SCAT Electronic News April 28 1999
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SCAT Electronic News April 28 1999
Table of Contents
Spring Cup Results
Seguin flying field observations
Upcoming Events
R/C Noise Polution
SCAT Electronic News
Spring Cup Results
Seguin, TX 24-25 April 99
Faust Parker reports -
F1A (3 Flew)
1. Steve Spence Steve was the only one clean, Mike dropped 15 sec.
2. Mike Fedor
3. Mark Troutman
F1B (5 Flew)
1. Fred Pearce Fred and Al were clean. Fred won 300 to 263 on the
2. Al Brush 5 minute flyoff. Fred went on to flyoff against Henry
3. Jim O'Reilly Spence for High Time and won with an OOS 261,
4. Richard Wood which I was chasing and timed to the ground at 9.5 min.
5. Don Hockaday
F1C (5 Flew)
1. Henry Spence Henry, Reid and Faust were clean. Their Flyoff times were
2. Reid Simpson 300, 253, and 180 respectfully. Faust indicated that his 3.5
3. Faust Parker sec. Engine run might not have helped him much.
4. Mike Fedor
5. Mark Troutman
Open Gas (5 Flew)
1. Russ Snyder Nobody clean. This event pits AMA ships against each other
2. Marvin "El Bunto" Mace under the FAI format. Challenging with the 5 sec
3. Charlie Bruce engine run and 3 minute maxes!
4. Bill Shaw
5. C.C. Johnson
F1H (2 Flew)
1. Mike Fedor Neither Clean. How windy was it? Mike had the AMA
2. Mark Troutman numbers blow off his wing!
F1G (3 Flew)
1. Richard Wood Nobody Clean. These guys had a rough time with the wind.
2. Jim O'Reilly Several folded wings.
3. John O'Dwyer
F1J (7 Flew)
1. Faust Parker Faust and Steve clean. Both made the 3 minute flyoff.
2. Steve Spence Faust went on to win 240 to 220 on the 4. Steve's dad
3. Marvin Mace Henry, said of the wind early in the day " it's too windy to
4. Russ Snyder haul rocks".
5. Don Simpkins
[Good to see Fred Pearce keeping Al Brush honest.
Someone had told me that was going to stop flying F1B,
but fortunately it looks like that is not true.
Also It looks like if you went America's Cupping , it did not matter
if it was to Maryland or Texas it was windy. But blowing the numbers
off the wing sounds like a good Texas story]
Seguin flying field observations
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Having heard so many terrible tales about the conditions at Seguin,
I feel it is appropriate to make a few comments.
I was braced and apprehensive for the worst, but even with high wind
drift, my F1B never flew out of the fields' perimeter. This is due to
the experience of the CD (Faust Parker), who anticipated wind
direction, velocity and probable flight duration; which circumvented
the obstacles of trees, fences, water pools and off field landings. I
did not hear of any contestant having difficulty, unless trim or D/T
timing was at fault.
Also, flying and chasing on a glorious montaged carpet of wild flowers
is an ultimate experience.
The biggest thing about Texas is the hearts of their FAI flyers!
I suggest that you put their contests on your future itinerary.
Allen Brush
Upcoming Events
May 1-2 Norcal Champs, Waegel Field Sacramento
May 15 SCAT Banco , Lost Hills
Subject : RE: SCAT Electronic News 26 April 1999
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Regarding Martin Dilly's comments about noise regulations for FF: All the
more reason to discourage powered RC activities at free-flight sites, a
practice that is becoming more common and is objectionable from several
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over the world from World Champions to beginners.
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Roger Morrell