SCAT Electronic News 13 March 1999
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- Category: Archive 1999
- Hits: 1195
SCAT Electronic News 13 March
Table of Contents
F5B Foam Wing
BlackMagic and Electronic Timers
Cyclon Web Site
A small correction from Mr Hines
Lost and Found
Texas America's Cup
F5B Foam Wing
For those interested in Foam construction visit Mike Searle's F5B site
BlackMagic and Electronic Timers
Hi Roger,
I'm interested in learning more about the Black Magic timers and any other
electronic timers that are being sold for free flight use. Any suggestions?
Jon Davis
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Info on the BlackMagic is at
I have a version for F1A and F1B/C/J/G.
Another is CST's Smart Sytem on this is for F1A.
Rod Mogle makes a timer for F1C that is a drop in replacement
for the Seelig. See him in the suppliers section.
In Europe the leaing timer is the 'Danish Timer' by Torleif Jensen.
There is also stuff in various NFFS symos about electronic timers.
Cyclon Web Site
Per Ehnwall, a Swedish Team racer runs a web site that has
amongst other things information about the Russian Cyclon
engines, including the F1J beauty.
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A small correction
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
While bored @ work I snooped around on the SCAT site (oops! isn't that
where the unmentionable
"brown bits" are deposited?) and came across a large pix of "lee hines"
(eyes closed, possibly I
fly better that way).
At the end it states "---Silver Medal 1979 ---". Unfortunately the
Bronze medal I have in front of me
sez "VOL LIBRE 3eme place PLANEURS", so I can't take credit for 2nd.
In any case, just to set the record straight, and not deminish Per
Quarnstrom's fine effort, maybe
you can make a correction sometime. He, or someone else who knows 20
year-old FFWC history,
might look in and say, hmmm!
Related short story, same comp.
In flyoff (4 min rd) both Tom Koster's and my plane looked to be in
trouble, sinking out as they went
south over the straw grass and I'm sure would have dropped time except
for the chase crews riding
around and around to regen the thermal which allowed us to max.
Thanx again to Don and Steve Zink, Doug Galbreath, Ken Oliver, Randy
Secor and Bob Deshields.
Without their efforts Tom and I would not have climbed the Victory
Lost & Found
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Bob White found a pair of sweat pants after Max Men event
any claimants ?
Texas Americas cup schedule
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Roger; The Texas Cloud Climbers still do not have their act together. We
are reserving July 10 and 11 with AMA for our contest. We plan to have
all six FAI events. BUT we still haven't nailed down a site! I will CD
the big FAI events and Henry Spence the Mini's.
John O'Dwyer
141 St Anthony Dr.
Crowley, TX 76036
(817) 346-2413
Roger Morrell