SCAT Electronic News March 26 1999
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- Category: Archive 1999
- Hits: 1157
SCAT Electronic News March 26 1999
Table of Contents
Upcomomg Events
Big Tissue Rip Off - only an Internet typo
CIAM grams
F1B Rule Change
Upcoming Events
This weekend at Lost Hills - SCAT Fun Fly aka trimming and training session
with BlackMagic factory rep in attendance. Yes contrary to what
some people believe FAI flyers do have fun !
April 10 and 11 - Lost Hills - BFT Contest with FAI events - your first
chance to get qualifing seconds for 2001 WC in Australia. You can also
fly AMA stuff too.....
April 23-23 triple booked weekend for the Diehard US FAI man
- Eastern FF Champs in Ingleside MD - Aerica's Cup
- America's Cup in Seguin, Texas
- Sav Valeers Annual at Taft
May 1-2 Norcal Champs at Waegel Field Sacraremento - America's Cup
May 15-16 SCAT Banco at Lost Hills
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject : Dilly Tissue Price
I've just spotted that on the 'Quality Vintage Tissue' note on
the Materials page the demon '3' has crept into the price quoted for the
Dilly Jap tissue, as it did for the Forum Reports. Correct price is stg
8.50, not 38.50. Score one for the gremlins! I thought the orders were a
bit slow to flood in...
Australia for 2001! =
CIAM grams
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject : Re: SCAT Electronic News March 23 1999
Printed on System : aeromodel dot com for scat
on Date : Fri Mar 26 06:55:22 1999
Roger... Please check your sources as to the 220 gram F1B weight. I talked
to Dan Tracy today, and he said the rules went to 30 gram motor and 200
gram airframe weight. Still unfortunate, but not tragic. Bill
[Bill .. Dan is to write a report so we will see soon]
F1B Rule Change
On the F1B change mentioned I'm assuming that the new rule is 30g rubber and 220G
airframe weight, total at 250g vs. the current 35g rubber and 195g airframe and
230g total weight? I think it's a move in the right direction. With current F1B
model performance at 6 minutes+ the technology of the models is clearly out of
synch with the original objectives of a 3 minute max. The sport of F1B will be no
less fun or demanding under the new rule and there are other benefits from the
change such as a better balance between rounds flying and fly off performance.
I'm glad to see the CIAM is looking at the bigger picture and making appropriate
Jon Davis
[Jon as you can see from the above there is some confusion on the
weight and when this will come into play]
Roger Morrell