to make many F1B
motors for the MaxMen contest .. so will be a little late with that.
F1C Proposal
My first reaction to the Italian fuel allotment proposal for F1C was -
it's crazy. But then it struck me - it solves a lot of problems. It:
1. Eliminates overruns and human timer problems.
2. Eliminates brakes.
3. Favors engine efficiency, which probably means lower RPM and higher
torque engines which, in turn, would mean larger more efficient props.
This likely would end the threat of the gear reducer.
4. Probably would end the bunt as we know it because of timing.
5. Probably would be a return to the corkscrew climb and simple auto
surfaces. It would end the need for super rigid wings.
6. Fuel efficiency would be all the focus - always a worthy pursuit. We
would make every drop of fuel count, whereas now fuel efficiency is no
object as we spray raw fuel out the intake and out the exhaust only for
Too early to say "go for it", but has possibilities. Gil Morris
Don Leath's reply to Al Ulm
I concur with Al Ulm's views on f1b and feel that the "old
codger" (rpw) is right
On when he says "don't change the rubber weight just add ballast weight". This
Way no one would have to discard expensive models and the supposed goal of
Reduced performance could be achieved. Who knows, maybe the new rule could also
Allow models with no automation to use the current amount (40gms) of rubber at
The current weight. The end result would be a weighted down quasi-handicapped
automated model and a non-automated lighter model going head to head on a
Relatively even basis. But.........I ramble!!!
As an f1a person, I don't agree with Al's evaluation of f1a. While f1a
Improvements are obvious, and while I haven't run the numbers for percentage
Comparisons, I think that f1a has seen the least improvement overall. I also
Feel that the only equitable way to make any changes is with weight handicapping
Of the automated models for the reasons listed above.
While on the soap box and with all due respect to the Italian aero modelers
, I feel that the only application of their "5 minutes to launch" proposal would
be in a contest with "hundreds" of fliers in each event i.e.: Poitou and some of
the few other central European contests where timers and the opportunity for
each sportsman to fly in each round is challenged.
Flyoff and Rubber - Bob Wiehle
Not to beat on a dead horse but here are some observations on event
No. 1: Leave everything alone except for one thing, no rounds longer then
seven (7) minutes.
The timers would love this, those binoculars start getting heavy, that
speck you see is really a speck not a model. As the wind comes up
retrival gets more and more difficult, especially if your model has no
retrival system. Since there is no B.O.M. rulle anymore it becomes
extremely painful to see a model costing $1,000.00 to $1,200.00 disappear.
The S.C.A.T. Clubs last two contests were run this way and no flyoff wnet
beyond seven (7) minutes. At the january meet in Eloy all three classes
went to flyoff and nothing went past seven (7) minutes. All events had
world class flyers, at least three (3) W.C. in each event. Conclusion:
Everyone profits.....timers, contestants and organizers.
Here's another observation on rules for F1B:
If you would just talk to John Clapp (Maker of T-2 Rubber) you would know
that rubber isn't going to get fact the last two batches
were a little inferior. Cutting down on rubber weight won't work. For
those of us who have flown Wakefield long enough, remember Pirelli when it
went Wakefield almost died. I feel that building models to 200 grams by
experts is easy, but very difficult for the modeler with average skills.
To make a more level playing field, let's make the empty weight 210 grams.
There are some of us left who still build our own models. We're trying to
encourage the sport not KILL it, 'Nuf said.
With this I'll fold up my soapbox and fade away!
Bob Wiehle
Isaacson Winter Classic
Gee Roger-I was a little disapointed in the results-my dns in the last round
was a max-timed by Martin but not apparently turned in-I would much rather be
5th than whererever-and I'm not sure I should be punished for not turning in
my card as I never had pocession of it-I did mark a max on the time sheet when
I noticed it wasn't filled out-oh well sour grapes but would like the results
corrected if possible as 5th is saying soomething in the conditions and
competition-good contest Roger-enjoyed a well run event-see you at the Max Men
Mike McKeever
[comment - Mike I went all over the field asking for people to turn
in their cards.. We wanted them at the end of every round so
we could print out a ranked list, but never could in F1A. So
wat the end we went with what we had. It is the contestant's
responsibility to hand in the card. I will check with Norm.
I think the un-offical international jury of Peter Allnutt, Cenny Breeman
and Lindy Murrell earned their skills under Judge Roy Bean]
Lyme Disease
I don't know if you've reported on it, or plan to report on it, but there is a
vaccine (or several) available for Lyme Disease.
Information is available on the Internet at
Information on the Smith Kline Beecham vaccine is available at:
888-LYMERIX, ext. 500
Best Regards,
Robert Whitesides
[Robert .. sorry to be a little chauvinistic but I do not think
it's a problem at Lost Hills so we over looked it. ]
Beginners F1B Model
Seen at LAX [and at the MaxMen this weekend] new beginners
F1B model. Designed especially for Junior flyers by Igor
Vivchar. It will be available ready made at $170 and in Kit form
at $122. This model will be used by the F1B school that
George Batiuk will be running at the Nationals. Junior sportsmen
should see George or me. Sal Fruciano at Starline is looking
at stocking the model. The model fits other Vivchar parts so can be upgraded
as the flyer progresses.
Roger Morrell